添加 HTML 頁首和頁尾
配置渲染選項,以在渲染 PDF 文件時包含 HTML 頁眉和頁腳。
使用分隔線、HTML 片段定義頁眉內容,並指定頁眉的最大高度。同樣地,使用 htmlHeader
請注意,頁眉和頁腳的高度不會自動檢測,這意味著它們可能會與主要的 HTML 內容重疊。請自訂邊距以確保頁眉和頁腳恰當地定位。
const {PdfDocument} = require("@ironsoftware/ironpdf"); (async () => { // Configure render options const renderOptions = { firstPageNumber: 1, // Use 2 if a cover page will be appended // Build a footer using html to style the text // mergeable fields are: // {page} {total-pages} {url} {date} {time} {html-title} & {pdf-title} htmlFooter: { maxHeight: 15, //millimeters htmlFragment: "<center><i>{page} of {total-pages}<i></center>", dividerLine: true, }, // Build a header using an image asset htmlHeader: { maxHeight: 15, //millimeters htmlFragment: "<img src='logo.png'>", }, // Use sufficient MarginBottom to ensure that the HtmlFooter does not overlap with the main PDF page content. margin: { top: 25, // Create 25mm space for the header bottom: 25, // Create 25mm space for the footer }, }; })();