How to Read A PDF File in Java

Updated December 12, 2023

PDF (Portable Document Format) files have become an integral part of modern communication and documentation. They offer a consistent and reliable way to present documents with text, images, and interactive elements. Java developers often encounter scenarios where the need to read and manipulate PDF files arises. This could involve extracting information, parsing content across file formats, or generating dynamic PDFs on the fly.

Reading PDF files in Java opens up a plethora of possibilities for developers. It allows seamless integration of PDF functionality into Java applications, enabling the extraction of data from invoices, parsing resumes, or even generating reports dynamically. Furthermore, developers can enhance user experiences by incorporating PDF viewing capabilities directly within their applications. This flexibility empowers Java developers to create feature-rich applications that can handle diverse document-related tasks.

In this article we will see how PDF file is read in java using PDF Library for our Java project, named IronPDF, to read text and metadata type object in PDF files along with creating encrypted documents.

In this article, we will explore the process of reading PDF files in Java using the IronPDF library for our Java project. Specifically, we'll go through the functionality of IronPDF, which allows us to extract both text and metadata type objects from PDF files.

Steps to read PDF file in Java

  1. Install the PDF Library to read PDF file using java.
  2. Import the dependencies to use the PDF document in project.
  3. Load an existing PDF file using PdfDocument.fromFile.
  4. Extract the Text in PDF file using extractAllText method.
  5. Create the Metadata object using pdf.getMetadata method.
  6. Read the author from metadata using getAuthor method.

Introducing IronPDF for Java as a Reading PDF Library

To streamline the process of reading PDF files in Java, developers often turn to third-party libraries that provide comprehensive and efficient solutions. One such standout library is IronPDF for Java.

IronPDF is designed to be developer-friendly, providing a straightforward API that abstracts the complexities of PDF page manipulation. With IronPDF, Java developers can seamlessly integrate PDF reading capabilities into their projects, reducing development time and effort. This library supports a wide range of PDF functionalities, making it a versatile choice for various use cases.

Installing IronPDF for Java

To set up IronPDF, ensure you have a reliable Java Compiler. In this guide, we'll utilize IntelliJ IDEA.

  1. Launch IntelliJ IDEA and initiate a new Maven project.
  2. Once the project is established, access the Pom.XML file. Insert the following Maven dependencies to integrate IronPDF:

  3. After adding these dependencies, click on the small button that appears on the right side of the screen to install them.

Read PDF Files in Java Code Example

Let's explore a simple Java code example that demonstrates how to use IronPDF to read the content of a PDF file. In this example, we'll focus on the method of extracting text from a PDF document.

// Importing necessary classes from IronPDF and Java libraries
import com.ironsoftware.ironpdf.*;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
// Class definition
class Test {
    public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
        // Setting the license key for IronPDF (replace "License-Key" with a valid key)
        // Loading a PDF document from the file "html_file_saved.pdf"
        PdfDocument pdf = PdfDocument.fromFile(Paths.get("html_file_saved.pdf"));
        // Extracting all text content from the PDF document
        String text = pdf.extractAllText();
        // Printing the extracted text to the console

This Java code utilizes the IronPDF library to extract text from a specified PDF file. It will import Java library as well as by setting license key, a prerequisite for using the library. The code then loads a PDF document from the file "html_file_saved.pdf" and extracts all of its text content from file as internal string buffer. The extracted text is stored in a variable and subsequently printed to the console. It's important to replace "License-Key" with a valid IronPDF license key and ensure that the specified PDF file exists at the given file path.

Console Output Image

How to Read a PDF File in Java: Figure 1

This paragraph introduces a Java code snippet that employs the IronPDF library to extract text from a PDF file. It emphasizes the steps involved, including setting the license key, loading the PDF document, extracting text, and printing it to the console. It reiterates the importance of replacing the placeholder license key and ensuring the existence of the specified PDF file.

Read Metadate of PDF File in Java Code Example

Expanding on its capabilities beyond text extraction, IronPDF extends support to the extraction of metadata from PDF files. To illustrate this functionality, let's delve into a Java code example that showcases the process of retrieving metadata from a PDF document.

// Importing necessary classes from IronPDF and Java libraries
import com.ironsoftware.ironpdf.*;
import com.ironsoftware.ironpdf.metadata.MetadataManager;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
// Class definition
class Test {
    public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
        // Setting the license key for IronPDF (replace "License-Key" with a valid key)
        // Loading a PDF document from the file "html_file_saved.pdf"
        PdfDocument document = PdfDocument.fromFile(Paths.get("html_file_saved.pdf"));
        // Creating a MetadataManager object to access document metadata
        MetadataManager metadata = document.getMetadata();
        // Extracting the author information from the document metadata
        String author = metadata.getAuthor();
        // Printing the extracted author information to the console

This Java code utilizes the IronPDF library to extract metadata, specifically the author information, from a PDF document. This ensures that the code encompasses all the required components, including the IronPDF library, to use pdf parser class, and classes from the 'org' package. It begins by setting a license key for the IronPDF library and then loads a PDF document from the file "html_file_saved.pdf." The code retrieves the document's metadata using the MetadataManager class, specifically fetching the author information. The extracted author details are stored in a variable and printed to the console.

How to Read a PDF File in Java: Figure 2


In conclusion, reading existing PDF document in a Java program is a valuable skill that opens up a world of possibilities for developers. Whether it's extracting text, images, or other data, the ability to manipulate PDFs programmatically is a crucial aspect of many applications. IronPDF for Java serves as a robust and efficient solution for developers seeking to integrate PDF reading capabilities into their Java projects.

By following the installation steps and exploring the provided code examples, developers can quickly leverage the power of IronPDF to make new file and handle PDF-related tasks with ease. In addition to this one can also further explore its capabilities in creating encrypted documents.

As the need for document processing continues to grow, having a reliable PDF library like IronPDF equips Java developers with the tools necessary to meet the demands of modern application development. So, embrace the power of IronPDF and unlock new possibilities for working with PDF files in your Java applications.

IronPDF offers extensive support for its developers. To know more about how IronPDF for Java works visit here. Also, IronPDF offers a free trial License that is a great opportunity to know IronPDF and Its Features.

How to Create A PDF Document in Java
How to Create a PDF Reader in Java

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