C# Ref Keywords (How it Works for Developers)

Published November 13, 2023

The C# ref keyword is an essential tool that every beginner should learn about. It's used to pass arguments or args by reference rather than by value, allowing changes made to the reference type variable inside the called method to reflect outside it. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the details of the **ref keyword and explore various console code examples that illustrate how it works.

Introduction to the ref Keyword

When you pass a method parameter in C#, by default, it's passed by value. This means a copy of the parameter's value is created, and any changes made within the calling method won't affect the original variable outside the method. The ref keyword changes this behavior, allowing you to pass a parameter by reference. When a parameter is passed by reference, any changes made within the method will directly affect the original variable outside the method.

Key Concepts

  • ref keyword: Used to indicate that a variable is passed by reference.
  • Reference variables: Types that reference the memory location where data is stored.
  • Value types: Types that hold the actual data.
  • Original variable: The variable outside the method that reflects changes made inside the method when using the ref keywords.

Passing by Reference

Let's start by understanding the concept of how variables are passed by reference. Imagine you have one method that increments an integer as shown in the following code:

class Program
//method returns incremented value
    static void IncrementByOne(int num)

    static void Main()
        int value = 5;
        Console.WriteLine(value);  // Output: 5
class Program
//method returns incremented value
    static void IncrementByOne(int num)

    static void Main()
        int value = 5;
        Console.WriteLine(value);  // Output: 5
Friend Class Program
'method returns incremented value
	Private Shared Sub IncrementByOne(ByVal num As Integer)
		num += 1
	End Sub

	Shared Sub Main()
		Dim value As Integer = 5
		Console.WriteLine(value) ' Output: 5
	End Sub
End Class
VB   C#

In the code above, even though we incremented num within the IncrementByOne method, the original value remains unchanged. This is because num is a copy of the original variable, and changes made to it don't affect the original.

Using the ref Keyword

Now, let's see how the ref keyword can change this behavior. By using ref, you can pass a variable by reference to the method as shown in one of the code examples below.

class Program
//ref int
    static void IncrementByOneRef(ref int num)

    static void Main()
        int value = 5;
        IncrementByOneRef(ref value);
        Console.WriteLine(value);  // Output: 6
class Program
//ref int
    static void IncrementByOneRef(ref int num)

    static void Main()
        int value = 5;
        IncrementByOneRef(ref value);
        Console.WriteLine(value);  // Output: 6
Friend Class Program
'ref int
	Private Shared Sub IncrementByOneRef(ByRef num As Integer)
		num += 1
	End Sub

	Shared Sub Main()
		Dim value As Integer = 5
		Console.WriteLine(value) ' Output: 6
	End Sub
End Class
VB   C#

Notice the ref keyword in both the method signature and the call. This tells C# that you want to pass the value variable by reference. As a result, the changes made within the IncrementByOneRef method are reflected in the original value variable.

Working with Value Types

The ref keyword is particularly useful when working with types like integers, doubles, and structs. These types are stored directly in memory, and passing them by reference can lead to performance improvements and more precise control over data manipulation.

Modifying Reference Variables

While the ref keyword is commonly associated with value types, it can also be used with reference type variables. Reference types, like classes and arrays, store a reference to the actual data in memory rather than the data itself. This means you're dealing with a pointer-like structure, and passing by reference can yield different results as shown in the following example:

class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }

class Program
    static void ChangeName(ref Person person)
        //new object
        person = new Person { Name = "Alice" };

    static void Main()
        Person person = new Person { Name = "Bob" };
        ChangeName(ref person);
        Console.WriteLine(person.Name);  // Output: Alice
class Person
    public string Name { get; set; }

class Program
    static void ChangeName(ref Person person)
        //new object
        person = new Person { Name = "Alice" };

    static void Main()
        Person person = new Person { Name = "Bob" };
        ChangeName(ref person);
        Console.WriteLine(person.Name);  // Output: Alice
Friend Class Person
	Public Property Name() As String
End Class

Friend Class Program
	Private Shared Sub ChangeName(ByRef person As Person)
		'new object
		person = New Person With {.Name = "Alice"}
	End Sub

	Shared Sub Main()
		Dim person As New Person With {.Name = "Bob"}
		Console.WriteLine(person.Name) ' Output: Alice
	End Sub
End Class
VB   C#

In this example, the ChangeName method changes the reference of the person variable to a new Person object. As a result, the original person variable now points to a different object, and its name is "Alice."

Method Overloading with Reference Type Parameters

You can have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. This is called method overloading. When using the ref keyword, method overloading becomes more powerful.

class Calculator
    public static void Add(ref int x, int y)
        x += y;

    public static void Add(ref double x, double y)
        x += y;

class Program
    static void Main()
        int intValue = 5;
        double doubleValue = 7.5;
        //ref parameter
        Calculator.Add(ref intValue, 3);
        Calculator.Add(ref doubleValue, 2.5);

        Console.WriteLine(intValue);      // Output: 8
        Console.WriteLine(doubleValue);   // Output: 10.0
class Calculator
    public static void Add(ref int x, int y)
        x += y;

    public static void Add(ref double x, double y)
        x += y;

class Program
    static void Main()
        int intValue = 5;
        double doubleValue = 7.5;
        //ref parameter
        Calculator.Add(ref intValue, 3);
        Calculator.Add(ref doubleValue, 2.5);

        Console.WriteLine(intValue);      // Output: 8
        Console.WriteLine(doubleValue);   // Output: 10.0
Friend Class Calculator
	Public Shared Sub Add(ByRef x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
		x += y
	End Sub

	Public Shared Sub Add(ByRef x As Double, ByVal y As Double)
		x += y
	End Sub
End Class

Friend Class Program
	Shared Sub Main()
		Dim intValue As Integer = 5
		Dim doubleValue As Double = 7.5
		'ref parameter
		Calculator.Add(intValue, 3)
		Calculator.Add(doubleValue, 2.5)

		Console.WriteLine(intValue) ' Output: 8
		Console.WriteLine(doubleValue) ' Output: 10.0
	End Sub
End Class
VB   C#

In the above example, we're overloading the Add method to work with both int and double types. The ref keyword allows the methods to modify the original variables directly.

Using the out Keyword

Another related keyword is out. It's similar to the ref but has a slightly different purpose. While ref expects the variable to be initialized before it's passed, the out keyword is used when you want a method to assign a value to a parameter that doesn't necessarily have an initial value:

class Program
    static void Divide(int dividend, int divisor, out int quotient)
        quotient = dividend / divisor;

    static void Main()
        int result;
        Divide(10, 2, out result);
        Console.WriteLine(result);  // Output: 5
class Program
    static void Divide(int dividend, int divisor, out int quotient)
        quotient = dividend / divisor;

    static void Main()
        int result;
        Divide(10, 2, out result);
        Console.WriteLine(result);  // Output: 5
Friend Class Program
	Private Shared Sub Divide(ByVal dividend As Integer, ByVal divisor As Integer, ByRef quotient As Integer)
		quotient = dividend \ divisor
	End Sub

	Shared Sub Main()
		Dim result As Integer = Nothing
		Divide(10, 2, result)
		Console.WriteLine(result) ' Output: 5
	End Sub
End Class
VB   C#

In this example, the Divide method calculates the quotient and assigns it to the quotient variable using the out keyword. It's worth noting that you don't need to initialize the result before passing it to the method.

Difference Between ref and out keyword

The out keyword is similar to the ref keyword but significantly different. An out parameter doesn't need an initial value, whereas a ref parameter must have initial values before the method call.

Potential Pitfalls

While the ref and out keywords can be powerful tools, they should be used judiciously. Incorrect use of these keywords can lead to confusing code and unexpected behavior. For instance, you cannot use a non-ref variable in a ref or out parameter without initializing it first, as it would lead to a compilation error.

Advanced Usage of the ref keyword

Working with Reference Types and Value Types

Understanding the difference between two references and value types is crucial when working with the ref keyword.

  • Reference Type: The variable refers to the location in memory where the data is stored, e.g., objects, arrays, etc.
  • Value Type: The variable directly contains the data, e.g., integers, floats, etc.

Using ref with value types allows changes to be reflected outside the method, while reference type variables inherently behave this way.

Extension Method with ref keyword

You can also use the ref keyword with extension methods. An example:

public static class StringExtensions
    public static void AppendValue(ref this string input, string value)
        input += value;
public static class StringExtensions
    public static void AppendValue(ref this string input, string value)
        input += value;
Public Module StringExtensions
	Public Sub AppendValue(ByRef Me input As String, ByVal value As String)
		input &= value
	End Sub
End Module
VB   C#

Compiler Error and the ref keyword

If you forget to include the ref keyword in either the method signature or the method call, it will result in a compiler error at compile time.

Async Methods and ref parameters

Note that you cannot use ref parameters with iterator methods or async methods, as these require passing the parameter by value.

Introducing Iron Suite

Alongside understanding key concepts such as the ref keyword in C#, there's a set of powerful tools that can make the life of a developer much easier. The Iron Suite is a collection of robust tools and libraries that include IronPDF, IronXL, IronOCR, and IronBarcode. Let's explore these tools and see how they can enhance your coding experience without any argument.

IronPDF PDF Processing Made Easy

IronPDF is an essential part of the Iron Suite. It's a library that allows developers to create, read, and edit PDF files within C#. If you want to convert HTML to PDF, IronPDF has the tools you need. Check out the HTML to PDF tutorial to learn more about this feature function.

IronXL Excel Manipulation at Your Fingertips

Working with Excel files in C# can be challenging, but IronXL simplifies this task. It enables you to read, write, edit, and manipulate Excel files without having Excel installed. From importing data to creating new spreadsheets, IronXL makes handling Excel in C#

IronOCR Optical Character Recognition for C#

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) can be complex, but IronOCR streamlines the process. With this library, you can read text from images and convert it into machine-readable text. Whether you need to extract text from a scanned document or recognize characters from an image, IronOCR has the functionality to help.

IronBarcode Barcode Generation and Reading

Barcodes are commonly used in various industries, and handling them in your applications is now more accessible with IronBarcode. This library lets you create, read, and work with barcodes in C#. IronBarcode supports a wide range of QR and Barcode formats.

How Iron Suite Relates to the ref Keyword

You might wonder how these tools relate to the ref keyword we've discussed. When working on complex projects involving PDF, Excel, OCR, or barcodes, effectively using the ref keyword and other C# principles will be crucial in managing your code efficiently.

For example, when manipulating large Excel files with IronXL, passing objects by reference using the ref keyword can make your code more efficient and maintainable. Similarly, working with PDF documents using IronPDF could involve methods where the ref keyword can play a role.

Understanding the core language features like the ref keyword and having access to tools like the Iron Suite equips you with a powerful combination to build efficient, robust, and versatile applications. The Iron Suite is designed to work seamlessly with your existing C# knowledge, and together, they can help you create more professional and sophisticated solutions.


The C# language, with features like the ref keyword, offers powerful capabilities for developers. Combined with the Iron Suite, including IronPDF, IronXL, IronOCR, and IronBarcode, the possibilities become even more expansive.

Each product in the Iron Suite offers a free trial, allowing you to explore and utilize the extensive functionalities without any immediate investment. Should you decide to proceed with a full license, the pricing starts from $749 for individual components.

If you find the entire Iron Suite fitting your needs, there's an excellent deal waiting for you. You can acquire the full suite for the price of just two individual components.

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