How to Convert PDF to PNG in Python

Published August 13, 2024


The requirement to convert file formats is ubiquitous in the field of digital document management. Transforming PDF (Portable Document Format) files into PNG(Portable Network Graphics) files is one of the conversion tasks that comes up more often. This article explains why this conversion is necessary, what approaches are available, and how to use IronPDF with Python to accomplish this operation effectively. In this article, we are going to use IronPDF Python to split PDF into PNG image files.

How to Convert PDF to PNG in Python

  1. Verify that IronPDF is set up in the Python environment.
  2. Add the IronPDF classes that your Python script needs.
  3. Open the PDF file from ironpdf.
  4. Convert every PDF page to a PNG image.
  5. Adjust the naming conventions and output file paths.
  6. To start the conversion process and create PNG images from the PDF file, run your Python script.

What is a PDF?

Portable Document Format is referred to as PDF. The purpose of Adobe's 1993 creation of the PDF was to allow documents—including those with text formatting and inline images—to be shared without regard to operating systems, hardware, or application software. Because they consistently and reliably preserve document integrity across several devices, PDFs are widely used.

What is a PNG?

The acronym PNG denotes Portable Network Graphics. It is a file format for raster graphics that allows for lossless data compression. PNGs are frequently used for web graphics because they offer transparent and crisp images. PNG is the best format for graphics that need clear lines and detailed images because it maintains its quality even after numerous saves, unlike JPEG and other formats.

Why Convert PDF to PNG?

There are multiple justifications for wanting to convert a PDF to PNG:

  • Web Use: PNG files work better on websites. All web browsers support them and they load faster.
  • Image Processing: PNG files are simpler to work within a variety of image editing programs when doing tasks involving image processing or editing.
  • Presentation: Including PDF pages in presentations or other papers can be made simpler by converting them to PNG images.
  • Compatibility: PNG files are more readily available for rapid viewing because they can be opened by almost any image viewer.

A variety of tools, including desktop programs and web converters, are available to convert PDFs to PNGs. Programmatic solutions using Python libraries like IronPDF provide greater flexibility and automation options for developers and power users.

What is IronPDF for Python

Though it was created for .NET, IronPDF is a feature-rich PDF library that can also be used in Python via the Python .NET library. Through this integration, Python developers may take advantage of IronPDF's robust functionality for producing, modifying, and converting PDF documents. Users can create PDFs from HTML, split and merge PDFs, apply watermarks, extract text and images, and convert PDFs to image formats like JPEG and PNG. IronPDF is a tool for a wide range of PDF operations.

The library is a significant resource for developers who require sophisticated PDF manipulation capabilities in their Python programs because of its high performance and wide functionality. With IronPDF and Python, developers can automate and simplify difficult PDF processing jobs, increasing workflow productivity and document management efficiency.

How to Convert PDF to PNG in Python: Figure 1 - IronPDF for Python: The Python PDF Library

Features of IronPDF

HTML to PDF Conversion

Create professional-quality PDF documents from HTML content, including CSS and JavaScript. This is helpful for creating bills, reports, and screenshots of site material.

Merging and splitting PDF files

Merge several PDF files into one, or divide one PDF file into several ones.

Page management allows you to rearrange, add, or remove pages from a PDF file.

Converting PDF files to Images

Convert PDF pages to sharp PNG or JPEG pictures by exporting them as PNG or JPEG files. Making thumbnails or previews is a great usage for this capability.

Extract Text from PDF

Text extraction allows you to take text out of PDF files for further usage or analysis.

Extract Images from PDF files

From PDF documents, extract embedded images.

Form Handling

Manage form submissions more easily by using programming to fill up and extract data from PDF forms.

Password Protection

To make sure documents are secure, add or remove password protection from PDFs. Manage permissions to restrict the printing, copying, and editing of the PDF.

Custom Headers and Footers

You can include page numbers and dates in the headers and footers of PDFs.

CSS Styling

When creating a PDF from HTML, use CSS to style the information.

Batch Processing

Manage batch processes for big numbers of PDF files in an effective manner.

Superior Output

Verify that the PDF and image outputs are of a caliber appropriate for usage in a professional setting.

Setup Environment


Make sure the following are installed on your computer before beginning the guide:

  • IronPDF Python requires the .NET 6.0 SDK to be installed on your computer because it was developed with it.
  • Python 3.0+: To follow the examples in this tutorial, you must have Python 3.0 or a later version installed.
  • pip: Install the Python package installer pip first, as IronPDF depends on it.

New Project in PyCharm

PyCharm, an IDE for Python programming, will be used in this session.

Once the PyCharm IDE has launched, select "New Project".

How to Convert PDF to PNG in Python: Figure 2 - Open PyCharm IDE and select "New Project".

Selecting "New Project" opens a new window where you may adjust the project's surroundings and position. This new window is operational as seen in the screenshot below.

How to Convert PDF to PNG in Python: Figure 3 - In the New Project window, select the environment and location for your python project. For this tutorial, we are using Base interpreter - Python 3.9. Then click on Create button.

Click on "Create" to start a new project after choosing the project location and environment route. The application creation window will open in a new tab as a result. We will be using Python 3.9 for this course.

How to Convert PDF to PNG in Python: Figure 4 - Once the project is successfully created, open the file.

IronPDF Library Setup

Creating, editing, and opening files with the '.pdf' extension requires the installation of the 'IronPDF' package. Open PyCharm's terminal window and type the following command to install this package:

pip install ironpdf

The 'IronPDF' package's configuration is seen in the screenshot below.

How to Convert PDF to PNG in Python: Figure 5 - Install IronPDF using the command: "pip install ironpdf".

Split PDF page to PNG using IronPDF

The code example below shows how to use Python's IronPDF library to convert a PDF document into a PNG image, utilizing Python. An explanation of each line is given below.

from ironpdf import *     License.LicenseKey = "YOUR KEY HERE";
pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("Example.pdf");

The script starts by importing from the IronPDF library all required classes and functions. The IronPDF license key is then set up, which is necessary to enable the library's features. However, in this case, an empty string is given, which might suggest a trial version or default free usage. The PdfDocument.FromFile function is used to load the PDF document from a specified file path ("Example.pdf") into an instance of the PdfDocument class. This completes the main operation and gets the PDF ready for further processing.

The last step is to use the RasterizeToImageFiles function, which accepts a file path pattern ("image*.png") as an argument, to turn each PDF page into a single PNG picture. The generated photos are to be saved in the "image" directory, with the image file for each page being named consecutively, according to this pattern. This technique effectively converts the PDF pages into separate, high-quality PNG files, which makes it helpful for creating visual representations of the PDF material, including thumbnails and previews, as well as for additional image processing chores.

Below is the sample PDF which we use to split the pages.

How to Convert PDF to PNG in Python: Figure 6 - Input PDF File: Example.pdf

Below is the output when the pages are split into separate PNG images.

How to Convert PDF to PNG in Python: Figure 7 - Output PDF images generated programmatically using IronPDF's Rasterize a PDF to Images feature.


In conclusion, a reliable and effective option for a range of document processing requirements is to use IronPDF in Python to convert PDF documents to PNG images. Developers may effortlessly utilize IronPDF's robust functionality with the Python .NET interface, which enables them to automate the extraction of PDF material into picture formats.

Furthermore, IronPDF's ability to handle intricate PDF features like form filling, encryption, and comments expands its usefulness beyond simple conversion jobs and qualifies it for workflows including the whole administration of documents.

All things considered, IronPDF makes the process of converting PDFs to PNGs simpler because of its user-friendly API and strong performance, enabling programmers to effectively and dependably incorporate document processing features into their Python programs.

IronPDF Python offers free licensing page. Click this link to learn more about Iron Software's other products.

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