Changelog: Updates, milestones, roadmap

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IronPDF Roadmap

We have made IronPDF the leading¹ .NET HTML to PDF product by prioritizing compatibility, usability and results. Now, our mission is to maintain that hard-earned reputation by continually updating IronPDF with the latest HTML, CSS and JS technology shifts; and the cutting edge versions of Chrome.

Our software is developed for engineers, by engineers, so we understand the value in rigorous testing, support, and transparent one-time licensing.

We pride ourselves on listening to our community and demonstrate this by prioritizing feature requests based on what you, our customers, ask for.

Long term we plan to diversify IronPDF by offering it in multiple programming languages.

¹Based on an independent audit of our product in August 2022.


Here we highlight three major milestones that add significant improvement to the way IronPDF performs. See milestones >

July 2024

IronPDF v2024.7.8

Jul 5, 2024
Version 2024.7.8

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes

  • Fixes issue where links, forms, and annotations were broken when saving as PDF/A.
  • Fixes issue where the tab order was incorrect when saving as PDF/UA.
  • Fixes memory leak issue when removing PDF objects.
  • Fixes issues where forms could not be edited via Adobe Acrobat Pro.
  • Fixes issues where rendering large images caused a crash.
  • Fixes issues where the rendering width did not apply to headers and footers.
  • Fixes issues where stamps were being misplaced for different page sizes.
  • Fixes issue where form values were not visible after flattening a page.
  • Fixes issue where form values were not visible when converting page to image (use Flatten=true`).
  • Fixes issue where signature images were not visible.
  • Improves support for setting form values for duplicate form names.
  • Adds support for rendering selected combobox lists from HTML input.
  • Adds new options for the Text Redaction API.
  • Adds support for whole word redaction, including punctuation.

June 2024

IronPDF v2024.6.1

Jun 4, 2024
Version 2024.6.1

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes

  • Adds new region redaction API
  • Adds support for image form fields
  • Adds support for showing form field values when converting PDF to image
  • Allows custom natural language identifier for SaveAsPdfUA
  • Fixes bug where SaveAsPdfUA sometimes crashes
  • Fixes bug where Merge sometimes crashes
  • Fixes issue where Stamp corrupts some PDFs
  • Fixes issue where CompressImage corrupts some PDFs
  • Fixes issue where adding Header or Footer corrupts some PDFs
  • Fixes issue where form field names with dot notation are ignored
  • Fixes a bunch of System.AccessViolationExceptions when manipulating PDF documents
  • Fixes issue where QRCode uses invalid width and height
  • Fixes issue where RenderDocxAsPdf disregards the page-break element from docx
  • Fixes issue where the login authentication username is mistakenly set to the password value
  • Fixes FIPS-compliant error on some systems
  • Fixes StackOverflowException thrown when IronPdf is initialized before IronQr
  • Improves support for form annotations
  • Updates to the latest Pdfium version which includes fixes when manipulating existing PDF documents
  • Updates IronSoftware.System.Drawing to 2024.6.1
  • Supports more languages in IronPdf Docker image

May 2024

IronPDF v2024.5.2

Apr 29, 2024
Version 2024.5.2

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes

  • Adds new IronPdf.Cleaner API which can sanitize and scan PDFs.
  • Fixes issue where RenderRtfFileAsPdf sometimes returns black content.

April 2024

IronPDF v2024.4.2

Apr 5, 2024
Version 2024.4.2

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes

  • Adds new PdfDocument.Compress() API.
  • Fixes issue where rotated PDFs cause broken images when convert PDF to HTML.
  • Fixes issue where Arabic PDFs break HTML structure when convert PDF to HTML.
  • Fixes issue where the Header/Footer font size was changed when applying margin.
  • Fixes issue where the Table of Contents (TOC) fails to render for complex HTML.
  • Fixes issue where setting the license key in IronPdfEngine is not working.
  • Fixes issue where converting a rotated PDF to HTML outputs broken images.
  • Fixes issue where converting a PDF with Arabic characters to HTML breaks the document structure.
  • Fixes issue where PdfSignature.SigningContact is not working.
  • Improves DocxToPdf performance.
  • Makes all Print methods asynchronous.
  • Updates gRPC libs to version 2.62.0

March 2024

IronPDF v2024.3.4

Mar 11, 2024
Version 2024.3.4

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes

  • Adds a comprehensive new fonts API for adding, removing, and using fonts (see PdfDocument.Fonts)
  • Adds PDF text redaction feature (see PdfDocument.RedactText())
  • Adds support for compressing grayscale images with PdfDocument.CompressImages()
  • Adds support for both "444" and "441" chrome subsampling with PdfDocument.CompressImages()
  • Adds new method for loading signatures from base64 string (see PdfSignature.FromBase64())
  • Adds support for MacOs ARM when using the IronPdf "Docker Engine"
  • Adds IRONPDF_ENGINE_ENABLE_LOG environment flag for IronPdf "Docker Engine"
  • Improves error message when user attempts to sign using a signature without a private key
  • Improves error message when IronPdf "Docker Engine" version mismatch is detected
  • Improves memory usage when opening a document or working with images
  • Improves support for PDF/A
  • Improves text extraction to now omit a line-ending hyphen (character 0xFFFE)
  • Fixes issue with annotations not being resized correctly (see PdfDocument.ResizePage())
  • Fixes issue where license key in IronPdfEngine was overridden by the client
  • Fixes issue where table of contents were not working with single-line HTML
  • Fixes issue of "incompatible assembly" when upgrading IronPdf versions
  • Fixes rare version conflict with OpenXML library
  • Fixes issue with HTML stamp layouts
  • Fixes issue with content disappearing when applying a background PDF
  • Fixes issue where first radio button in a collection was unable to be selected via HTML
  • Fixes issue where digital signatures on certain PDFs were not visible in Adobe viewer

February 2024

IronPDF v2024.2.2

January 29th, 2024
Version 2024.2.2

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes

  • Fixes transformation issue when modifying a document after calling AppendPdf()
  • Fixes issue with runtimes not being downloaded when Installation.AutomaticallyDownloadNativeBinaries=true
  • Fixes issue with Installation.CustomDeploymentDirectory being ignored
  • Fixes issue where enabling PDF/A compliance would remove transparency and result in a black background
  • Fixes issue where PdfFormFieldFlags enum was inaccessible to users
  • Fixes issue where ReplaceTextOnPages() would throw an error if the text was not found on every page
  • Fixes issue with cookie support on Linux
  • Fixes issue where Installation.SingleProcess was always enabled
  • Fixes various issues when manipulating forms after configuring IronPdf to use Docker/remote
  • Improves various comments and API documentation
  • Improves letter, word, and text spacing when replacing text; Words should no longer have erroneous spacing between letters
  • Adds support for custom remote IronPdf connection configurations (see IronPdfConnectionConfiguration WithCustomChannel())

January 2024

IronPDF v2024.1.20

January 9, 2024
Version 2024.1.20

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes

  • Adds a list of valid choices for radio buttons and checkboxes. (See CheckboxFormField and RadioFormField for Choices and SelectedIndex)
  • Adds a way to set selected index of radio buttons and checkboxes. (See CheckboxFormField and RadioFormField for Clear() and Select)
  • Adds ability to draw lines and rectangles onto an existing document. (See PdfDocument for DrawLine() and DrawRectangle())
  • Adds ability to add an empty signature field which allows the user to click-to-sign. (See the SignatureFormField class)
  • Adds text, character, and line extraction with position information. (See PdfDocument.Pages for Lines and Characters)
  • Adds stronger opt-in web security features for those who are accepting untrusted user input. (See Installation.EnableWebSecurity)
  • Adds ability to specify font when drawing text onto an existing document. (See PdfDocument.DrawText())
  • Adds support for OpenAI extensions. (See IronPdf.Extensions.AI NuGet package)
  • Adds support for adding and removing forms via PdfDocument.Form.Add(), Remove(), etc. (implemented ObservableCollection)
  • Fixes bug where hyperlinks would break after enabling PDF/A or PDF/UA compatibility.
  • Fixes crash or failed render when rendering certain WebGL or Javascript-heavy URLs on some machines.
  • Fixes PDF/UA validation when converting a document which contains hyperlinks. (PDF/UA 7.18.5)
  • Fixes System.AccessViolationException when convert to PDF/A
  • Fixes replace text to be compatible with documents which use grayscale text or paths
  • Improves replace text behavior with many bug fixes and better text formatting
  • Improves PDF/A content descriptions for hyperlinks.
  • Improves behavior within read-only environments which only allow a single process by automatically enabling Installation.SingleProcess

December 2023

IronPDF v2023.12.6

Nov 27, 2023
Version 2023.12.6

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds new Fonts API for adding, removing, and using Fonts! (see PdfDocument.Fonts)
  • Adds new Annotations API for retrieving document annotations! (see PdfDocument.Annotations)
  • Adds support for signature timestamp URLs which require SHA-256 or SHA-512 (see TimestampHashAlgorithms)
  • Adds support for radio button values set via HTML 'checked' attribute
  • Fixes bug where IronPdf would sometimes corrupt documents which were digitally signed by a 3rd party (see ChangeTrackingModes)
  • Fixes bug where certain PDF form elements would become corrupted after merging multiple documents
  • Fixes bug where PDF page index was incorrect when iterating over PDF pages using IronPdf
  • Fixes bug when setting value of a checkbox form
  • Fixes bug when applying background PDF behind an existing document
  • Fixes bug regarding applying headers and footers to a document with various different page sizes
  • Improves cookie behavior - custom cookies should now be accessible by entire URL domain when rendering
  • Improves visual display of checkboxes and radio buttons generated by IronPDF

November 2023

IronPDF v2023.11.7

Nov 1, 2023
Version 2023.11.7

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds new automatic table of contents generation! See TableOfContents setting
  • Adds new way to reduce size of your PDF! See PdfDocument.CompressStructTree()
  • Adds new PDF form field API (see IFormFieldCollection and PdfDocument.Form)
  • Adds support for HTML form attributes 'readonly', 'disabled', and 'maxlength'
  • Adds support for "mail merge" when converting DocX to PDF (see RenderDocxMailMergeAsPdf())
  • Fixes base url issue when a file path contains special character
  • Fixes asset not load issue when render from ASP.NET Framework
  • Fixes issues with PDF/A throwing 'Invalid colorspace' in Adobe Reader
  • Fixes issues when generating an image from a PDF with transparency
  • Fixes issues when generating an image from a PDF after calling Flatten()
  • Fixes issues when using headers and footers or HTML stamps on machines with non-US cultures/strings
  • Fixes issues when using multiple Iron Software products in the same project
  • Fixes various issues and missing functionality when using Docker to host an IronPDF "engine"
  • Fixes when converting DocX containing headers and footers to PDF
  • Fixes various issues when running IronPDF in a persistent environment hosted on Apple hardware

October 2023

IronPDF v2023.10.3

Oct 05, 2023
Version 2023.10.3

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Minor bug fixes and performance improvements

September 2023

IronPDF v2023.9.8

Sep 19, 2023
Version 2023.9.8

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds Word document to PDF conversion! (see DocxToPdfRenderer)
  • Adds support for LaTeX mathematics in PDF documents (see EnableMathematicalLaTex)
  • Adds support for cookies when rendering from HTML string
  • Adds MacOS support for IronPdf async methods
  • Adds support for transparent signature images
  • Adds support for IronPdf hosting in Azure App Services (see IronPdf.Server.Azure)
  • Adds support for using IronPdf on iOS and Android via Azure app service (see IronPdf.Examples repo)
  • Fixes MacOS bug which would sometimes cause consecutive renders to fail
  • Fixes bug causing a crash when multiple Iron Software products are installed
  • Fixes bug preventing usage of Installation.ChromeGpuMode
  • Fixes bug preventing running IronPdf within MAUI applications
  • Fixes miscellaneous bugs when using gRPC service (IronPdf Docker engine)
  • Fixes memory leak when merging documents
  • Changes cookies to be specific to each individual render (see ChromePdfRenderOptions.CustomCookies)
  • Changes default behavior of HTML-to-PDF renders to use separate request context (see IronPdf.Rendering.RequestContexts)
  • Improves stability of IronPdf Docker engine
  • Improves compatibility for MacOS
  • Improves support for single-process mode
  • Improves path detection when using IronPdf for Python on MacOS
  • Reduces disk size of IronPdf Docker engine
  • Reduces time to save large documents (>100MB) by 90% or more

August 2023

IronPDF v2023.8.6

Aug 1, 2023
Version 2023.8.6

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Fixes 'missing IronPdfInterop.dll' in some cases
  • Fixes page index bug when using 'ImportPages'
  • Fixes bug causing program to hang when copying annotations
  • Adds feature for waiting for HTML elements to load before rendering (see 'WaitFor')
  • Adds feature for waiting for fonts to load before rendering (see 'WaitFor')
  • Adds feature for specifying rotation when drawing text
  • Adds feature for specifying custom color profile when saving as PDFA

July 2023

IronPDF v2023.7.4

Jul 3, 2023
Version 2023.7.4

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds SVG conversion feature: This includes the ability to convert PDF to both SVG files and SVG strings
  • Adds HTML conversion feature: This includes the ability to convert PDF to both HTML files and HTML strings
  • Adds XMP metadata feature and improves existing API for setting metadata properties
  • Adds PDF U/A support: See PdfDocument.SaveAsPdfUA()
  • Adds HTML-to-PDF trigger via Javascript method: See RenderingOptions.WaitFor()
  • Adds HTML-to-PDF trigger via completion of network activity: See RenderingOptions.WaitFor()
  • Adds Python support (Python 3.7+): Install via 'pip install ironpdf'
  • Fixes connectivity issues regarding IronPdf Docker image
  • Fixes Image Stamper: Stamp PNG image losing its transparency
  • Fixes ImageToPdfConverter.ImageToPdf: Resolved an exception when passing AnyBitmap
  • Fixes reading of text annotation title and contents
  • Fixes a rare issue where license key could not be verified on non-English systems
  • Fixes InsertPdf() to now properly merge form fields and bookmarks
  • Significantly increases performance when using HTML headers and footers
  • Reduces memory usage when rendering HTML to PDF
  • Reduces memory usage when opening large PDF documents
  • Improves platform support for some Windows server versions (2016 and later)
  • Updates to IronSoftware.Drawing 2023.7.1 with various bug fixes for image encoding and decoding

June 2023

IronPDF v2023.6.10

Jun 2, 2023
Version 2023.6.10

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds continuous feed option e.g for generating receipt documents!
  • Adds a new annotations API, including annotation removal!
  • Fixes grayscale option not being applied
  • Fixes image compression feature corrupting bitmaps
  • Fixes adding, editing, or merging bookmarks in certain cases
  • Fixes signatures sometimes not visible in Adobe Reader signature panel
  • Fixes RasterizeToImageFiles not considering page rotation
  • Fixes barcode stamps shrinking as they approach page boundary
  • Fixes IronPdfEngine Docker IP address issue (now listens on
  • Fixes IronPdfEngine headers and footers not working properly
  • Improves memory usage and performance by up to 10 percent
  • Improves logic for image compression to further optimize size
  • Improves out-of-memory error message to be more apparent
  • Remove the IronPdf.Rendering.Abstractions namespace. Instead, please use the same rendering methods from the ChromePdfRenderer class

May 2023

IronPDF v2023.5.8

May 1, 2023
Version 2023.5.8

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Fixes error handling and breakpoints for IronPdf on Linux
  • Fixes an issue where license keys would not be retrieved from web.config in some .NET Framework ASP.NET projects
  • Fixes possible warnings about System.Memory version conflicts
  • Adds PDF/A-3B support (see SaveAsPdfA() and ConvertToPdfA())
  • Adds support for removing document metadata (see RemoveMetadataKey())
  • Fixes bug when opening document from Stream

April 2023

IronPDF v2023.4.4

Mar 30, 2023
Version 2023.4.4

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Supports both ImageSharp 2 and ImageSharp 3 (see Iron Drawing ImageSharp version)
  • Supports containerized client/server model PDF generation (see IronPdfEngine Docker Images)
  • Fixes some cases of license key not being read from application config file
  • Fixes some cases of missing or incompatible assembly references when targeting .NET 4.6.2 - 4.8

March 2023

IronPDF v2023.3.2

Mar 9, 2023
Version 2023.3.2

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Implements signature images (see PdfSignatureImage)
  • Adds new resize API for scaling page dimensions while keeping aspect ratios
  • Fixes stamper and watermark positioning on PDFs with different orientation
  • Fixes exception when retrieving form fields from a PDF which contains a hyperlink
  • Updates to CEF 110.0.31 with many security and performance improvements

February 2023

IronPDF v2023.2.4

Feb 28, 2023
Version 2023.2.4

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Supports IronPdfEngine Docker!
  • Supports PDF incremental saving
  • Reworks PDF signing and signature
  • Removes iTextSharp dependency
  • Fixes DrawDividerLine bugs in Header/Footer
  • Adds DrawDividerLineColor in Text Header/Footer
  • Changes minimum .NET Framework version from 4.0 to 4.6.2
  • Fixes memory leak when using ReplaceTextOnPage
  • Updates IronSoftware.System.Drawing to 2023.2.12
  • Fixed an issue where converting an image to PDF would sometimes result in the image not fitting properly within the PDF document.
  • Fixed an issue with text-wrap in HTML header and footer text not breaking a word correctly when rendering a PDF from HTML. Previously, some words would be broken in unexpected places, resulting in text that was difficult to read or understand
  • Fixed a bug in the ImageStamper function, which was not reading in relative paths correctly

January 2023

IronPDF v2023.1.11416

Jan 9, 2023
Version 2023.1.11416

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds support for executing custom JavaScript after an HTML render (see JavaScript property)
  • Fixes support for Ubuntu 22
  • Fixes IronPdf files not being included when using ClickOnce publishing method
  • Fixes error when merging documents with certain form field configurations
  • Disk caching is now enabled by default and set to temp folder path (see Installation.ChromeBrowserCachePath)
  • Deprecates FitPaperModes.None and adds FitPaperModes.Zoom
  • Replaces System.Drawing.Common with IronSoftware.Drawing in netstandard2.0 projects
  1. azure v4 w/ net6.0 no additional variables set [download link]
    ChromePdfRenderer renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
    var doc = renderer.RenderUrlAsPdf("");
    return new FileContentResult(doc.BinaryData, "application/pdf") { FileDownloadName = "google.pdf"
  2. azure v4 w/ net6.0 no additional variables set [download link]
    ChromePdfRenderer renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
    var doc = renderer.RenderUrlAsPdf("");
    return new FileContentResult(doc.BinaryData, "application/pdf") { FileDownloadName = "google.pdf"
  3. dotnet publish net6.0 target platform win-x64

December 2022

IronPDF v2022.12.11113

Dec 12, 2022
Version 2022.12.11113

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Fixes crash when using IronPdf as part of a Windows service
  • Fixes 'failed to deploy IronPdf' error when using IronPdf with Azure Functions (see How to Run HTML to PDF with .NET on Azure)
  • Fixes behavior when stamping HTML or images behind existing PDF content
  • Fixes missing custom logger interface (Logging.CustomLogger)
  • Fixes missing AspxToPdf functionality (.NET 4 only)
  • Fixes Zoom being ignored even with FitToPaperModes properly set to None
  • Adds RenderZipFileAsPdf for rendering ZIP files as a PDF document
  • Adds RenderDelay and BackgroundColor options to TextStamper
  • Updates to Chrome 108.4.13 with many performance and security improvements
  • Updates various 3rd party NuGet packages to mitigate vulernabilities
  • Updates suggested docker files (see Adding IronPdf to an Existing Docker Container)
  • Improves consistency of IronPdf deployments across various Linux distros and .NET versions
  • Incremental improvements to memory management, stability, and performance in native code

November 2022

IronPDF v2022.11.10347

Nov 8, 2022
Version 2022.11.10347

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds radio button form elements, generated from html 'input' elements with a 'type' attribute of 'radio'
  • Adds RTF-to-PDF - see RenderRtfStringAsPdf() for more information
  • Adds more ways to replace text - see ReplaceTextOnPages() and ReplaceTextOnAllPages()
  • Fixes text headers and footers not being visible
  • Fixes error when merging documents with certain bookmark configurations
  • Fixes error when calling ApplyWatermark()
  • Fixes form fields sometimes not being editable after merging
  • Fixes form generation for html elements with styles marked '!important'
  • Fixes some TIFF images not loading when using ImageToPdf()
  • Updates ToMultiPageTiffImage() to only generate a single image file
  • Updates NuGet package layout to improve deployment on all platforms
  • Updates logic for applying margins to headers and footers (now only applying left and right margins by default)
  • Now supports installation of IronPdf via zip file or installer executable (see IronPdf Landing Page)

October 2022

IronPDF v2022.10.9622

Oct 10, 2022
Version 2022.10.9622

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • [Hotfix] Fix ImageStamper and TextStamper are missing

IronPDF v2022.10.9532

Oct 4, 2022
Version 2022.10.9532

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Added new methods for stamping HTML
  • Added option for only applying the left and right margin to headers and footers (see UseMarginsOnHeaderAndFooter)
  • Deprecated ApplyMarginToHeaderAndFooter
  • Paper sizes are now accurate to 0.00001 millimeter
  • Form fields created with IronPdf no longer have a blue border
  • Fixes an issue where replacing text would sometimes break the layout of a page
  • Improves logic when determining which font to use when replacing text (now checks for missing glyphs)
  • Updates to CEF 105.3.39

September 2022

IronPDF v2022.9.9056

Sep 14, 2022
Version 2022.9.9056

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Fixes license key not being read from application or web config files
  • Fixes error when Microsoft Visual C++ dependencies are missing on Windows
  • Fixes bug causing forms to be vertically offset by a few pixels
  • Fixes duplicate method name when using VB.NET
  • Adds support for form checkboxes when converting HTML to PDF

August 2022

IronPDF v2022.8.8138

Aug 16, 2022
Version 2022.8.8138

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds compression for PDF documents. See PdfDocument.CompressImages() for more information
  • Adds parameter for specifying rendering options when using ImageToPdfConverter
  • Removes PdfPage.PageOrientation, adds PdfPage.PageRotation (PDF page rotation is 0, 90, 180, or 270)
  • Fixes rendering of link elements whose href attribute specifies parameters (via '?')
  • Fixes application of document CSS to headers and footers when using the LoadStylesAndCSSFromMainHtmlDocument option
  • Fixes bug regarding setting and retrieval of form field flags when using nested form fields
  • Updates to latest Pdfium with various security fixes and performance improvements

July 2022

IronPDF v2022.8.7894

Jul 28, 2022
Version 2022.8.7894

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds support for Apple Silicon devices (MacOs on ARM processor)
  • Adds support for Ubuntu 22
  • Adds IronPdf.Installation.ChromeBrowserCachePath
  • Adds PdfDocument.DrawBitmap for drawing images to a PDF document
  • Reduces additional file size of PDF documents due to watermark for users without an IronPdf license
  • Fixes single-page applications and AJAX websites sometimes rendering incorrectly
  • Fixes "error while renaming form field" when merging PDF documents
  • Fixes load TIFF files sometimes throwing an exception
  • Fixes some attachments that were being corrupted
  • Fixes Image TOPdf not working with an image file name that contained a space
  • Fixes some FitToPaperModes that were not working correctly . Fixes some PDF files that could not be opened
  • Merging PDF documents now properly merges all form fields and their properties, including nested form fields
  • Improves support for .NET 6.0 in certain environments
  • Improves HtmlStamp and Watermark positioning

June 2022

IronPDF v2022.7.6986

Jun 30, 2022
Version 2022.7.6986

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds official support for NET 6.0 projects in Azure Functions
  • Implements annotation merging when merging PDF documents
  • Implements true automatic fitting of HTML content to a PDF page - see FitToPaperModes for more information
  • TextArea HTML elements should now include their value when generating a PDF document
  • Greatly improved performance when retrieving form field data or manipulating form fields
  • Adds several read-only properties for form fields
  • Fixes bug preventing setting form field values and manipulating form fields using their full name
  • Fixes several freezes and performance issues on MacOs
  • Fixes bugs when adding headers and footers to a Landscape-orientation document
  • Improves behavior when using multiple instances of IronPdf within an IIS application pool
  • Improves behavior and clarity when encountering rare errors such as connectivity errors or timeouts

IronPDF v2022.6.6115

Jun 6, 2022
Version 2022.6.6115

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds an expanded PDF Bookmark API
  • Adds a new PDF Attachments API
  • Adds a new Text Replacement API
  • Fixes a bug causing hanging with multiple renders on a limited resource environment (Docker, Kubernetes, etc.)
  • Fixes a bug where PageOrientation will return the incorrect value
  • Fixes a bug causing an error while inserting pages
  • Fixes a bug where the output of PDF to Image had an invalid ratio
  • Fixes a bug where duplicate form field was not set correctly
  • Fixes a bug where Header/Footer placeholders were not working
  • Fixes a memory leak issue when apply a HtmlHeaderFooter
  • Improves logic when queueing multiple renders after the user-specified browser limit has been reached
  • Improves deployment process
  • Improves some error messages
  • Updates to latest Pdfium release version which includes fixes when manipulating existing PDF documents
  • Updates to latest Chrome release version which includes fixes and security updates when rendering HTML to PDF

May 2022

IronPDF v2022.5.5596

May 2, 2022
Version 2022.5.5596

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Fixes bug where HtmlStamp positioning was not working
  • Fixes bug where AddBackground was incorrectly adding to foreground
  • Fixes bug where EnableCookies was not working as intended
  • Fixes bug causing an ArgumentNullException during the editing of a PDF document
  • Implements handling of ChromePdfRenderer exceptions without the need to restart
  • Improves documentation (IntelliSense)

April 2022

IronPDF v2022.4.5575

Apr 25, 2022
Version 2022.4.5575

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Supports .NET 6
  • Fixes user cookies not being applied automatically when rendering a url
  • Fixes intermittent GDI+ exception when converting pdf document to images on Windows
  • Fixes bug causing intermittent hanging during initialization and deployment on some systems
  • Fixes bug causing miscalculation for pdf document’s Width, Height, PrintWidth, and PrintHeight properties
  • Fixes bug causing HtmlFooter to sometimes add an additional 5 mm margin below the footer
  • Fixes bug where DPI parameter did not increase resolution of images generated from a pdf document
  • Fixes bug where headers and footers CSS styles were not working
  • Fixes bug where bookmarks would disappear when setting pdf security settings
  • Fixes bug where AddPdfBackground caused an ArgumentNullException
  • Fixes bug where IronPdf can not run when publishing with some publish profiles
  • Fixes bug where DrawDividerLine does not work with HTML header and footer
  • Fixes bug where temp files are not cleaned up
  • Implements check for Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable when using IronPdf on Windows
  • Implements improved logic for rendering html headers and footers on a pdf document

IronPDF v2022.4.5455

Apr 12, 2022
Version 2022.4.5455

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Fixes bug where changing user password, owner password, or permissions would remove bookmarks
  • Fixes bug where merging pdf documents would not preserve bookmarks
  • Fixes several other bugs regarding setting or retrieving bookmarks
  • Fixes bug where pdf page PrintHeight and PrintWidth were being calculated incorrectly
  • Fixes bug possibly causing crashes when generating images from a PDF document
  • Fixes bug where render delays were being incorrectly applied when generating headers and footers for a PDF document
  • Fixes memory leak when not using IDisposable pattern
  • Improves thread-safety when modifying a PDF document
  • Improves error text when unable to open a PDF document
  • Updates pdf-to-image conversion to start with a page index of 1

March 2022

IronPDF v2022.3.5084

Mar 8, 2022
Version 2022.3.5084

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Fixes bug where PNG images didn't load correctly when using .NET 6
  • Fixes bug where license stamps could not be clicked
  • Improves compatibility with some Linux distributions
  • Improves overall stability
  • Improves multithreading support
  • Updates to latest Pdfium version

February 2022

IronPDF v2022.2.4887

Feb 17, 2022
Version 2022.2.4887

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Fixes bug where some images didn't load correctly
  • Fixes bug where a cookie was not working correctly with the ChromeRender
  • Fixes UNC path where images were not working correctly with RenderHtmlAsPdf
  • Fixes bug in HTML style application for headers and footers
  • Fixes bug where multithreaded rendering would corrupt documents on some systems
  • Improves macOS stability
  • Improves overall stability and performance
  • NEW API - ImageToPdfConverter.PaperSize for setting PaperSize when using ImageToPdfConverter (default: A4)

January 2022

IronPDF v2022.1.4599

Jan 11, 2022
Version 2022.1.4599

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Fixes initialization timeouts on some systems
  • Fixes use of certain SSL certificates
  • Improves logic when using custom temp folder
  • Improves shutdown/cleanup logic

December 2021

IronPDF v2021.12.4495

Dec 7, 2021
Version 2021.12.4495

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Fixes bug where headers and footers would not render properly when JavaScript was disabled
  • Fixes memory issue when using printing documents using GetPrintDocument()
  • Fixes bug where render options may not be applied properly when using HtmlToPdf class
  • Fixes bug where "subprocess not executable" exception may be thrown erroneously
  • Fixes bug where "registry is not supported on this platform" exception may be thrown erroneously
  • Improves deployment logic to ensure correct version of downloaded dependencies are used (relevant when using IronPdf.Slim NuGet package)
  • Updates default render timeout from 30s to 60s
  • Updates StampHTML() methods to allow users to specify render options for the html stamps

IronPDF v2021.12.4401

Dec 1, 2021
Version 2021.12.4401

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Adds compression for PDF documents. See PdfDocument.CompressImages() for more information
  • Adds parameter for specifying rendering options when using ImageToPdfConverter
  • Removes PdfPage.PageOrientation, adds PdfPage.PageRotation (PDF page rotation is 0, 90, 180, or 270)
  • Fixes rendering of link elements whose href attribute specifies parameters (via '?')
  • Fixes application of document CSS to headers and footers when using the LoadStylesAndCSSFromMainHtmlDocument option
  • Fixes bug regarding setting and retrieval of form field flags when using nested form fields
  • Updates to latest Pdfium with various security fixes and performance improvements

November 2021

IronPDF v2021.11.4257

Nov 15, 2021
Version 2021.11.4257

Features & Upgrades

Release Notes:

  • Added Chrome, WebKit and Adaptive Rendering to IronPdf
  • Pixel Perfect Chrome HTML to PDF Rendering
  • Full Multithreading an Async Support
  • Razor and MVC helpers added
  • ChromePdfRenderer Class added
  • WebKitPdfRenderer Class added
  • AdaptivePdfRenderer Class added
  • Chrome renderer replaces WebKit as our default HtmlToPdf engine. HTML, CSS add JS is rendered more accurately, which may cause layout changes for existing users
  • Minor breaking API changes