IronPDF Milestone: Stability and Performance

We need better control over memory allocation to ensure stability and prevent crashes.

  • Updated: Chrome Embedded Framework Compliance
  • Key benefit: Greater user control resulting in improved performance
  • Secondary benefits: Memory requirements reduced; stability increased, corrected error handling on Linux
  • Date shipped: May 2023

We want you to have it all; but we know performance and ease-of-use can be at odds in software development. In these two updates: (2023.5.9 and 2023.6.2), we have built in more transparency, so the user has more control to make a decision that suits their use case and their project.

These improvements were done in consultation with the Chrome Embedded Framework (CEF) engineers to increase performance. This has addressed low level CEF compliance issues and resulted in bug fixes on Linux. It has improved performance by giving users greater control, so they can increase speed and reduce memory consumption.

Engineers now have more control when they are using IronPDF. Increased control results in improved speed and performance; it also means the user will, in many cases, require less memory.

The aforementioned improvements have resulted in noticeable gains IronPDF’s HTML to PDF rendering abilities. Memory usage when rendering headers and footers in PDF documents has been reduced by as much as 75%. Loading time for large documents has also seen an 80% reduction. Furthermore, most PDF operations can now be done with less than a Gigabyte of RAM.

IronPDF Milestone: Stability and Performance - Figure 1: Long Test Invoice Comparison This image illustrates the improvement in memory consumption between IronPDF versions 2023.6.10 and version 2023.7 when rendering a fairly large HTML invoice containing a header and a footer.

2023.7 and 2023.8 brought additional performance improvements, intended to better support cloud users with minimal hardware.

As of August 2023, customers can actively engage Iron Software’s support team for further guidance on how to get the best performance when using IronPDF in their projects.

IronPDF and CEF create a pixel perfect solution

IronPDF utilizes Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) to provide robust and reliable HTML-to-PDF conversion capabilities. CEF is an open-source framework that embeds the Chrome browser's rendering engine into applications, allowing them to display and interact with web content. IronPDF leverages this powerful framework to accurately parse and render HTML documents, including complex layouts, CSS styles, and JavaScript interactions. By utilizing CEF, IronPDF ensures high-fidelity rendering of HTML content, maintaining the same visual appearance and functionality as viewed in a web browser. This enables developers to effortlessly convert HTML to PDF while preserving the original design and interactivity, making it a versatile and efficient tool for generating professional-quality PDF documents.

Stability on Linux

Stability is crucial for IronPDF when running on Linux due to several key reasons. Linux is a widely used operating system for hosting web servers, handling large workloads, and running critical applications. In this context, stability is paramount to ensure the uninterrupted and reliable operation of IronPDF. A stable Linux environment ensures that IronPDF can handle high-volume PDF generation tasks without encountering crashes or errors, guaranteeing consistent and accurate results. Stability also contributes to the overall reliability and availability of the Linux server, preventing system failures or downtime that could disrupt PDF generation processes and impact productivity. Additionally, a stable Linux environment allows IronPDF to seamlessly integrate with other software components, libraries, and frameworks, enabling smooth collaboration and maximizing the efficiency of PDF generation workflows. Overall, stability is essential for IronPDF on Linux to ensure dependable performance, maintain productivity, and deliver high-quality PDF documents consistently.

IronPDF Milestones: Chrome Rendering | PDFium | Read Compatibility | Stability & Performance