定位 IronPdf.Slim.dll 失败
假设您已通过 pip 使用以下命令安装了 .NET 6.0 SDK 和 IronPdf:
pip install ironpdf
执行 Python 脚本时可能会遇到以下异常:
Exception has occurred: Exception
Failed to locate IronPdf.Slim.dll at 'C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311/IronPdf.Slim'. Please see https://ironpdf.com/troubleshooting/quick-ironpdf-troubleshooting/ for more information
File "C:\Users\Name\OneDrive\Documents\IronPdfPythonNew\working\viewport.py", line 1, in <module>
from ironpdf import *
Exception: Failed to locate IronPdf.Slim.dll at 'C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311/IronPdf.Slim'. Please see https://ironpdf.com/troubleshooting/quick-ironpdf-troubleshooting/ for more information
包含 IronPdf.Slim
import sys
# This line should point to the root directory that contains the IronPdf.Slim folder.
# Users can determine this location by running `pip uninstall ironpdf` and pressing `N`.
sys.prefix = '/path/to/python/packages'
import sys
# This line should point to the root directory that contains the IronPdf.Slim folder.
# Users can determine this location by running `pip uninstall ironpdf` and pressing `N`.
sys.prefix = r'C:\Users\lyty1\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311'
from ironpdf import *
# Instantiate Renderer
renderer = ChromePdfRenderer()
# Create a PDF from a URL or local file path
pdf = renderer.RenderUrlAsPdf("https://ironpdf.com/")
# Export to a file or Stream
大多数第三方库都安装在名为 "site-packages "的目录中,该目录位于 Python 安装目录中,或者如果使用虚拟环境,则位于虚拟环境目录中。这是 Python 解释器可以访问的目录。
IronPDF 将安装 IronPdf.Slim
和 IronPdf.Native.Chrome.Windows
具体位置可能因操作系统和 Python 配置而异。