IronPDF Developer Update, October 2022
Updates about IronPDF for the month of October from the IronPDF Engineering Team
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The C# PDF Library
using IronPdf;
// Disable local disk access or cross-origin requests
Installation.EnableWebSecurity = true;
// Instantiate Renderer
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
// Create a PDF from a HTML string using C#
var pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf("<h1>Hello World</h1>");
// Export to a file or Stream
// Advanced Example with HTML Assets
// Load external html assets: Images, CSS and JavaScript.
// An optional BasePath 'C:\site\assets\' is set as the file location to load assets from
var myAdvancedPdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf("<img src='icons/iron.png'>", @"C:\site\assets\");
using IronPdf;
// Instantiate Renderer
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
// Create a PDF from an existing HTML file using C#
var pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlFileAsPdf("example.html");
// Export to a file or Stream
using IronPdf;
// Instantiate Renderer
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
// Create a PDF from a URL or local file path
var pdf = renderer.RenderUrlAsPdf("");
// Export to a file or Stream
using IronPdf;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Changes the ASPX output into a pdf instead of HTML
using IronPdf;
var PdfOptions = new IronPdf.ChromePdfRenderOptions()
CreatePdfFormsFromHtml = true,
EnableJavaScript = false,
Title = "My ASPX Page Rendered as a PDF"
//.. many more options available
AspxToPdf.RenderThisPageAsPdf(AspxToPdf.FileBehavior.Attachment, "MyPdfFile.pdf", PdfOptions);
using IronPdf;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
// One or more images as IEnumerable. This example selects all JPEG images in a specific 'assets' folder.
var imageFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles("assets").Where(f => f.EndsWith(".jpg") || f.EndsWith(".jpeg"));
// Converts the images to a PDF and save it.
// Also see PdfDocument.RasterizeToImageFiles() method to flatten a PDF to images or thumbnails
using IronPdf;
// Initiate PDF Renderer
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
// Add a header to every page easily
renderer.RenderingOptions.FirstPageNumber = 1; // use 2 if a cover page will be appended
renderer.RenderingOptions.TextHeader.DrawDividerLine = true;
renderer.RenderingOptions.TextHeader.CenterText = "{url}";
renderer.RenderingOptions.TextHeader.Font = IronSoftware.Drawing.FontTypes.Helvetica;
renderer.RenderingOptions.TextHeader.FontSize = 12;
renderer.RenderingOptions.MarginTop = 25; //create 25mm space for header
// Add a footer too
renderer.RenderingOptions.TextFooter.DrawDividerLine = true;
renderer.RenderingOptions.TextFooter.Font = IronSoftware.Drawing.FontTypes.Arial;
renderer.RenderingOptions.TextFooter.FontSize = 10;
renderer.RenderingOptions.TextFooter.LeftText = "{date} {time}";
renderer.RenderingOptions.TextFooter.RightText = "{page} of {total-pages}";
renderer.RenderingOptions.MarginTop = 25; //create 25mm space for footer
// Mergeable fields are:
// {page} {total-pages} {url} {date} {time} {html-title} & {pdf-title}
using IronPdf;
using System;
// Step 1. Creating a PDF with editable forms from HTML using form and input tags
// Radio Button and Checkbox can also be implemented with input type 'radio' and 'checkbox'
const string formHtml = @"
<h2>Editable PDF Form</h2>
First name: <br> <input type='text' name='firstname' value=''> <br>
Last name: <br> <input type='text' name='lastname' value=''> <br>
<p>Please specify your gender:</p>
<input type='radio' id='female' name='gender' value= 'Female'>
<label for='female'>Female</label> <br>
<input type='radio' id='male' name='gender' value='Male'>
<label for='male'>Male</label> <br>
<input type='radio' id='non-binary/other' name='gender' value='Non-Binary / Other'>
<label for='non-binary/other'>Non-Binary / Other</label>
<p>Please select all medical conditions that apply:</p>
<input type='checkbox' id='condition1' name='Hypertension' value='Hypertension'>
<label for='condition1'> Hypertension</label><br>
<input type='checkbox' id='condition2' name='Heart Disease' value='Heart Disease'>
<label for='condition2'> Heart Disease</label><br>
<input type='checkbox' id='condition3' name='Stoke' value='Stoke'>
<label for='condition3'> Stoke</label><br>
<input type='checkbox' id='condition4' name='Diabetes' value='Diabetes'>
<label for='condition4'> Diabetes</label><br>
<input type='checkbox' id='condition5' name='Kidney Disease' value='Kidney Disease'>
<label for='condition5'> Kidney Disease</label><br>
// Instantiate Renderer
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
renderer.RenderingOptions.CreatePdfFormsFromHtml = true;
// Step 2. Reading and Writing PDF form values.
var FormDocument = PdfDocument.FromFile("BasicForm.pdf");
// Set and Read the value of the "firstname" field
var FirstNameField = FormDocument.Form.FindFormField("firstname");
FirstNameField.Value = "Minnie";
Console.WriteLine("FirstNameField value: {0}", FirstNameField.Value);
// Set and Read the value of the "lastname" field
var LastNameField = FormDocument.Form.FindFormField("lastname");
LastNameField.Value = "Mouse";
Console.WriteLine("LastNameField value: {0}", LastNameField.Value);
using IronPdf;
using IronPdf.Engines.Chrome;
// Instantiate Renderer
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
// Set the width of the Responsive Viewport in pixels
int pixelWidth = 1280;
// Set paper mode to automatic fit to physical paper
renderer.RenderingOptions.FitToPaperMode = FitToPaperModes.AutomaticFit;
// Render an HTML file
var pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlFileAsPdf("Assets/Responsive.html");
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