是 .NET 框架集合命名空間的一部分。它是一個非泛型集合介面,為可以通過索引單獨訪問的對象集合提供了藍圖。與數組不同, IList
允許動態數量的物件值元素,意味著您可以根據需要新增或移除集合中的元素。它作為所有非泛型列表在 .NET 框架中的基本介面,提供比陣列更靈活的方式來管理物件集合。我們將學習 IList
介面和 IronPDF 庫 在本教程中。
介面public interface IList
聲明是建立自訂集合的基本部分,這些集合要遵守 .NET 框架的 Collections 命名空間中定義的 IList
包括一些屬性和方法,這些方法使得能夠訪問集合中的元素、計數並通過添加、插入或移除元素來修改集合。以下是 IList
和 IsReadOnly
之類的屬性分別告知集合是否是固定大小或唯讀的。像 Add
、void Insert
和 RemoveAt
屬性用于访问集合中的特定元素。 (或索引器在 C#) 允許根據元素的索引進行獲取和設定。IList
的實際應用為了展示 IList
的工作原理,讓我們創建一個簡單的範例。這個泛型版本的範例將展示如何宣告一個 IList
首先,讓我們看看如何聲明一個 IList
using System;
using System.Collections;
class Program
void Main(string[] args)
// Creating an IList instance
IList myIList = new ArrayList();
// Adding elements to the IList
myIList.Add(new object());
// Displaying the number of values in the IList interface using count property
Console.WriteLine($"Number of elements: {myIList.Count}");
// Access Elements
foreach (var element in myIList)
using System;
using System.Collections;
class Program
void Main(string[] args)
// Creating an IList instance
IList myIList = new ArrayList();
// Adding elements to the IList
myIList.Add(new object());
// Displaying the number of values in the IList interface using count property
Console.WriteLine($"Number of elements: {myIList.Count}");
// Access Elements
foreach (var element in myIList)
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Friend Class Program
Private Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
' Creating an IList instance
Dim myIList As IList = New ArrayList()
' Adding elements to the IList
myIList.Add(New Object())
' Displaying the number of values in the IList interface using count property
Console.WriteLine($"Number of elements: {myIList.Count}")
' Access Elements
For Each element In myIList
Next element
End Sub
End Class
在上述示例中,我們使用 ArrayList
創建了一個 IList
是一個實現了 IList
的類。我們添加了各種不同類型的對象,以演示 IList
通過索引存取和修改元素是 IList
的一個關鍵特性。以下的 IList
// Accessing an element by index
object value = myIList[1];
Console.WriteLine($"Element at index 1: {value}");
// Modifying an element by index
myIList[1] = 20;
Console.WriteLine($"Modified element at index 1: {myIList[1]}");
// Accessing an element by index
object value = myIList[1];
Console.WriteLine($"Element at index 1: {value}");
// Modifying an element by index
myIList[1] = 20;
Console.WriteLine($"Modified element at index 1: {myIList[1]}");
' Accessing an element by index
Dim value As Object = myIList(1)
Console.WriteLine($"Element at index 1: {value}")
' Modifying an element by index
myIList(1) = 20
Console.WriteLine($"Modified element at index 1: {myIList(1)}")
有時候,你可能需要一個繼承 IList
的定制集合。這樣可以更好地控制元素的存儲、訪問和修改。以下是一個實現 IList
public class CustomCollection : IList
private ArrayList _innerList = new ArrayList();
public object this[int index] { get => _innerList[index]; set => _innerList[index] = value; }
public bool IsFixedSize => _innerList.IsFixedSize;
public bool IsReadOnly => _innerList.IsReadOnly;
public int Count => _innerList.Count;
public bool IsSynchronized => _innerList.IsSynchronized;
public object SyncRoot => _innerList.SyncRoot;
// int add
public int Add(object value)
return _innerList.Add(value);
public void Clear()
public bool Contains(object value)
return _innerList.Contains(value);
public int IndexOf(object value)
return _innerList.IndexOf(value);
public void Insert(int index, object value)
_innerList.Insert(index, value);
public void Remove(object value)
public void RemoveAt(int index)
public void CopyTo(Array array, int index)
_innerList.CopyTo(array, index);
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return _innerList.GetEnumerator();
public class CustomCollection : IList
private ArrayList _innerList = new ArrayList();
public object this[int index] { get => _innerList[index]; set => _innerList[index] = value; }
public bool IsFixedSize => _innerList.IsFixedSize;
public bool IsReadOnly => _innerList.IsReadOnly;
public int Count => _innerList.Count;
public bool IsSynchronized => _innerList.IsSynchronized;
public object SyncRoot => _innerList.SyncRoot;
// int add
public int Add(object value)
return _innerList.Add(value);
public void Clear()
public bool Contains(object value)
return _innerList.Contains(value);
public int IndexOf(object value)
return _innerList.IndexOf(value);
public void Insert(int index, object value)
_innerList.Insert(index, value);
public void Remove(object value)
public void RemoveAt(int index)
public void CopyTo(Array array, int index)
_innerList.CopyTo(array, index);
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return _innerList.GetEnumerator();
Public Class CustomCollection
Implements IList
Private _innerList As New ArrayList()
Default Public Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As Object Implements IList.Item
Return _innerList(index)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Object)
_innerList(index) = value
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property IsFixedSize() As Boolean Implements IList.IsFixedSize
Return _innerList.IsFixedSize
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property IsReadOnly() As Boolean Implements IList.IsReadOnly
Return _innerList.IsReadOnly
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Count() As Integer Implements System.Collections.ICollection.Count
Return _innerList.Count
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property IsSynchronized() As Boolean Implements System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized
Return _innerList.IsSynchronized
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property SyncRoot() As Object Implements System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot
Return _innerList.SyncRoot
End Get
End Property
' int add
Public Function Add(ByVal value As Object) As Integer Implements IList.Add
Return _innerList.Add(value)
End Function
Public Sub Clear() Implements IList.Clear
End Sub
Public Function Contains(ByVal value As Object) As Boolean Implements IList.Contains
Return _innerList.Contains(value)
End Function
Public Function IndexOf(ByVal value As Object) As Integer Implements IList.IndexOf
Return _innerList.IndexOf(value)
End Function
Public Sub Insert(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal value As Object) Implements IList.Insert
_innerList.Insert(index, value)
End Sub
Public Sub Remove(ByVal value As Object) Implements IList.Remove
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveAt(ByVal index As Integer) Implements IList.RemoveAt
End Sub
Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal array As Array, ByVal index As Integer) Implements System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo
_innerList.CopyTo(array, index)
End Sub
Public Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator Implements System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
Return _innerList.GetEnumerator()
End Function
End Class
這個 CustomCollection
類別封裝了一個 ArrayList
,而 ArrayList
本身實現了 IList
接口。我們的 CustomCollection
將呼叫轉發到底層的 ArrayList
,使其能夠像任何其他實現 IList
的集合一樣運作。此示例演示了如何創建一個可以通過索引訪問並修改的集合。 (新增、插入或移除的項目),就像任何實現 IList
的內建 .NET 集合一樣,可以被迭代。
// Check if the IList contains a specific object
bool contains = myIList.Contains(10); // Assuming 10 was added previously
Console.WriteLine($"Contains 10: {contains}");
// Find the index of a specific object
int index = myIList.IndexOf(10);
Console.WriteLine($"Index of 10: {index}");
// Check if the IList contains a specific object
bool contains = myIList.Contains(10); // Assuming 10 was added previously
Console.WriteLine($"Contains 10: {contains}");
// Find the index of a specific object
int index = myIList.IndexOf(10);
Console.WriteLine($"Index of 10: {index}");
' Check if the IList contains a specific object
Dim contains As Boolean = myIList.Contains(10) ' Assuming 10 was added previously
Console.WriteLine($"Contains 10: {contains}")
' Find the index of a specific object
Dim index As Integer = myIList.IndexOf(10)
Console.WriteLine($"Index of 10: {index}")
IronPDF 是一個專為 .NET 開發人員設計的 PDF 庫,允許在 .NET 應用程序內直接創建和操作 PDF 文件。它支持轉換 HTML轉PDF將影像和網頁轉換為 PDF。開發人員可以輕鬆地使用這個庫將 PDF 功能添加到他們的應用程式中。IronPDF 還包括編輯、合併和分割 PDF 文件的功能,為 PDF 操作提供了全面的控制。
這是一個簡單的示例,演示如何使用 IronPDF 和 IList
接口從字串列表生成一個簡單的 PDF 文件:
using IronPdf;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class PDFGenerator
public static void GeneratePDFFromList(IList<string> dataList)
// Initialize the HtmlToPdf renderer
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
// Start building HTML content from the dataList
var htmlContent = "<h1>My Data List</h1><ul>";
foreach (var item in dataList)
htmlContent += $"<li>{item}</li>";
htmlContent += "</ul>";
// Convert HTML string to PDF
var pdfDocument = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(htmlContent);
// Save the PDF to a file
// Example usage
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
License.LicenseKey = "License-Key";
IList<string> myDataList = new List<string> { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry" };
using IronPdf;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class PDFGenerator
public static void GeneratePDFFromList(IList<string> dataList)
// Initialize the HtmlToPdf renderer
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
// Start building HTML content from the dataList
var htmlContent = "<h1>My Data List</h1><ul>";
foreach (var item in dataList)
htmlContent += $"<li>{item}</li>";
htmlContent += "</ul>";
// Convert HTML string to PDF
var pdfDocument = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(htmlContent);
// Save the PDF to a file
// Example usage
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
License.LicenseKey = "License-Key";
IList<string> myDataList = new List<string> { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry" };
Imports IronPdf
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Class PDFGenerator
Public Shared Sub GeneratePDFFromList(ByVal dataList As IList(Of String))
' Initialize the HtmlToPdf renderer
Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
' Start building HTML content from the dataList
Dim htmlContent = "<h1>My Data List</h1><ul>"
For Each item In dataList
htmlContent &= $"<li>{item}</li>"
Next item
htmlContent &= "</ul>"
' Convert HTML string to PDF
Dim pdfDocument = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(htmlContent)
' Save the PDF to a file
End Sub
End Class
' Example usage
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
License.LicenseKey = "License-Key"
Dim myDataList As IList(Of String) = New List(Of String) From {"Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"}
End Sub
End Class
都提供了有效軟體開發所需的功能和靈活性。IronPDF提供了 免費試用 對於感興趣的用戶,授權證書從 $749 起提供。