How to use IronPDF on MAUI Android

IronPDF is equipped to run as a remote service, offering improved convenience, performance, and deployability. Many customers are already using this technology to run IronPDF in a Docker container alongside their main applications.

The IronPdf.Server.Azure NuGet package now enables running IronPDF in the cloud, making it easy to use IronPDF across any platform, including mobile!

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C# NuGet Library for PDF

Install with NuGet

Install-Package IronPdf

Download DLL

Download DLL

Manually install into your project

Azure App Service Host

  1. Create a new Azure BLOB Storage Container
  2. Create a new Azure App Service and App Service Plan. We suggest Basic B2 plan or greater, but Free F1 should be sufficient to get started.
  3. Navigate to the Settings/Configuration section of your Web app and set the following values:
    1. BLOB_STORAGE_CONNECTION: You can configure a connection string according to the format outlined by Microsoft
    2. BLOB_STORAGE_CONTAINER: This is just the name of the container within the storage account
    3. HTTP20_ONLY_PORT: Must be set to 80
  4. Using Visual Studio, open the example Azure App Service Linux Container app, IronPdf.Android.Server.csproj
  5. Create a new publish profile which targets the Azure App Service you created in step 2.
  6. Publish your app!
  7. After several minutes, you should be able to verify your app is successfully publish by navigating to the URL in a browser, which will print a simple debug string.

Android MAUI Client

  1. Using Visual Studio, open the example MAUI Android application, IronPdf.Android.Client.csproj
  2. Within MainPage.xaml.cs, set your license key or remove this line to generate watermarked documents
  3. Within MainPage.xaml.cs, change the Host = "", line to your Azure App Service which is hosting IronPdf.
  4. Run the demo on an Android device which supports API 21.0 or higher.

NOTE: Depending on your plan settings, the first render may take a while as your Azure App Service is started for the first time.