Flask Python (How It Works For Developers)

Published August 13, 2024


Flask is a versatile and lightweight Python web framework designed to assist developers in swiftly creating efficient and scalable complex web applications. It offers a range of tools and libraries tailored for rapid development. It is known for its simplicity and minimalism, making it easy to get started with web development environment in Python. In this article let us look into Flask Python package, its features and also later briefly touch base on IronPDF Python Package.

Getting Started

Flask is a powerful and flexible micro web server framework for Python. It’s ideal for both small and large complex web applications. Here are some key features of Flask:

  1. Lightweight and Minimalistic:

    • Flask lightweight web application framework has very few dependencies, providing only essential components for web development, such as routing, request handling, templating, and testing.
    • It doesn’t impose a rigid structure, allowing developers to build applications their way.
  2. Routing System:

    • Flask project provides a routing system that maps URLs to view functions.
    • You can easily define different routes and handle HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.).
  3. Template Inheritance Engine (Jinja2):

    • Flask web framework includes Jinja2, a powerful template engine.
    • Jinja2 helps generate dynamic HTML file pages by combining templates with data.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility:

    • Flask app allows you to start small and scale up as needed.
    • It’s suitable for everything from basic web pages to complex applications.

Key Features of Flask Framework

  1. Routing: Flask uses decorators to define URL routes, allowing developers to map URLs to Python functions easily. This makes service static files with HTML code easy.

  2. Templates: Flask integrates Jinja2 templating engine, enabling developers to render dynamic HTML and CSS file pages by passing variables from Python code to HTML templates.

  3. Development Server: Flask has a built-in development server that makes it convenient to test and debug applications locally.

  4. Extensions: Flask has a modular design and offers a wide range of extensions (such as SQLAlchemy for database integration, Flask-WTF for form handling, Flask-RESTful for building REST APIs) that add functionality to applications as needed.

  5. HTTP Request Handling: Flask simplifies handling HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) and accessing request data such as form inputs, cookies, and headers.

  6. URL Building: Flask provides utilities for generating URLs dynamically, which helps maintain the flexibility and scalability of web applications.

  7. Integration: Flask can be integrated with other libraries and frameworks, making it versatile for various application requirements and environments.

Example: Creating a Basic Flask Project

Create a file Make sure you have run the below command.

pip install flask

Then add below code to

from flask import Flask # importing flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
    return 'Awesome IronPDF'
if __name__ == '__main__':

Run the code using Python file named like below.



Flask Python (How It Works For Developers): Figure 1 - Flask Output

Introducing IronPDF

Flask Python (How It Works For Developers): Figure 2 - IronPDF: The Python PDF Library

IronPDF is a robust Python library designed for creating, editing, and signing PDF documents using HTML, CSS, images, and JavaScript. It excels in performance with minimal memory usage. Key features include:

  • HTML to PDF Conversion: Convert HTML files, HTML strings, and URLs into PDF documents, such as rendering webpages using the Chrome PDF renderer.

  • Cross-Platform Support: Compatible with Python 3+ on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Cloud Platforms. IronPDF is also available for .NET, Java, Python, and Node.js environments.

  • Editing and Signing: Customize PDF properties, enhance security with passwords and permissions, and apply digital signatures.

  • Page Templates and Settings: Tailor PDFs with headers, footers, page numbers, adjustable margins, custom paper sizes, and responsive layouts.

  • Standards Compliance: Adheres to PDF standards like PDF/A and PDF/UA, supports UTF-8 character encoding, and handles assets such as images, CSS stylesheets, and fonts seamlessly.


pip install ironpdf

Generate PDF Documents using IronPDF and Flask


  1. Make sure Visual Studio Code is installed as code editor
  2. Python version 3 is installed

To start with, let us create a Python file to add our scripts.

Open Visual Studio Code and create a file,

Install necessary libraries:

pip install flask
pip install ironpdf

Then add the below code to demonstrate the usage of IronPDF and Flask Python packages.

from flask import Flask
from flask import request, send_file
from ironpdf import * 
# Apply your license key
License.LicenseKey = "Your key"
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
    return 'Awesome IronPDF'
def pdf():
        g1 = request.args.get('g1')
        g2 = request.args.get('g2')
        renderer = ChromePdfRenderer()
# Create a PDF from a HTML string using Python
        content = "<h1>Document Generated using IronPDF with flask GET</h1>"
        content += "<p> Demonstrate PDF generation using User Inputs"+"</p>"
        content += "<p>"+f"Greetings from: {g1}"+"</p>"
        content += "<p>"+f"And Greetings from: {g2}"+"</p>"
        pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(content)
    # Export to a file or Stream
    # To view the file in the browser, use "inline" for the media_type
        headers = {
            "Content-Disposition": "inline; filename=sample.pdf"
        return send_file('flaskIronPDF.pdf')  
if __name__ == '__main__':

Code Explanation

This code snippet demonstrates a Flask application that utilizes IronPDF to generate and serve a PDF document based on user inputs via URL parameters (`g1` and `g2`).

  1. Imports:

from flask import Flask: Imports the Flask class to create a Flask application.

from flask import request, send_file: Imports request to handle incoming request data and send_file to send files back as responses.

from ironpdf import *: Imports IronPDF functionality for PDF generation.2. Setting License Key:

License.LicenseKey = "Your key": Applies the license key required for IronPDF functionality.3. Flask Application Setup:

app = Flask(__name__): Creates a Flask application instance.4. Route Definitions:

@app.route('/'): Defines a route for the root URL ('/'). When accessed, it returns the string 'Awesome IronPDF'.

@app.route('/pdf'): Defines a route for '/pdf'. When accessed, it generates a PDF document based on user inputs (g1 and g2).5. PDF Generation:

Inside the pdf() function:

Retrieves values of g1 and g2 from the request query parameters using request.args.get().

Initializes a ChromePdfRenderer() instance from IronPDF.

Constructs an HTML string (content) that includes headers and paragraphs dynamically generated based on user inputs.

Uses renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(content) to convert the HTML content into a PDF.

Saves the PDF document locally as 'flaskIronPDF.pdf'.6. Sending the PDF File:

Prepares headers for the response to specify that the file should be viewed inline in the browser ("Content-Disposition": "inline; filename=sample.pdf").

Uses send_file('flaskIronPDF.pdf') to send the generated PDF file back to the user's browser as a response.7. Running the Application:

if name == '__main__': Starts the Flask application in debug mode, allowing for easy debugging and development.

This Flask application demonstrates how to integrate IronPDF for PDF generation within a web application context. It dynamically creates PDFs based on user inputs via URL parameters (`g1` and `g2`) and serves the generated PDF file back to the user's browser. This setup is useful for generating reports, invoices, or any dynamically generated documents directly from web requests.

Output PDF

Flask Python (How It Works For Developers): Figure 3 - PDF Output

IronPDF License

IronPDF runs on the license key for Python. IronPDF for Python offers a free-trial license key to allow users to check out its extensive features before purchase.

Place the License Key at the start of the script before using IronPDF package:

from ironpdf import * 
# Apply your license key
License.LicenseKey = "key"


The `Flask` Python package is utilized for developing web applications. It simplifies the creation of web servers and handling HTTP requests, making it popular for building APIs and web services. Flask's lightweight nature and flexibility allows developers to quickly prototype and scale applications. Its extensive ecosystem of extensions enhances functionality, supporting tasks like authentication, database integration, and more. Despite its simplicity, Flask remains powerful for both small-scale projects and large, complex applications. Flask’s simplicity, flexibility, and powerful features make it an excellent choice for web development. IronPDF is a Python library designed for generating, editing, and manipulating PDF documents programmatically. It offers functionalities such as creating PDF files from scratch, converting HTML to PDF, merging or splitting PDFs, adding annotations and watermarks, and extracting text or images from PDFs. IronPDF aims to simplify PDF handling in Python applications, providing tools to manage document layout, fonts, colors, and other styling elements. This library is useful for tasks ranging from document generation in web applications to automated report generation and document management systems.

Together with both the libraries user can develop web apps with PDF generation capabilities with ease.

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