Dotnetopenauth .NET Core (How It Works For Developers)

Published July 1, 2024

DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core is a version of the original DotNetOpenAuth library adapted for .NET Core, providing a robust public API. This library helps you add authentication with OAuth2 and OpenID to your .NET applications. IronPDF is a library for creating, reading, and editing PDF files in .NET. It is useful for generating documents like reports and invoices directly from your .NET applications.

You can use DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core and IronPDF in various types of projects, such as web and desktop applications, to leverage shared code and implement new features. They are essential for developers looking to handle authentication and PDF document management in their software.

Getting Started with DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core

Setting Up DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core in .NET Projects

To start using DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core in your .NET projects, supported by Microsoft technologies, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project in Visual Studio.
  2. Go to the Solution Explorer.
  3. Right-click on your project name.
  4. Select Manage NuGet Packages.
  5. In the NuGet Package Manager, search for DotNetOpenAuth.NetCore and other NuGet packages.
  6. Click Install to add it to your project.

This will add the DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core library to your project, providing support for integrating authentication features.

A Basic Code Example Using DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core

Here is a simple example showing how to set up OAuth2 authentication in your application using DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core:

using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;

// Initialize the OAuth2 client
var client = new WebServerClient(new AuthorizationServerDescription
    TokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/token"),
    AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id", "your-client-secret");

// Start the authentication process
IAuthorizationState state = client.ProcessUserAuthorization();
if (state != null && state.IsAuthorized)
    // Authorized successfully, now you can access protected resources
using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;

// Initialize the OAuth2 client
var client = new WebServerClient(new AuthorizationServerDescription
    TokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/token"),
    AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id", "your-client-secret");

// Start the authentication process
IAuthorizationState state = client.ProcessUserAuthorization();
if (state != null && state.IsAuthorized)
    // Authorized successfully, now you can access protected resources
Imports DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2

' Initialize the OAuth2 client
Private client = New WebServerClient(New AuthorizationServerDescription With {
	.TokenEndpoint = New Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/token"),
	.AuthorizationEndpoint = New Uri("https://your-auth-server.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id", "your-client-secret")

' Start the authentication process
Private state As IAuthorizationState = client.ProcessUserAuthorization()
If state IsNot Nothing AndAlso state.IsAuthorized Then
	' Authorized successfully, now you can access protected resources
End If
VB   C#

This code snippet sets up an OAuth2 client using DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core, connects to an authorization server, and processes user authorization.

Implement Features of DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core

Integrating OpenID Connect

To integrate OpenID Connect using DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core, you can follow this basic approach:

using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;

// Configure the OpenID Connect client
var openIdClient = new WebServerClient(new AuthorizationServerDescription
    TokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/token"),
    AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id");

// Redirect user for authentication
Uri authUri = openIdClient.GetAuthorizationRequestUri("openid email profile");
using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;

// Configure the OpenID Connect client
var openIdClient = new WebServerClient(new AuthorizationServerDescription
    TokenEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/token"),
    AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id");

// Redirect user for authentication
Uri authUri = openIdClient.GetAuthorizationRequestUri("openid email profile");
Imports DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2

' Configure the OpenID Connect client
Private openIdClient = New WebServerClient(New AuthorizationServerDescription With {
	.TokenEndpoint = New Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/token"),
	.AuthorizationEndpoint = New Uri("https://your-openid-provider.com/authorize")
}, "your-client-id")

' Redirect user for authentication
Private authUri As Uri = openIdClient.GetAuthorizationRequestUri("openid email profile")
VB   C#

This code configures an OpenID Connect client and redirects the user to the authentication page of the OpenID provider.

Handling Access Tokens

Here’s how you can handle access tokens with DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core:

// After user is authenticated, process the authorization response
IAuthorizationState authState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization();
if (authState != null && authState.IsAuthorized)
    // Access token is available, and you can use it to make authenticated requests
    string accessToken = authState.AccessToken;
// After user is authenticated, process the authorization response
IAuthorizationState authState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization();
if (authState != null && authState.IsAuthorized)
    // Access token is available, and you can use it to make authenticated requests
    string accessToken = authState.AccessToken;
' After user is authenticated, process the authorization response
Dim authState As IAuthorizationState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization()
If authState IsNot Nothing AndAlso authState.IsAuthorized Then
	' Access token is available, and you can use it to make authenticated requests
	Dim accessToken As String = authState.AccessToken
End If
VB   C#

This snippet processes the user authorization response to retrieve and use the access token.

Refreshing Tokens

To refresh tokens when they expire, use the following code:

// Check if the access token is expired and refresh it
if (authState.AccessTokenExpirationUtc <= DateTime.UtcNow)
    if (openIdClient.RefreshAuthorization(authState))
        // Token refreshed successfully
// Check if the access token is expired and refresh it
if (authState.AccessTokenExpirationUtc <= DateTime.UtcNow)
    if (openIdClient.RefreshAuthorization(authState))
        // Token refreshed successfully
' Check if the access token is expired and refresh it
If authState.AccessTokenExpirationUtc <= DateTime.UtcNow Then
	If openIdClient.RefreshAuthorization(authState) Then
		' Token refreshed successfully
	End If
End If
VB   C#

This code checks if the current token has expired and attempts to refresh it.

Revoking Tokens

If you need to revoke tokens, implement it as shown below:

// Revoke the access token
bool success = openIdClient.RevokeAuthorization(authState);
if (success)
    // Token revoked successfully
// Revoke the access token
bool success = openIdClient.RevokeAuthorization(authState);
if (success)
    // Token revoked successfully
' Revoke the access token
Dim success As Boolean = openIdClient.RevokeAuthorization(authState)
If success Then
	' Token revoked successfully
End If
VB   C#

This snippet revokes the authorization, effectively invalidating the access token.

Customizing Token Requests

To customize token requests for specific needs, such as adding extra parameters:

// Customize the token request
var additionalParams = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"custom_parameter", "value"}
IAuthorizationState customizedState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(additionalParams);
if (customizedState != null && customizedState.IsAuthorized)
    // Token request customized and processed successfully
// Customize the token request
var additionalParams = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"custom_parameter", "value"}
IAuthorizationState customizedState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(additionalParams);
if (customizedState != null && customizedState.IsAuthorized)
    // Token request customized and processed successfully
' Customize the token request
Dim additionalParams = New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
	{"custom_parameter", "value"}
Dim customizedState As IAuthorizationState = openIdClient.ProcessUserAuthorization(additionalParams)
If customizedState IsNot Nothing AndAlso customizedState.IsAuthorized Then
	' Token request customized and processed successfully
End If
VB   C#

This code adds custom parameters to the token request, which can be useful for dealing with specific requirements of an authorization server.

DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core with IronPDF

IronPDF is a comprehensive library that allows developers to create, read, and manipulate PDF files in .NET environments. It's particularly useful for generating PDFs from HTML or directly from URLs, which can be great for reporting, generating invoices, or just storing web pages in a static format. When integrated with DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core, it ensures that these capabilities are secure and accessible only to authenticated users.

Use Case of Merging IronPDF with DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core

A practical use case for merging IronPDF with DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core is in a web application where authenticated users need to generate and download personalized reports. For instance, imagine a scenario where users log in to your application and access their financial reports as PDFs. DotNetOpenAuth ensures that users are properly authenticated and authorized to access their documents, while IronPDF handles the creation and delivery of these personalized PDFs.

Code Example of Use Case

Let's look at a complete code example that demonstrates how to implement this. We'll create a simple web API in .NET Core that authenticates a user and then generates a PDF report using IronPDF:

using IronPdf;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;

public class ReportController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult DownloadPdfReport()
        // Authentication is handled by DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core
        var currentUser = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

        // Generate PDF content using IronPDF
        var Renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
        var PDF = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf($"<h1>Report for {currentUser}</h1><p>This is your personalized financial report.</p>");

        // Set file name and content type for the PDF
        var outputFileName = $"Report-{currentUser}.pdf";
        Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", $"attachment; filename={outputFileName}");
        Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

        // Return the generated PDF file
        return File(PDF.Stream.ToArray(), "application/pdf");
using IronPdf;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;

public class ReportController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult DownloadPdfReport()
        // Authentication is handled by DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core
        var currentUser = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;

        // Generate PDF content using IronPDF
        var Renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
        var PDF = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf($"<h1>Report for {currentUser}</h1><p>This is your personalized financial report.</p>");

        // Set file name and content type for the PDF
        var outputFileName = $"Report-{currentUser}.pdf";
        Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", $"attachment; filename={outputFileName}");
        Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

        // Return the generated PDF file
        return File(PDF.Stream.ToArray(), "application/pdf");
Imports IronPdf
Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc
Imports Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization

Public Class ReportController
	Inherits ControllerBase

	Public Function DownloadPdfReport() As IActionResult
		' Authentication is handled by DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core
		Dim currentUser = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name

		' Generate PDF content using IronPDF
		Dim Renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
		Dim PDF = Renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf($"<h1>Report for {currentUser}</h1><p>This is your personalized financial report.</p>")

		' Set file name and content type for the PDF
		Dim outputFileName = $"Report-{currentUser}.pdf"
		Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", $"attachment; filename={outputFileName}")
		Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"

		' Return the generated PDF file
		Return File(PDF.Stream.ToArray(), "application/pdf")
	End Function
End Class
VB   C#

In this example, we're using the [Authorize] attribute to ensure that only authenticated users can access the PDF generation endpoint. The ChromePdfRenderer class from IronPDF is used to create a PDF from HTML content, which in this case, is dynamically personalized with the user's name.

DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core (How It Works For Developers): Figure 1


Integrating DotNetOpenAuth .NET Core with IronPDF offers a powerful solution for enhancing the security and functionality of your .NET applications. By leveraging these technologies, you can effectively protect sensitive data and provide a personalized user experience through dynamic PDF generation.

IronPDF is not only versatile but also developer-friendly, offering a straightforward approach to creating and managing PDF files within .NET applications. If you're considering incorporating IronPDF into your project, you'll be pleased to know that it offers a free trial and licensing options.

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