using IronPdf;
using IronPdf.Editing;
using System;
// Use HtmlStamper to stamp Html onto pdf
HtmlStamper htmlStamper = new HtmlStamper("<h1>Html stamp</h1>")
VerticalOffset = new Length(-200, MeasurementUnit.Pixel),
HorizontalOffset = new Length(-200, MeasurementUnit.Pixel),
// Use TextStamper to stamp text with custom font onto pdf
TextStamper textStamper = new TextStamper("Hello World! Stamp One Here!")
FontFamily = "Bungee Spice",
UseGoogleFont = true,
FontSize = 30,
// Use ImageStamper to stamp images onto pdf
Uri filepath = new Uri(@"C:\assets\logo.png"); // absolute path or URL
ImageStamper imageStamper = new ImageStamper(filepath)
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
MinWidth = new Length(20),
MinHeight = new Length(20),
// Use BarcodeStamper to stamp QR code/Barcode onto pdf
BarcodeStamper barcodeStamper = new BarcodeStamper("IronPDF", BarcodeEncoding.Code39)
MaxHeight = new Length(5),
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
Stamper[] stamps = { htmlStamper, textStamper, imageStamper, barcodeStamper };
var pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("Unstamped.pdf");
Imports IronPdf
Imports IronPdf.Editing
Imports System
' Use HtmlStamper to stamp Html onto pdf
Private htmlStamper As New HtmlStamper("<h1>Html stamp</h1>") With {
.VerticalOffset = New Length(-200, MeasurementUnit.Pixel),
.HorizontalOffset = New Length(-200, MeasurementUnit.Pixel)
' Use TextStamper to stamp text with custom font onto pdf
Private textStamper As New TextStamper("Hello World! Stamp One Here!") With {
.FontFamily = "Bungee Spice",
.UseGoogleFont = True,
.FontSize = 30
' Use ImageStamper to stamp images onto pdf
Private filepath As New Uri("C:\assets\logo.png") ' absolute path or URL
Private imageStamper As New ImageStamper(filepath) With {
.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
.MinWidth = New Length(20),
.MinHeight = New Length(20)
' Use BarcodeStamper to stamp QR code/Barcode onto pdf
Private barcodeStamper As New BarcodeStamper("IronPDF", BarcodeEncoding.Code39) With {
.MaxHeight = New Length(5),
.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
Private stamps() As Stamper = { htmlStamper, textStamper, imageStamper, barcodeStamper }
Private pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("Unstamped.pdf")
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ironPDF.PdfDocument.ApplyMultipleStamps" ermöglicht es Entwicklern, schnell mehrere Arten von Stempeln auf eine oder mehrere Seiten einer PDF-Datei zu setzen. Um mehr über diese Funktion und andere Möglichkeiten von IronPDF zu erfahren, besuchen Sie dieIronPDF Produktseite für detaillierte Informationen.
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