C# Reporting Tools (Features Comparison)

Published April 3, 2024


The software development industry is always changing, making reliable .NET reporting tools more important than ever. Large volumes of data are generated by businesses every day, and it is essential to properly utilize this data to make wise decisions for creating reports. Particularly C# developers have an abundance of reporting tools at their disposal to incorporate into their applications, enabling them to easily produce complex interactive reports for .NET report viewers.

Programmers use the strong and adaptable C# language to create a wide range of applications, including desktop, online, and mobile ones. Because of its performance, flexibility, and wide framework support, it is very popular. C# developers can create, and edit reports using the .NET reporting tool or report designer, visualize, and display data in a meaningful way with the help of a variety of .NET reporting solutions available to them when it comes to reporting. In this article, we are going to look at reporting tools for .NET report designers in detail.

How can I effectively use C# Reporting Tools?

  1. Select the best C# reporting tool for the requirements of your project.
  2. Install and set up the reporting tool of your choice in your development environment.
  3. Using the tool's UI, create your reports by including text boxes, tables, and charts with the help of a web report designer.
  4. Binding your reports to databases or APIs allows you to connect them to data sources.
  5. Put into practice any computations or filtering that may be required for data processing.
  6. To make sure your reports are accurate and functional, preview and test them using actual data.
  7. After integrating the reports into your C# program, release it to the live environment.

Crystal Reports

SAP created Crystal Reports, a business intelligence tool that lets users create, visualize, and distribute reports from a variety of data sources. With the help of its adaptable and user-friendly report creator interface, developers can easily generate very adjustable reports. These reports have established themselves as the go-to tool for businesses wishing to use their data efficiently thanks to their support for a broad variety of data formats and integration choices.

Key Features

  • Versatile Report Designer: Developers can create reports with drag-and-drop functionality by using Crystal Reports' user-friendly report designer interface. With so many formatting options available, developers may produce visually attractive reports that are customized to meet their individual needs. These possibilities include charts, graphs, and tables.
  • Broad Support for Data Sources: Crystal Reports may be used with a wide range of data sources, including online services, XML files, Excel spreadsheets, and databases like SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. Because of its adaptability, developers may easily incorporate data from many sources into their reports.
  • Strong Data Processing: Developers can carry out intricate calculations, filtering, and sorting tasks right within their reports thanks to Crystal Reports' powerful data processing features. Users can now evaluate data more effectively and get insightful conclusions as a result.

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

One of the most important reporting tools for C# developers is SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), which provides a complete platform for creating, producing, and distributing interactive reports. SSRS's feature-rich feature set and smooth integration with the Microsoft technology stack enable developers to produce dynamic, eye-catching reports that enhance business information. In this post, we'll examine the features of SSRS and how C# programmers might use them to improve their .NET Framework applications.

Key Features

  • Report Designer: SSRS comes with a robust report designer tool that is seamlessly integrated into Visual Studio. With this tool, developers may use a drag-and-drop interface to design and modify .NET reports. Developers can produce visually attractive reports that are customized to meet their individual needs thanks to support for a wide range of data visualization choices, such as maps, graphs, and charts.
  • Versatile Data Sources: SSRS facilitates access to a wide range of data sources, such as ODBC, OLE DB, SQL Server, Oracle, and XML, enabling developers to easily include data from these sources in their reports. Organizations can utilize their current data infrastructure with this flexibility without having to undertake extensive retooling.
  • Reports that can be customized by users depending on particular parameters, including date ranges, product categories, or geographic areas, are known as parameterized reports, which may be created by developers using SSRS. Users can now dynamically interact with reports and get insights that are specific to their requirements thanks to this.

Stimulsoft Reports

Remarkably, C# developers can create, produce, and display dynamic reports within their web and desktop applications with a broad feature set thanks to Stimulsoft Reports, a robust reporting toolset. Developers may generate complex reports that are customized to meet their unique business needs with Stimulsoft Reports' easy-to-use design interface, extensive data visualization options, and strong integration capabilities. To improve C# developers' apps, we will examine the features and advantages of Stimulsoft Reports in this post.

Key Features

  • Improved Data Visualization: Stimulsoft Reports gives developers the ability to design aesthetically attractive reports with interactive graphs, charts, and dashboards that facilitate users' interpretation of complex data and extraction of useful insights.
  • Better Decision-Making: Stimulsoft Reports' ability to give users access to fast and reliable information enables decision-makers to base choices on current information, which promotes the expansion and success of businesses.
  • Time and Cost Savings: By streamlining the report-generating process, Stimulsoft Reports cuts down on the time and labor needed to produce and disseminate or manage reports. Organizations can distribute resources more effectively, which results in cost savings.

Seal Report

Seal Report is a powerful and adaptable reporting tool that gives C# developers the ability to easily generate dynamic and customizable reports inside of their applications. With its broad feature set, flexible architecture, and open-source nature, Seal Report gives developers the tools they need to create complex reports that are customized to meet their unique business needs. This post will go over the main attributes and advantages of Seal Report as well as how C# programmers can use it to improve their apps.

Key Features

  • SQL Query-Based Reporting: Seal Report builds on top of SQL queries to enable developers to make use of their pre-existing SQL knowledge while producing reports. Complex SQL queries can be written by developers to extract data from multiple data sources and utilize that data to create report templates.
  • Dynamic Data Visualizations: Seal Report provides developers with a range of data visualization tools, such as pivot tables, tables, graphs, and charts, to help them show data records engagingly and interactively. Reports allow users or end-user report designers to engage interactively, allowing them to drill down into individual data points and filter data as required.
  • Seal Report gives developers the ability to automate the creation and delivery of reports, guaranteeing that they are prepared and sent to users according to a predetermined timetable. This function is especially helpful for companies that need to update reports regularly, such as daily sales reports or monthly financial statements.


Creating and editing reports in your .NET Core applications is made easy with IronPDF, a potent .NET reporting tool for any end-user report designer. Offering a web report builder that enables users to create and modify page reports directly within a web interface, it goes beyond conventional .NET reporting tools.

Developers can find effective solutions for their reporting needs within the .NET Framework using IronPDF's extensive feature set, which is specifically designed for .NET report viewers. IronPDF makes organizing and generating reports in .NET Visual Studio applications easier with its sophisticated features and user-friendly interface.

For developers looking for dependable .NET reporting solutions, its flawless connection with the .NET Framework guarantees compliance and smooth functioning. IronPDF simplifies the process of creating and reading meaningful reports, enabling developers to produce polished report elements with ease.

IronPDF provides a complete .NET reporting solution, encompassing:

  • Compelling Reports Design: For a simple report production process, make use of the web report designer.
  • Editing reports: You can make changes to pre-existing reports right within your program.
  • Reporting Flexibility: Create reports in several different formats, including HTML, PDF, and more.
  • Compatibility with other .NET frameworks and .NET Core: Works without a hitch.
  • Report Viewing: To enable report viewing in your .NET apps, integrate IronPDF with them.

IronPDF stands out as a comprehensive solution for your .NET reporting needs, offering web-based design, editing, and robust reporting functionalities within the .NET ecosystem.

C# Reporting Tools (Features Comparison): Figure 1 - IronPDF

Key Features

  • PDF Document Generation: With IronPDF, developers may use C# code to dynamically create PDF documents. IronPDF offers a full range of tools to help you generate and share reports that appear professional, whether you're pulling data from a database, formatting text and photos, or adding interactive components.
  • HTML to PDF Conversion: .NET Developers may quickly and easily transform HTML content—such as web pages, HTML templates, and user interfaces—into PDF documents with IronPDF. This feature makes it possible to seamlessly convert current web-based dashboards or reports into PDF format without sacrificing layout or quality.
  • IronPDF offers data binding and templating, which enables programmers to dynamically create customized reports by combining data with pre-made report templates for non-technical report authors. Developers can guarantee consistency among reports and expedite the report-generating process by keeping appearance and content separate.
  • Page merging, splitting, and other manipulations within PDF documents are only a few of the many document manipulation features that IronPDF offers. Because of this, developers may easily reorganize pages, add or remove sections from reports, and integrate several reports into a single document.

To know more about the IronPDF documentation, refer get started page.

Install IronPDF

First, make sure your project has the IronPDF library installed. Using the Package Manager Console, type the following command to install the best reporting tool using NuGet Package Manager:

Install-Package IronPdf

Create a Report Using IronPDF reporting engine

You can begin creating the report's content as soon as IronPDF is installed. As an illustration, let's make a straightforward HTML report template:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Sample Report</title>
        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            margin: 20px;
        h1 {
            color: #333;
            text-align: center;
        table {
            width: 100%;
            border-collapse: collapse;
        th, td {
            border: 1px solid #333;
            padding: 8px;
            text-align: left;
        th {
            background-color: #f2f2f2;
    <h1>Sample Report</h1>
                <td>John Doe</td>
                <td>Jane Smith</td>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Sample Report</title>
        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            margin: 20px;
        h1 {
            color: #333;
            text-align: center;
        table {
            width: 100%;
            border-collapse: collapse;
        th, td {
            border: 1px solid #333;
            padding: 8px;
            text-align: left;
        th {
            background-color: #f2f2f2;
    <h1>Sample Report</h1>
                <td>John Doe</td>
                <td>Jane Smith</td>

C# Reporting Tools (Features Comparison): Figure 2 - Active Reports HTML Output

After that, build the C# code to use IronPDF to create the PDF reporting solution:

using IronPdf;
class Program
    static void Main(string [] args)
        // Load HTML content from file
        var htmlPath = "report_template.html";
        // Create IronPdf Renderer
        var renderer = new HtmlToPdf();
        // Render HTML to PDF
        var pdfDocument = renderer.RenderHtmlFileAsPdf(htmlPath);
        // Save PDF to file
using IronPdf;
class Program
    static void Main(string [] args)
        // Load HTML content from file
        var htmlPath = "report_template.html";
        // Create IronPdf Renderer
        var renderer = new HtmlToPdf();
        // Render HTML to PDF
        var pdfDocument = renderer.RenderHtmlFileAsPdf(htmlPath);
        // Save PDF to file
Imports IronPdf
Friend Class Program
	Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
		' Load HTML content from file
		Dim htmlPath = "report_template.html"
		' Create IronPdf Renderer
		Dim renderer = New HtmlToPdf()
		' Render HTML to PDF
		Dim pdfDocument = renderer.RenderHtmlFileAsPdf(htmlPath)
		' Save PDF to file
	End Sub
End Class
VB   C#

In this example, the file "report_template.html" is where the HTML content is loaded from. This would be swapped out for the actual HTML information that you wish to utilize in your report. After that, the HTML content is rendered as a PDF document using IronPDF's HtmlToPdf class. Lastly, a file called "sample_report.pdf" contains the created PDF.

Below is the generated report from the given HTML file.

C# Reporting Tools (Features Comparison): Figure 3 - Reporting Features PDF Output


To sum up, C# developers have a wide variety of cross-platform reporting tools at their disposal to suit a variety of needs and tastes. These reporting solutions enable developers to fully utilize their data and visualize data, whether it's for creating financial reports, analytics dashboards, or operational insights. Developers can furnish customers with practical insights and facilitate well-informed decision-making procedures by incorporating comprehensive reporting functionalities into their C# apps. The future of C# reporting tools seems even more promising thanks to ongoing technological improvements, which will help developers maintain an advantage in the cutthroat world of data-driven apps.

For C# developers, IronPDF is a useful addition to their toolset since it provides a complete solution for creating excellent PDF reports from within their programs. IronPDF's comprehensive feature set, easy-to-use API, and smooth integration capabilities enable developers to produce dynamic, aesthetically pleasing reports that cater to a wide range of user needs. C# developers may offer compelling document-based experiences that produce business value and customer happiness by utilizing IronPDF's power to improve reporting capabilities in their apps.

IronPDF's Lite edition at $749 includes a year of software maintenance, upgrade options, and a permanent license. Users can evaluate the product in real-world scenarios during the watermarked trial period. To learn more about IronPDF's cost, licensing, and free trial, go to the license page. To find out more about Iron Software, visit their page.

A Comparsion Between Report .NET & IronPDF
How to Add Page Numbers in PDF using iTextSharp in C#

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