Class AnnotationManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • AnnotationManager

        public AnnotationManager​(com.ironsoftware.ironpdf.internal.staticapi.InternalPdfDocument internalPdfDocument)
        Please get AnnotationManager by PdfDocument.getAnnotation() instead.
        internalPdfDocument - the internal pdf document
    • Method Detail

      • addTextAnnotation

        public void addTextAnnotation​(AnnotationOptions options,
                                      int pageIndex)
        Adds an annotation to a page of this InternalPdfDocument
        options - The annotation options as a AnnotationOptions object.
        pageIndex - Index of the page to add the annotation. The first page has a PageIndex of 0
      • getAnnotationCount

        public int getAnnotationCount​(int pageIndex)
        Retrieves the number of annotations contained on the specified page
        pageIndex - Index of the page to get the annotation. The first page has a PageIndex of 0
        Number of annotations contained on the page