.NET 帮助

DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core(开发人员工作原理)

发布 2024年七月1日

DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 是原始 DotNetOpenAuth 库的一个版本,适用于 .NET Core,提供了一个强大的公共 API。该库可帮助您将 OAuth2 和 OpenID 身份验证添加到您的 .NET 应用程序中。IronPDF 是一个用于在 .NET 中创建、阅读和编辑 PDF 文件的库。它可以直接从您的 .NET 应用程序中生成报告和发票等文档。

您可以在各种类型的项目(如 Web 和桌面应用程序)中使用 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 和 IronPDF,以利用共享代码和实现新功能。对于希望在软件中处理身份验证和 PDF 文档管理的开发人员来说,它们是必不可少的。

DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 入门

在 .NET 项目中设置 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core

要在 Microsoft 技术支持的 .NET 项目中开始使用 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core,请按照以下步骤操作:

1.在 Visual Studio 中打开项目。



4.选择 "管理 NuGet 包"。

5.在 NuGet 包管理器中,搜索 DotNetOpenAuth.NetCore 和其他 NuGet 包。

6.单击 "安装 "将其添加到项目中。

这将为您的项目添加 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 库,为集成身份验证功能提供支持。

使用 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 的基本代码示例

下面是一个简单的示例,说明如何使用 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 在应用程序中设置 OAuth2 身份验证:

using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;

// Initialize the OAuth2 client
var client = new WebServerClient(new AuthorizationServerDescription
    TokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/token"),
    AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id", "your-client-secret");

// Start the authentication process
IAuthorizationState state = client.ProcessUserAuthorization();
if (state != null && state.IsAuthorized)
    // Authorized successfully, now you can access protected resources
using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;

// Initialize the OAuth2 client
var client = new WebServerClient(new AuthorizationServerDescription
    TokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/token"),
    AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id", "your-client-secret");

// Start the authentication process
IAuthorizationState state = client.ProcessUserAuthorization();
if (state != null && state.IsAuthorized)
    // Authorized successfully, now you can access protected resources
Imports DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2

' Initialize the OAuth2 client
Private client = New WebServerClient(New AuthorizationServerDescription With {
	.TokenEndpoint = New Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/token"),
	.AuthorizationEndpoint = New Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id", "your-client-secret")

' Start the authentication process
Private state As IAuthorizationState = client.ProcessUserAuthorization()
If state IsNot Nothing AndAlso state.IsAuthorized Then
	' Authorized successfully, now you can access protected resources
End If
VB   C#

该代码片段使用 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 设置 OAuth2 客户端,连接授权服务器并处理用户授权。

DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 的实施功能

整合 OpenID Connect

要使用 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 集成 OpenID Connect,您可以遵循以下基本方法:

using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;

// Configure the OpenID Connect client
var openIdClient = new WebServerClient(new AuthorizationServerDescription
    TokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/token"),
    AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id");

// Redirect user for authentication
Uri authUri = openIdClient.GetAuthorizationRequestUri("openid email profile");
using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;

// Configure the OpenID Connect client
var openIdClient = new WebServerClient(new AuthorizationServerDescription
    TokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/token"),
    AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id");

// Redirect user for authentication
Uri authUri = openIdClient.GetAuthorizationRequestUri("openid email profile");
Imports DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2

' Configure the OpenID Connect client
Private openIdClient = New WebServerClient(New AuthorizationServerDescription With {
	.TokenEndpoint = New Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/token"),
	.AuthorizationEndpoint = New Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id")

' Redirect user for authentication
Private authUri As Uri = openIdClient.GetAuthorizationRequestUri("openid email profile")
VB   C#

这段代码将配置 OpenID Connect 客户端,并将用户重定向到 OpenID 提供商的身份验证页面。


下面介绍如何使用 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 处理访问令牌:

// After user is authenticated, process the authorization response
IAuthorizationState authState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization();
if (authState != null && authState.IsAuthorized)
    // Access token is available, and you can use it to make authenticated requests
    string accessToken = authState.AccessToken;
// After user is authenticated, process the authorization response
IAuthorizationState authState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization();
if (authState != null && authState.IsAuthorized)
    // Access token is available, and you can use it to make authenticated requests
    string accessToken = authState.AccessToken;
' After user is authenticated, process the authorization response
Dim authState As IAuthorizationState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization()
If authState IsNot Nothing AndAlso authState.IsAuthorized Then
	' Access token is available, and you can use it to make authenticated requests
	Dim accessToken As String = authState.AccessToken
End If
VB   C#




// Check if the access token is expired and refresh it
if (authState.AccessTokenExpirationUtc <= DateTime.UtcNow)
    if (openIdClient.RefreshAuthorization(authState))
        // Token refreshed successfully
// Check if the access token is expired and refresh it
if (authState.AccessTokenExpirationUtc <= DateTime.UtcNow)
    if (openIdClient.RefreshAuthorization(authState))
        // Token refreshed successfully
' Check if the access token is expired and refresh it
If authState.AccessTokenExpirationUtc <= DateTime.UtcNow Then
	If openIdClient.RefreshAuthorization(authState) Then
		' Token refreshed successfully
	End If
End If
VB   C#




// Revoke the access token
bool success = openIdClient.RevokeAuthorization(authState);
if (success)
    // Token revoked successfully
// Revoke the access token
bool success = openIdClient.RevokeAuthorization(authState);
if (success)
    // Token revoked successfully
' Revoke the access token
Dim success As Boolean = openIdClient.RevokeAuthorization(authState)
If success Then
	' Token revoked successfully
End If
VB   C#




// Customize the token request
var additionalParams = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"custom_parameter", "value"}
IAuthorizationState customizedState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(additionalParams);
if (customizedState != null && customizedState.IsAuthorized)
    // Token request customized and processed successfully
// Customize the token request
var additionalParams = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"custom_parameter", "value"}
IAuthorizationState customizedState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(additionalParams);
if (customizedState != null && customizedState.IsAuthorized)
    // Token request customized and processed successfully
' Customize the token request
Dim additionalParams = New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
	{"custom_parameter", "value"}
Dim customizedState As IAuthorizationState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(additionalParams)
If customizedState IsNot Nothing AndAlso customizedState.IsAuthorized Then
	' Token request customized and processed successfully
End If
VB   C#


DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 与 IronPDF

IronPDF 是一个综合库,允许开发人员在 .NET 环境中创建、读取和处理 PDF 文件。它特别适用于从 HTML 或直接从 URL 生成 PDF,这对于报告、生成发票或只是以静态格式存储网页都非常有用。与 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 集成后,它能确保这些功能的安全性,只有经过验证的用户才能访问。

将 IronPDF 与 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 合并的用例

将 IronPDF 与 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 合并的一个实际用例是在一个 Web 应用程序中,通过身份验证的用户需要生成和下载个性化报告。例如,想象一下用户登录到您的应用程序并以 PDF 格式访问其财务报告的场景。DotNetOpenAuth 可确保用户通过正确的身份验证和授权来访问他们的文档,而 IronPDF 则处理这些个性化 PDF 的创建和交付。


让我们来看一个完整的代码示例,演示如何实现这一功能。我们将在 .NET Core 中创建一个简单的 Web API,用于验证用户身份,然后使用 IronPDF 生成 PDF 报告:

using IronPdf;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;

public class ReportController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult DownloadPdfReport()
        // Authentication is handled by DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core
        var currentUser = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

        // Generate PDF content using IronPDF
        var Renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
        var PDF = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf($"<h1>Report for {currentUser}</h1><p>This is your personalized financial report.</p>");

        // Set file name and content type for the PDF
        var outputFileName = $"Report-{currentUser}.pdf";
        Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", $"attachment; filename={outputFileName}");
        Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

        // Return the generated PDF file
        return File(PDF.Stream.ToArray(), "application/pdf");
using IronPdf;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;

public class ReportController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult DownloadPdfReport()
        // Authentication is handled by DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core
        var currentUser = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

        // Generate PDF content using IronPDF
        var Renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
        var PDF = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf($"<h1>Report for {currentUser}</h1><p>This is your personalized financial report.</p>");

        // Set file name and content type for the PDF
        var outputFileName = $"Report-{currentUser}.pdf";
        Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", $"attachment; filename={outputFileName}");
        Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

        // Return the generated PDF file
        return File(PDF.Stream.ToArray(), "application/pdf");
Imports IronPdf
Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc
Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization

Public Class ReportController
	Inherits ControllerBase

	Public Function DownloadPdfReport() As IActionResult
		' Authentication is handled by DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core
		Dim currentUser = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name

		' Generate PDF content using IronPDF
		Dim Renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
		Dim PDF = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf($"<h1>Report for {currentUser}</h1><p>This is your personalized financial report.</p>")

		' Set file name and content type for the PDF
		Dim outputFileName = $"Report-{currentUser}.pdf"
		Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", $"attachment; filename={outputFileName}")
		Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"

		' Return the generated PDF file
		Return File(PDF.Stream.ToArray(), "application/pdf")
	End Function
End Class
VB   C#

在本例中,我们使用 `[授权]属性,以确保只有通过身份验证的用户才能访问 PDF 生成端点。IronPDF 中的 "ChromePdfRenderer "类用于从 HTML 内容创建 PDF,在本例中,该内容是用用户名动态个性化的。

DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core(如何为开发人员工作):图 1


将 DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core 与 IronPDF 集成,可为增强 .NET 应用程序的安全性和功能提供强大的解决方案。利用这些技术,您可以有效地保护敏感数据,并通过动态 PDF 生成提供个性化的用户体验。

IronPDF 不仅用途广泛,而且对开发人员友好,提供了一种在 .NET 应用程序中创建和管理 PDF 文件的简单方法。如果你正在考虑将 IronPDF 纳入你的项目,你会很高兴知道它提供了免费试用和许可选项。

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