Py2neo (How It Works For Developers)

Published December 15, 2024


Information in a graph database is stored and manipulated as interrelated nodes and edges for modeling entities and their relationships. Graph databases perform compellingly under situations where the relationships are of equal or greater significance than the data, per se if not more so as compared to traditional relational databases that are based on tables.

This structure works wonderfully in fraud detection, recommendation systems, and social network applications because it supports complex network querying and analysis efficiently. Such databases, through the employment of graph algorithms, easily uncover patterns and relationships that are normally very hard to discover with traditional data models; hence, a lot of insightful information about complex relationships that are present within the data.

In the article, we are going learn how to use py2neo and combine the library with IronPDF so you can go even further and display your findings easily within a PDF.

What is Py2nep?

Py2neo is a client library and toolkit for Python library developed to enable Neo4j a very popular graph database for use in applications. It offers an intuitive user interface to access Neo4j's graph topologies, hence easily adding, editing, removing, and creating nodes with relationships. Py2neo provides a seamless interface between Python programs and the Neo4j database, which other than executing Cypher queries allows for the direct manipulation of graph data.

This comprehensive set of py2neo features eases the integration of Neo4j with Python projects for advanced querying and efficient management of graph data, using the powerful features of a graph database for your Python applications with little to no work.

Py2neo (How It Works For Developers): Figure 1 - Py2neo package webpage

It supports many Python distributions that are in use under most operating systems in client applications. Just be aware that py2neo is primarily used with the Linux Operating systems, it may work with other operating systems, but it isn't directly supported.

The library contains extensive features, including all command line tooling and admin tools. The library is one of the most robust ways to deal with Neo4j databases. Py2neo provides compatibility guarantees for smooth integration and reliable performance. It library supports both bolt and HTTP.

Setting Up and Using Py2neo with Python

The following procedures will help you construct and set up py2neo to communicate with a Neo4j database:

Installing the Py2neo Library

First, install the py2neo client library via pip to install the latest release to adopt bug fixes:

pip install py2neo

Make sure Neo4j is up and operating on your system. Download it from the Neo4j website, then follow the operating system's installation instructions.

Connect to Neo4j with Py2neo

Py2neo can be used to establish a connection between your Neo4j instance and your Python script or interactive environment. Observe this quick example below:

from py2neo import Graph
# Replace with your Neo4j credentials and connection details
connect local database or Neo4j online database
uri = "bolt://localhost:7687"  # URI for Neo4j Bolt protocol
user = "neo4j"                 # Username
password = "password"          # Password
# Create a connection to the Neo4j database
graph = Graph(uri, auth=(user, password))
# Verify the connection by running a simple query
result ="RETURN 'Hello, Neo4j!' AS message")
print(result)  # Should print: Hello, Neo4j!

Console Output

Py2neo (How It Works For Developers): Figure 2 - Console output for the previous example

Configure Py2neo

Additionally, you can modify Py2neo parameters to suit your needs, like connecting settings or default database. An illustration of more setups is provided here:

from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship
# Replace with your Neo4j credentials and connection details
uri = "bolt://localhost:7687"  # URI for Neo4j Bolt protocol
user = "neo4j"                 # Username
password = "password"          # Password
# Create a connection to the Neo4j database
graph = Graph(uri, auth=(user, password))
# Example of creating nodes and relationships
# Create nodes for Alice and Bob
alice = Node("Person", name="Alice")
bob = Node("Person", name="Bob")
# Add nodes to the graph
# Create a relationship between Alice and Bob
relationship = Relationship(alice, "KNOWS", bob)

Below is the data that we inserted into the Neo4j database from adding tools display.

Neo4j Contents

Py2neo (How It Works For Developers): Figure 3 - Neo4j database contents

Run Cypher Queries

Using Py2neo, you can use Cypher queries to communicate with your graph database:

# Example of a Cypher lexer query
query = """
MATCH (p:Person)
results =
for record in results:

Console Output

Py2neo (How It Works For Developers): Figure 4 - Console output showing database contents

Introducing IronPDF

Py2neo (How It Works For Developers): Figure 5 - IronPDF webpage

The Python library named IronPDF can handle the programmatic generation and manipulation of PDFs. It provides immense functionality to generate PDFs from HTML, merge two or more PDF files, and even use pre-existing PDFs that have annotations, text, and images added to them. On top of this, IronPDF allows users to create quality PDFs from any HTML page or web-based material used later in making reports, invoices, and other documents of a predefined layout.

Some of the advanced features of this library include the ability to change page layout, encrypt documents, and extract content from within the PDFs. By improving how your products deal with PDFs, you will be better placed to improve their general utility. This module will also help with automating document generation operations once IronPDF is integrated into Python programs.

Install IronPDF Library

You can use the following command to install the packages that let Python enable IronPDF functionality via pip.

pip install ironpdf

Integrating Py2neo with IronPDF

It is necessary to manage PDF processing with IronPDF and communicate with a Neo4j graph database using Py2neo to integrate Py2neo with IronPDF in Python. A detailed instruction on how to accomplish this integration is provided below:

from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship
from ironpdf import *     import warnings
# Ensure that you have replaces the string with your own license key
License.LicenseKey = "YOUR LICENSE KEY GOES HERE";
# Create a Graph instance with specific configurations
# Replace with your Neo4j credentials and connection details
uri = "bolt://localhost:7687"  # URI for Neo4j Bolt protocol
user = "neo4j"                 # Username
password = "Password"          # Password
# Create a connection to the Neo4j database
graph = Graph(uri, auth=(user, password))
content +='<h2>User Details</h2>'
# Example of a Cypher query
query = """
MATCH (p:Person)
results =
# Append each name to the content
for record in results:
    content += '<p>' + record["name"] + '</p>' 
# Create a PDF from the HTML content
html_to_pdf = ChromePdfRenderer()
pdf_document = html_to_pdf.RenderHtmlAsPdf(content)
# Save the PDF document

This is a Python script connecting to a Neo4j graph database using Py2neo. It runs a Cypher query returning the names of Person nodes and converts it into HTML. Later, it creates a PDF document with this HTML content in IronPDF.

The script shall begin with importing all libraries that are required, it then sets up a Neo4j connection using the given credentials. It then converts a list of the usernames to an HTML string and generates with the class ChromePdfRenderer of IronPDF to a PDF saved as "output.pdf".

Py2neo (How It Works For Developers): Figure 6 - Outputted PDF using IronPDF and Py2neo


A licensing key allows the code to work without a watermark. You can register for a free trial license at this link. Keep in mind that you can obtain one without having to show identification. To sign up for the free trial edition, all you have to provide is your email address.

Py2neo (How It Works For Developers): Figure 7 - IronPDF licensing plan


The integration of IronPDF and Py2neo provides a powerful ability to handle and visualize data saved in a Neo4j graph database. It greatly simplifies the process of communication between the user and Neo4j into one fast enough to run a search and get back the associated data. With this, you have the power to easily generate detailed, aesthetic PDFs with content in HTML tags directly from their queries to the graph database.

This integration enables higher-level analysis and visualization with graph-based data, with the ability to be effectively used or applied to a wide array of applications. Typical examples are in creating business intelligence reports or recording data relationships, among many others. On top of all this, a multitude of libraries are offered by IronSoftware to facilitate the development of programs for a variety of platforms and operating systems, such as Windows, Android, MAC, Linux, and others.

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