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Web applications frequently rely on several external services, APIs, and resources to provide users with dynamic information and functionality in today's fast-paced digital environment. But occasionally, these dependencies can cause problems like timeouts, network error outages, and temporary faults, which can stop important processes like PDF creation. To assure the dependability of their programs and manage such situations politely, developers have responded by implementing strong retry mechanisms.
Axios Retry npm is a robust library that makes it easier to build custom retry logic for failed HTTP intercept requests. It is built on top of Axios, a well-liked HTTP client for Node.js. Developers may design robust and fault-tolerant PDF generation workflows by combining Axios Retry, Axios plugin with IronPDF, a feature-rich library for creating PDF documents in Node.js applications.
This post will discuss the benefits of combining Axios Retry with IronPDF and show how these two tools work well together to improve Node.js applications' ability to generate PDFs. Through the integration of Axios Retry's resilient retry capabilities with IronPDF's sophisticated PDF creation functionalities, developers can guarantee the dependable execution of PDF generation jobs, even in the event of temporary network disruptions, idempotent request fails, or outages of external services.
For Axios requests, Axios-retry streamlines the implementation of retry logic. According to programmable parameters, like HTTP status codes or particular error kinds, it automatically retries unsuccessful requests.
To regulate the frequency and method of retrying requests, developers can create their own custom retry policies. This entails defining the maximum quantity of retries that can be made, the intervals between retries, and the circumstances in which retries ought to happen.
Axios-retry facilitates the popular retry technique known as exponential backoff, which lengthens the interval between failed requests and retries incrementally. This increases the likelihood of successful failed requests and retries and helps avoid flooding the server with repetitive queries.
Developers have the ability to designate which error types or HTTP status codes need to prompt a retry. This enables precise control over which errors are to be handled as permanent failures and which ones are to be retried.
Axios-retry offers interceptors that let programmers alter the retry behavior for each individual request. This provides interceptors for handling retryable errors, tracking retry attempts, and adjusting retry delays.
With axios-retry, developers can set up the retry policy for the first request and all requests fail. The first request fails each pull request, and with every other retry, Axios request specific configuration client globally. This makes it easier to provide uniform retry policies throughout the whole pull request and request lifecycle of an application.
Okay, so here's some sample code that shows you how to utilize Axios Retry in a Node.js application and explains each step in brief:
To add retry capabilities to Axios, we first import the axios-retry library and the axios library, which are needed to make HTTP requests.
const axios = require('axios');
const axiosRetry = require('axios-retry');
We use axios.create() to create an instance of Axios. This enables us to modify Axios's behavior to suit particular use scenarios.
To set up Axios Retry, call axiosRetry() and provide it in the Axios instance along as an options object. Some of the parameters that are included in the options object are the retry count (retries), the retry delay (retryDelay), and the retry condition (retryCondition).
// Create an Axios instance
const axiosInstance = axios.create();
Indicates the number of times an attempt may be made. RetryDelay: Sets the global value for the interval between made intercepts failed requests only, request failed requests, timeout, and retry attempts using an exponential backoff approach, which causes the delay to grow exponentially with each of intercepts failed requests, request timeout or retry request or request fails error. In this example, we set it to 3.
axiosRetry(axiosInstance, {
retries: 3, // Number of retry attempts
retryDelay: axiosRetry.exponentialDelay, // Exponential delay function
retryCondition: (error) => {
// Customize retry condition based on error
return axiosRetry.isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError(error) || error.response.status === 429; // Retry on network errors or status code 429 (rate limit)
IronPDF Node.js Toolkit is a widely used toolkit that allows us to create, edit, and render PDF documents inside programs. There are several ways to work with PDFs: you may insert text, images, and shapes to existing ones, extract text and images from pre-existing ones, and convert HTML pages to PDFs. You can even build new PDF documents from HTML content, photos, or raw data.
One of the key benefits of IronPDF is that it is very simple to use. Developers may easily start producing PDFs from within their Node.js projects because of its intuitive API and comprehensive documentation. Two other characteristics of IronPDF that enable developers to produce high-quality PDF documents rapidly are its efficiency and speed.
A few benefits of IronPDF are
Installing the required libraries and configuring the Axios plugin with retry capabilities are the initial steps in integrating Axios Retry with IronPDF for PDF generation in a Node.js application. Here's a detailed how-to:
npm install axios
npm install axios-retry
npm install ironpdf
Examine the following scenario: dynamic HTML material retrieved from an external API IronPDF URL to PDF Example is used by a Node.js application to create PDF reports. To guarantee that tasks involving the creation of PDFs are properly finished, the program must gracefully handle potential network faults or rate limitation problems.
Establish an Axios instance and set up its Axios Retry configurations:
const axios = require('axios');
const axiosRetry = require('axios-retry');
// Create Axios instance
const axiosInstance = axios.create();
// Configure Axios Retry
axiosRetry(axiosInstance, {
retries: 3, // Number of retry attempts
retryDelay: axiosRetry.exponentialDelay, // Exponential backoff delay function
retryCondition: (error) => {
// Customize retry condition based on error
return axiosRetry.isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError(error) || error.response.status === 429; // Retry on network errors or status code 429 (rate limit)
To create PDF documents from HTML information, use IronPDF. Make sure your license key is used to initialize IronPDF:
const IronPdf = require("@ironsoftware/ironpdf");
var config=IronPdf.IronPdfGlobalConfig
const document=IronPdf.PdfDocument;
Now, use the configured Axios instance to retrieve HTML material from an external source code (such as an API) and use IronPDF to create a PDF document:
// Fetch HTML content using Axios
.then(response => {
const htmlContent = response.data;
// Generate PDF from HTML content using IronPDF
const pdf = await document.fromHtml(htmlContent);
await pdf.saveAs("output.pdf");
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching HTML content:', error.message);
Adapt the retry options, PDF creation procedure, and error handling to the needs of your application. To make sure the integration is dependable and functional, extensively test it.
You can handle HTTP request retries and reliably produce PDF documents in your Node.js application by integrating Axios Retry with IronPDF using these techniques. With this combination, you may design robust workflows for PDF production that are effective in withstanding network faults and service outages.
Below is the output generated from the above code.
To sum up, the combination of Axios Retry and IronPDF in Node.js apps provides a strong and dependable way to manage retries for HTTP requests and create PDF documents. Developers can improve the resilience and stability of their HTTP request processes by utilizing Axios Retry's retry capabilities to make sure that their apps manage temporary network problems, server faults, or rate-limiting conditions gracefully.
All things considered, Axios Retry and IronPDF together provide a potent toolkit for developing scalable and durable Node.js apps that need to generate PDFs and handle HTTP requests with consistency. By implementing these libraries, developers may lessen the effects of temporary faults and network outages and guarantee the regular delivery of high-quality PDF documents, thus improving the dependability and user experience of their apps.
A lifetime license is included in the package at a reasonable price for IronPDF. For many systems, the package is offered for just $749, which is a fantastic value. It provides online engineering help to license holders 24/7. To find out more about the charge, kindly visit the IronPDF Licensing Page. To find out more about Iron Software's products, go to this Iron Software Product Overview.
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