C# Replace Character In String (How It Works For Developers)

Published April 29, 2024

A common operation in new string manipulation is altering characters within an initial string, where the function replaces specified Unicode characters in the initial string with new ones. This guide focuses on how to use the Replace method in C# for replacing letters in the current instance of strings, a useful technique for developers at any level. We'll also learn about the IronPDF library for .NET PDF operations for PDF operations.

Understanding the Replace Method

The Replace method in C# is used to create a new specified string by replacing all occurrences of a specified Unicode character or substring in the original string with another character or substring, effectively generating a specified string different from the current instance. This method is a part of the String class in the .NET Framework's System namespace, making it readily accessible for string operations.

Key Concepts of the Replace Method

  • Method Signature: The Replace method, through its method calls, comes in two main overloads. One overload replaces characters (char), and the other replaces substrings (string), where the method takes a char or string as the old character or substring to be replaced.
  • Return Value: The method returns a new string, ensuring the original string remains unaltered. This return value signifies the creation of a new instance that reflects the desired modifications.
  • Parameters: It takes two parameters. The first parameter specifies the character or substring to be replaced, and the second parameter specifies the replacement character or substring.

Practical Example: Replacing a Character

Let's look at a simple example of using the Replace method to replace a character in a string.

using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        string initialString = "Hello World";
        char oldChar = 'o';
        char newChar = '0';
        string newString = initialString.Replace(oldChar, newChar);
        Console.WriteLine("Original String: " + initialString);
        Console.WriteLine("Modified String: " + newString);
using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        string initialString = "Hello World";
        char oldChar = 'o';
        char newChar = '0';
        string newString = initialString.Replace(oldChar, newChar);
        Console.WriteLine("Original String: " + initialString);
        Console.WriteLine("Modified String: " + newString);
Imports System
Friend Class Program
	Shared Sub Main()
		Dim initialString As String = "Hello World"
		Dim oldChar As Char = "o"c
		Dim newChar As Char = "0"c
		Dim newString As String = initialString.Replace(oldChar, newChar)
		Console.WriteLine("Original String: " & initialString)
		Console.WriteLine("Modified String: " & newString)
	End Sub
End Class
VB   C#

It prints the following output on the console:

Original String: Hello World
Modified String: Hell0 W0rld
Original String: Hello World
Modified String: Hell0 W0rld
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
'Original String: Hello World Modified String: Hell0 W0rld
VB   C#

In the following example, all occurrences of the character 'o' in the initial string "Hello World" are replaced with the character '0', showcasing how the method replaces each specified Unicode character with a new one. The modified string is then printed to the console, alongside the original string to highlight the change.

Practical Example: Replacing a Substring

Replacing a substring follows a similar approach but works with sequences of characters instead of individual characters.

using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        string initialString = "Hello World";
        string oldSubstring = "World";
        string newSubstring = "C#";
        string newString = initialString.Replace(oldSubstring, newSubstring);
        Console.WriteLine("Original String: " + initialString);
        Console.WriteLine("Modified String: " + newString);
using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        string initialString = "Hello World";
        string oldSubstring = "World";
        string newSubstring = "C#";
        string newString = initialString.Replace(oldSubstring, newSubstring);
        Console.WriteLine("Original String: " + initialString);
        Console.WriteLine("Modified String: " + newString);
Imports System
Friend Class Program
	Shared Sub Main()
		Dim initialString As String = "Hello World"
		Dim oldSubstring As String = "World"
		Dim newSubstring As String = "C#"
		Dim newString As String = initialString.Replace(oldSubstring, newSubstring)
		Console.WriteLine("Original String: " & initialString)
		Console.WriteLine("Modified String: " & newString)
	End Sub
End Class
VB   C#


Original String: Hello World
Modified String: Hello C#
Original String: Hello World
Modified String: Hello C#
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
'Original String: Hello World Modified String: Hello C#
VB   C#

This code snippet demonstrates replacing the substring "World" with "C#" in the original string. Notice how the Replace method creates a new string with the specified changes, leaving the original string intact.

Advanced Usage of the Replace Method

Handling Multiple Replacements

The Replace method can be chained to perform multiple replacements in a single statement. This is useful when you need to replace several characters or substrings within the same string.

Dealing with Special Cases

Replacing with an Empty String: To remove all occurrences of a character or substring, simply replace it with an empty string ("").

Case Sensitivity: The Replace method is case-sensitive. Use methods like ToLower or ToUpper to manipulate the string if you need a case-insensitive replacement.

Tips for Effective String Replacement

  • Always remember that the Replace method does not alter the original string but rather creates a new one with the specified modifications.
  • Consider using the StringBuilder class if you're performing a large number of replacements on a single string, as it can offer better performance in certain scenarios.

IronPDF: C# PDF Library

IronPDF stands out as a comprehensive library designed for working with PDF documents within the .NET environment. Its main advantage lies in its ability to simplify the process of creating PDFs from HTML using IronPDF. By utilizing HTML, CSS, images, and JavaScript, it renders PDFs efficiently, steering clear of the more labor-intensive traditional PDF generation methods.

IronPDF is not only powerful but also user-friendly, requiring no external dependencies and offering extensive documentation to help users get started quickly. It aims to reduce the complexity associated with PDF manipulation, making it accessible for developers of varying skill levels.

Code Example

Let's explore a more practical example involving IronPDF and the concept of replacing text. Imagine you're creating a PDF invoice for a customer. Your application generates invoices dynamically, where certain details like the customer's name, date, and total amount are inserted into a predefined HTML template. This process involves replacing placeholders within the HTML with actual data from your application. After replacing these placeholders, you use IronPDF to convert the HTML to a PDF document.

using IronPdf;
using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        License.LicenseKey = "License-Key";
        // Initialize the HTML to PDF renderer
        var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
        // Example HTML invoice template with placeholders
        string htmlTemplate = @"
        <h1>Invoice for {CustomerName}</h1>
        <p>Date: {Date}</p>
        <p>Total Amount: {TotalAmount}</p>
        // Replace placeholders with actual data
        string customerName = "Iron Software";
        string date = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
        string totalAmount = "$100.00";
        string htmlContent = htmlTemplate.Replace("{CustomerName}", customerName)
                                          .Replace("{Date}", date)
                                          .Replace("{TotalAmount}", totalAmount);
        // Generate a PDF from the HTML content
        var pdfDocument = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(htmlContent);
        // Save the PDF document
        Console.WriteLine("Invoice generated successfully.");
using IronPdf;
using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        License.LicenseKey = "License-Key";
        // Initialize the HTML to PDF renderer
        var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
        // Example HTML invoice template with placeholders
        string htmlTemplate = @"
        <h1>Invoice for {CustomerName}</h1>
        <p>Date: {Date}</p>
        <p>Total Amount: {TotalAmount}</p>
        // Replace placeholders with actual data
        string customerName = "Iron Software";
        string date = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
        string totalAmount = "$100.00";
        string htmlContent = htmlTemplate.Replace("{CustomerName}", customerName)
                                          .Replace("{Date}", date)
                                          .Replace("{TotalAmount}", totalAmount);
        // Generate a PDF from the HTML content
        var pdfDocument = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(htmlContent);
        // Save the PDF document
        Console.WriteLine("Invoice generated successfully.");
Imports IronPdf
Imports System
Friend Class Program
	Shared Sub Main()
		License.LicenseKey = "License-Key"
		' Initialize the HTML to PDF renderer
		Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
		' Example HTML invoice template with placeholders
		Dim htmlTemplate As String = "
        <h1>Invoice for {CustomerName}</h1>
        <p>Date: {Date}</p>
        <p>Total Amount: {TotalAmount}</p>
		' Replace placeholders with actual data
		Dim customerName As String = "Iron Software"
		Dim [date] As String = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()
		Dim totalAmount As String = "$100.00"
		Dim htmlContent As String = htmlTemplate.Replace("{CustomerName}", customerName).Replace("{Date}", [date]).Replace("{TotalAmount}", totalAmount)
		' Generate a PDF from the HTML content
		Dim pdfDocument = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(htmlContent)
		' Save the PDF document
		Console.WriteLine("Invoice generated successfully.")
	End Sub
End Class
VB   C#

In this code:

HTML Template: We start with an HTML template that represents the structure of an invoice. This template contains placeholders for the customer's name ({CustomerName}), the date ({Date}), and the total amount ({TotalAmount}).

Replacing Placeholders: We replace the placeholders in the HTML template with actual data. This is similar to filling out a form with specific details. In a real application, these details would come from user input or a database.

Generating PDF: After replacing the placeholders with actual data, we use IronPDF's HTMLToPdf renderer to convert the modified HTML content into a PDF document.

Saving the PDF: Finally, the generated PDF is saved to a file named "Invoice.pdf". This file can then be sent to the customer or stored for record-keeping.

C# Replace Character In String (How It Works For Developers): Figure 1 - PDF Output

This example highlights a practical use case for IronPDF in a business application, specifically how dynamic data can be integrated into a PDF document generation process.


The Replace method in C# is a powerful tool for modifying strings by replacing characters or substrings. Its ability to handle both single and multiple replacements, combined with its straightforward syntax, makes it an essential part of a developer's toolkit for string manipulation. By understanding how to use this method effectively, you can easily modify string values in your C# applications to meet various programming needs.

IronPDF provides a free trial and licensing information and its license starts from $749. This tool can further enhance your capability to work with PDF documents in your .NET applications.

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