Save Byte Array to PDF C# (Code Example)

Updated February 8, 2024

This guide will explore the process of converting a byte array into a PDF file using the robust capabilities of the IronPDF .NET library. This transformation is crucial for developers who need to work with PDF files within their .NET applications.

Topics Covered in Tutorial

The following topics will be covered in this tutorial:

  • IronPDF
  • Steps to Create PDF Files Programmatically
  • Step 1: Create a C# Project
  • Step 2: Install the IronPDF Library
    • Method 1: NuGet Package Manager Console
    • Method 2: Using the DLL File
  • Step 3: Add the IronPDF Namespace
  • Step 4: Convert Byte Array to PDF File
    • Output
  • Conclusion

IronPDF: C# PDF Library

IronPDF is a .NET library that makes reading, manipulating, and writing PDF documents easy. You can use it in your .NET projects for desktop and Web Applications. IronPDF is available for free for development purposes. This library allows you to convert HTML to PDF, extract text from a PDF, and more. IronPDF is a lightweight .NET PDF library designed specifically with web developers in mind. It is written entirely in C#. IronPDF contains an extensive set of functions that can be used to work with PDF files in a programming environment. Functions are created to improve the workflow and provide access to every aspect of PDF. These include creating, opening, deleting, adding pages, and extracting text from PDF documents. The IronPDF library has many useful features:

Let's start with how to use the IronPDF library to convert the byte array to a PDF file.

Steps to Convert Byte Array to PDF

Starting with opening Visual Studio, select any C# application template according to your project needs. For this quick tutorial, the Console Application template will be used. You can modify the already existing C++ project file.

Step 1: Create a C# Project

Use the latest version of Visual Studio for creating the C# project. Follow the provided steps to create a C# project.

  • Open the Visual Studio on your machine.
  • Create a C# Console Application or modify an already existing C# application.
  • Give an appropriate name according to your project.
  • Select the .NET Framework 6.0, the latest framework that comes with long support. You can choose any other framework according to requirements but the latest version is strongly recommended.

By following the above steps, a C# project will be created. Now it's time to install the IronPDF library.

Step 2: Install the IronPDF Library

IronPDF is easy to install too. You get a fast and efficient installation process, cutting down development time and removing the confusion that usually accompanies it.

Method 1: NuGet Package Manager Console

Installing the IronPDF Library with Package Manager Console is very easy. Once you have the console open, type the following command, hit enter and it will be done!

Install-Package IronPdf

Save Byte Array to PDF C# (Code Example), Figure 1: The progress of installing IronPDF in the NuGet Package Manager Console The progress of installing IronPDF in the NuGet Package Manager Console

Method 2: Using a DLL file

To facilitate a more seamless installation process for this library and to give you a good understanding of how to use it, downloading the DLL file from the IronPDF Download Page is also recommended. Installation instructions can be found on this Installation Guide.

Step 3: Add the IronPDF Namespace

Although IronPDF is essential for this project, it is necessary to import its namespace into every code file to use it. To do that, add the following line of code at the top of each file:

using IronPdf;
using IronPdf;
Imports IronPdf
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Step 4: Convert Byte Array to PDF Document

As IronPDF is ready to use, adding the following code into your program file will help to convert byte array to PDF file:

using IronPdf;
using System.Text;

// Converting an array of bytes into a PDF file.

byte [] byteArray = { 84, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 98, 121, 116, 101, 32, 97, 114, 114, 97, 121};

// Storing encoded bytes into ASCII literals in a string variable
string data = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteArray);
string HTML = $"<h1>{data}</h1>";

var renderer = new IronPdf.ChromePdfRenderer();
using var pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(HTML);
using IronPdf;
using System.Text;

// Converting an array of bytes into a PDF file.

byte [] byteArray = { 84, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 98, 121, 116, 101, 32, 97, 114, 114, 97, 121};

// Storing encoded bytes into ASCII literals in a string variable
string data = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteArray);
string HTML = $"<h1>{data}</h1>";

var renderer = new IronPdf.ChromePdfRenderer();
using var pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(HTML);
Imports IronPdf
Imports System.Text

' Converting an array of bytes into a PDF file.

Private byteArray() As Byte = { 84, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 98, 121, 116, 101, 32, 97, 114, 114, 97, 121}

' Storing encoded bytes into ASCII literals in a string variable
Private data As String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteArray)
Private HTML As String = $"<h1>{data}</h1>"

Private renderer = New IronPdf.ChromePdfRenderer()
Private pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(HTML)
VB   C#

The above code converts the byte array to PDF. At first, convert the given byte array to a string using the ASCII.GetString function. Then, create an HTML string using the extracted data. After that, initiate ChromePdfRenderer and call the RenderHtmlAsPdf function to convert PDF files and create a new document.

Now, save the resultant PDF file document in the local system by using the SaveAs function.


Save Byte Array to PDF C# (Code Example), Figure 2: The output PDF file from the byte array The output PDF file from the byte array

This is the generated PDF file contents.


This article demonstrated how to easily save a Byte Array from PDF files using the IronPDF .NET PDF library. This was accomplished by only writing a few lines of code and with a high percentage of accuracy. Additionally, IronPDF also has many useful features such as HTML to PDF conversion, PDF formatting tools, and numerous more core PDF features that are imperative for PDF editing. IronPDF also eliminates the dependency on Adobe Acrobat.

IronPDF is free for development purposes and also offers a free trial for production testing. IronPDF provides a variety of pricing plans that you can get according to your needs. The price of IronPDF is relatively significantly less than its competitors. With pricing varying from individual to large companies, it proves to be a compelling purchase with impressive performance.

Save Byte Array to PDF C# (Code Example), Figure 3: The pricing plan for Iron Software's Suite The pricing plan for Iron Software's Suite

In addition, Iron Software offers a suite of five Iron Software packages for the price of just two. Please visit this Licensing Information Page, to get more details.

C# Convert JPG to PDF (Code Example Tutorial)
C# Convert PDF to Text (Code Example)