Set up IronPDF using Windows Installer

Download and Run the Installer

  1. Download the installer here, and then run it.
  2. Carefully read and accept the license agreement: license-agreement-image

  3. Follow the steps and then navigate to Install: license-install

  4. Once you've read the Information page, click Next to continue: license information

  5. Click Finish to end the installation: license complete

Modify environment variables on Windows 11

Remember that in order for Environment Variable modifications to take effect, you must restart the machine. The following steps should be automatically done by the installer by default but if it does not work you may need to do them manually:

  1. Press Windows+R keys to open the "Run" program and type in sysdm.cpl into the "Open" field: run program win11

  2. In the System Properties window that appears, navigate to the Advanced tab, and then click the Environment Variables... button: system properties win11

  3. Here you can add new and edit existing variables. User Variables are used when you want to change the environment variables for the current or specific user. System Variables are for system-wide variables. environment variables window

  4. Now lets create or edit the variable for IronPDF.
  5. Set the Variable Name to IRONPDF_INSTALL_DIR. And set the Variable Value to C:\Program Files (x86)\IronSoftware\IronPdf edit user variable win11

  6. Restart the machine for the Environment Variable changes to take effect.

Modify environment variables on Windows 10

Remember that in order for Environment Variable modifications to take effect, you must restart the machine. The following steps should be automatically done by the installer by default but if it does not work you may need to do them manually:

  1. On the Windows taskbar, right click the Windows icon and select System.
  2. In the Settings window that appears, navigate to Related Settings->Advanced System Settings
  3. In the Advanced tab, find the Environment Variables... button: system properties win10

  4. Here you can add new and edit existing variables. User Variables are used when you want to change the environment variables for the current or specific user. System Variables are for system-wide variables. environment variables window

  5. Now lets create or edit the variable for IronPDF. set the Variable Name to IRONPDF_INSTALL_DIR. And set the Variable Value to C:\Program Files (x86)\IronSoftware\IronPdf edit user variable win11
  6. Restart the machine for the Environment Variable changes to take effect.