跨度 是在 C# 7.2 中作為 Span 的一部分引入的一種類型
在 C# 中,Span 允許開發者直接操作記憶體,而不需要使用傳統的堆分配。它提供了一種從現有的陣列或其他記憶體來源創建記憶體切片的方法,從而消除了對額外記憶體複製的需求。
C# Span 的其中一個突出特點是它的零拷貝抽象。Span 提供了一種高效引用現有記憶體的方法,而不是複製數據。這對於在需要複製大量數據可能不現實或成本過高的情況下尤其有利。
雖然 C# 傳統上一直是一種高階且安全的語言,但 Span 引入了一種低階的記憶體操作方式,類似於在 C 或 C++ 等語言中使用指標。開發人員可以在不犧牲 C# 安全性和管理性質的情況下執行類指標操作。
儘管 C# Span 具有低級別的記憶體存取能力,它仍然是不可變的。這意味著,雖然它允許操作記憶體,但通過防止未預期的修改來強制執行安全性。
using System;
class Program
void Main()
int [] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Create a span that points to the entire array
Span<int> span = array;
// Modify the data using the span
span [2] = 10;
// Print the modified array
foreach (var item in array)
using System;
class Program
void Main()
int [] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Create a span that points to the entire array
Span<int> span = array;
// Modify the data using the span
span [2] = 10;
// Print the modified array
foreach (var item in array)
Imports System
Friend Class Program
Private Sub Main()
Dim array() As Integer = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
' Create a span that points to the entire array
Dim span As Span(Of Integer) = array
' Modify the data using the span
span (2) = 10
' Print the modified array
For Each item In array
Next item
End Sub
End Class
儘管 Span
像 Span
像 Span
與 Span 類似
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
int [] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Create a read-only span that points to the entire array
ReadOnlySpan<int> readOnlySpan = array;
// Access and print the data through the read-only span
foreach (var item in readOnlySpan)
// Note: The following line would result in a compilation error since readOnlySpan is read-only.
// readOnlySpan [2] = 10;
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
int [] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Create a read-only span that points to the entire array
ReadOnlySpan<int> readOnlySpan = array;
// Access and print the data through the read-only span
foreach (var item in readOnlySpan)
// Note: The following line would result in a compilation error since readOnlySpan is read-only.
// readOnlySpan [2] = 10;
Imports System
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Dim array() As Integer = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
' Create a read-only span that points to the entire array
Dim readOnlySpan As ReadOnlySpan(Of Integer) = array
' Access and print the data through the read-only span
For Each item In readOnlySpan
Next item
' Note: The following line would result in a compilation error since readOnlySpan is read-only.
' readOnlySpan [2] = 10;
End Sub
End Class
有許多種不同的方法來建立 ReadOnlySpan 並加以使用。以下是一些範例。
string msg = "Hello, World!";
ReadOnlySpan<char> span1 = msg.AsSpan();
// Read-only manipulation
char firstChar = span1 [0];
Console.WriteLine(firstChar); // Outputs: H
string msg = "Hello, World!";
ReadOnlySpan<char> span1 = msg.AsSpan();
// Read-only manipulation
char firstChar = span1 [0];
Console.WriteLine(firstChar); // Outputs: H
Dim msg As String = "Hello, World!"
Dim span1 As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char) = msg.AsSpan()
' Read-only manipulation
Dim firstChar As Char = span1 (0)
Console.WriteLine(firstChar) ' Outputs: H
使用 Slice 在 ReadOnlySpan 上
ReadOnlySpan<char> substringSpan = spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length);
ReadOnlySpan<char> substringSpan = spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length);
Dim substringSpan As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char) = spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length)
將 ReadOnlySpan
void ProcessSubstringfromReadOnlySpan(ReadOnlySpan<char> substring)
// Perform operations on the substring
// Usage
ProcessSubstringfromReadOnlySpan(spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length));
void ProcessSubstringfromReadOnlySpan(ReadOnlySpan<char> substring)
// Perform operations on the substring
// Usage
ProcessSubstringfromReadOnlySpan(spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length));
Private Sub ProcessSubstringfromReadOnlySpan(ByVal substring As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char))
' Perform operations on the substring
End Sub
' Usage
ProcessSubstringfromReadOnlySpan(spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length))
int index = stringSpan.IndexOf('W');
int index = stringSpan.IndexOf('W');
Dim index As Integer = stringSpan.IndexOf("W"c)
using (var memmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile("data.bin"))
using (var accessor = memmf.CreateViewAccessor())
ReadOnlySpan<byte> dataSpan;
accessor.Read(0, out dataSpan);
// Process data directly from the memory-mapped file
using (var memmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile("data.bin"))
using (var accessor = memmf.CreateViewAccessor())
ReadOnlySpan<byte> dataSpan;
accessor.Read(0, out dataSpan);
// Process data directly from the memory-mapped file
Using memmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile("data.bin")
Using accessor = memmf.CreateViewAccessor()
Dim dataSpan As ReadOnlySpan(Of Byte) = Nothing
accessor.Read(0, dataSpan)
' Process data directly from the memory-mapped file
End Using
End Using
// Replace a character in a substring without creating a new string
spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length).CopyTo(newSpan);
// Replace a character in a substring without creating a new string
spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length).CopyTo(newSpan);
' Replace a character in a substring without creating a new string
spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length).CopyTo(newSpan)
在使用操作字符跨度的外部庫或 API 時。
void ExternalApiMethod(ReadOnlySpan<char> data)
// Call the external API with the character span
// Usage
ExternalApiMethod(spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length));
void ExternalApiMethod(ReadOnlySpan<char> data)
// Call the external API with the character span
// Usage
ExternalApiMethod(spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length));
Private Sub ExternalApiMethod(ByVal data As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char))
' Call the external API with the character span
End Sub
' Usage
ExternalApiMethod(spanFromString.Slice(startIndex, length))
儘管在 C# 中,Span 是一個具有許多優點的強大功能,但在連續和非連續內存的上下文中,它確實存在某些限制和注意事項。讓我們來探討這些限制:
由於 Span
當 Span
雖然 Span
某些依賴非連續記憶體的數據結構或場景可能不適用於 ReadOnlySpan
與連續內存相似,需要注意的是,並非所有 API 或庫都能直接支持由 ReadOnlySpan 代表的非連續內存。
在 C# 中,Span 可以有效地與非託管記憶體一起使用,以控制和高效地執行與記憶體相關的操作。非託管記憶體指的是不由 .NET 執行環境的垃圾收集器管理的記憶體,通常涉及使用本機記憶體的分配和解除分配。以下是如何在C# 中將 Span 與非託管記憶體一起使用。
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
class Program
static void Main()
const int bufferSize = 100;
IntPtr unmanagedMemory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);
// Create a Span from the unmanaged memory
Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(unmanagedMemory.ToPointer(), bufferSize);
// Use the Span as needed...
// Don't forget to free the unmanaged memory when done
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
class Program
static void Main()
const int bufferSize = 100;
IntPtr unmanagedMemory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);
// Create a Span from the unmanaged memory
Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(unmanagedMemory.ToPointer(), bufferSize);
// Use the Span as needed...
// Don't forget to free the unmanaged memory when done
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Const bufferSize As Integer = 100
Dim unmanagedMemory As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize)
' Create a Span from the unmanaged memory
Dim span As New Span(Of Byte)(unmanagedMemory.ToPointer(), bufferSize)
' Use the Span as needed...
' Don't forget to free the unmanaged memory when done
End Sub
End Class
在上面的源代碼中,我們使用 Marshal.AllocHGlobal 分配一塊非託管記憶體,然後創建一個 Span
Span 提供了如 Slice、CopyTo 和 ToArray 等方法,可以用於在受控和非受控記憶體之間有效地複製數據。
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
class Program
static void Main()
// Managed array to copy data from
int [] sourceArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Allocate unmanaged memory for the destination data
IntPtr destinationPointer = MemoryMarshal.Allocate<int>(sourceArray.Length);
// Create a Span<int> from the source array
Span<int> sourceSpan = sourceArray;
// Create a Span<int> from the allocated unmanaged memory
Span<int> destinationSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, byte>(destinationPointer, sourceArray.Length);
// Copy data from the source Span<int> to the destination Span<int>
// Print the values in the destination memory
Console.WriteLine("Values in the destination memory:");
foreach (var value in destinationSpan)
Console.Write($"{value} ");
// Deallocate the unmanaged memory when done
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
class Program
static void Main()
// Managed array to copy data from
int [] sourceArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Allocate unmanaged memory for the destination data
IntPtr destinationPointer = MemoryMarshal.Allocate<int>(sourceArray.Length);
// Create a Span<int> from the source array
Span<int> sourceSpan = sourceArray;
// Create a Span<int> from the allocated unmanaged memory
Span<int> destinationSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, byte>(destinationPointer, sourceArray.Length);
// Copy data from the source Span<int> to the destination Span<int>
// Print the values in the destination memory
Console.WriteLine("Values in the destination memory:");
foreach (var value in destinationSpan)
Console.Write($"{value} ");
// Deallocate the unmanaged memory when done
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
' Managed array to copy data from
Dim sourceArray() As Integer = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
' Allocate unmanaged memory for the destination data
Dim destinationPointer As IntPtr = MemoryMarshal.Allocate(Of Integer)(sourceArray.Length)
' Create a Span<int> from the source array
Dim sourceSpan As Span(Of Integer) = sourceArray
' Create a Span<int> from the allocated unmanaged memory
Dim destinationSpan As Span(Of Integer) = MemoryMarshal.Cast(Of Integer, Byte)(destinationPointer, sourceArray.Length)
' Copy data from the source Span<int> to the destination Span<int>
' Print the values in the destination memory
Console.WriteLine("Values in the destination memory:")
For Each value In destinationSpan
Console.Write($"{value} ")
Next value
' Deallocate the unmanaged memory when done
End Try
End Sub
End Class
在處理非受控內存時,您也可以使用帶指針的不安全代碼。在這種情況下,您可以使用 Unsafe.AsPointer 從 Span 獲取指針() 方法。
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
class Program
static void Main()
const int bufferSize = 100;
IntPtr unmanagedMemory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);
// Create a Span from the unmanaged memory
Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(unmanagedMemory.ToPointer(), bufferSize);
// Use unsafe code to work with pointers
// ref t
byte* pointer = (byte*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref struct MemoryMarshal.GetReference(span));
// Use the pointer as needed...
// Don't forget to free the unmanaged memory when done
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
class Program
static void Main()
const int bufferSize = 100;
IntPtr unmanagedMemory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize);
// Create a Span from the unmanaged memory
Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(unmanagedMemory.ToPointer(), bufferSize);
// Use unsafe code to work with pointers
// ref t
byte* pointer = (byte*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref struct MemoryMarshal.GetReference(span));
// Use the pointer as needed...
// Don't forget to free the unmanaged memory when done
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Const bufferSize As Integer = 100
Dim unmanagedMemory As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferSize)
' Create a Span from the unmanaged memory
Dim span As New Span(Of Byte)(unmanagedMemory.ToPointer(), bufferSize)
' Use unsafe code to work with pointers
' ref t
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: C# 'unsafe' code is not converted by Instant VB:
' unsafe
' {
' byte* pointer = (byte*)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref struct MemoryMarshal.GetReference(span));
' ' Use the pointer as needed...
' }
' Don't forget to free the unmanaged memory when done
End Sub
End Class
在此範例中,我們使用 Unsafe.AsPointer
方法從 Span
請記住,在處理非託管記憶體時,正確管理記憶體的分配和釋放是至關重要的,以避免記憶體洩漏。始終使用適當的方法釋放非託管記憶體,比如 Marshal.FreeHGlobal
在 C# 中結合使用 Span 與非同步方法調用是一個強大的組合,特別是在處理大量數據或 I/O 操作時。目標是有效地處理非同步操作,而不必不必要地複製數據。讓我們一起探索如何在非同步場景中利用 Span:
當涉及異步 I/O 操作,例如讀取或寫入資料流中的數據時,您可以使用 Memory
async Task ProcessDataAsync(Stream stream)
const int bufferSize = 4096;
byte [] buffer = new byte [bufferSize];
while (true)
int bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AsMemory());
if (bytesRead == 0)
// Process the data using Span without unnecessary copying
ProcessData(buffer.AsSpan(0, bytesRead));
void ProcessData(Span<byte> data)
// Perform operations on the data
async Task ProcessDataAsync(Stream stream)
const int bufferSize = 4096;
byte [] buffer = new byte [bufferSize];
while (true)
int bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AsMemory());
if (bytesRead == 0)
// Process the data using Span without unnecessary copying
ProcessData(buffer.AsSpan(0, bytesRead));
void ProcessData(Span<byte> data)
// Perform operations on the data
Async Function ProcessDataAsync(ByVal stream As Stream) As Task
Const bufferSize As Integer = 4096
Dim buffer(bufferSize - 1) As Byte
Dim bytesRead As Integer = Await stream.ReadAsync(buffer.AsMemory())
If bytesRead = 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
' Process the data using Span without unnecessary copying
ProcessData(buffer.AsSpan(0, bytesRead))
End Function
Private Sub ProcessData(ByVal data As Span(Of Byte))
' Perform operations on the data
End Sub
在此範例中,ReadAsync 方法以非同步方式將資料從流中讀取到緩衝區。然後,ProcessData 方法直接從 Span 處理資料。
async Task ProcessFileAsync(string filePath)
const int bufferSize = 4096;
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
byte [] buffer = new byte [bufferSize];
while (true)
int bytesRead = await fileStream.ReadAsync(buffer.AsMemory());
if (bytesRead == 0)
// Process the data using Span without unnecessary copying
ProcessData(buffer.AsSpan(0, bytesRead));
void ProcessData(Span<byte> data)
// Perform operations on the data
async Task ProcessFileAsync(string filePath)
const int bufferSize = 4096;
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
byte [] buffer = new byte [bufferSize];
while (true)
int bytesRead = await fileStream.ReadAsync(buffer.AsMemory());
if (bytesRead == 0)
// Process the data using Span without unnecessary copying
ProcessData(buffer.AsSpan(0, bytesRead));
void ProcessData(Span<byte> data)
// Perform operations on the data
Async Function ProcessFileAsync(ByVal filePath As String) As Task
Const bufferSize As Integer = 4096
Using fileStream As New FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim buffer(bufferSize - 1) As Byte
Dim bytesRead As Integer = Await fileStream.ReadAsync(buffer.AsMemory())
If bytesRead = 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
' Process the data using Span without unnecessary copying
ProcessData(buffer.AsSpan(0, bytesRead))
End Using
End Function
Private Sub ProcessData(ByVal data As Span(Of Byte))
' Perform operations on the data
End Sub
這裡,ReadAsync 方法從檔案流中讀取數據到緩衝區,而 ProcessData 方法直接從 Span 中處理數據。
當處理生成或消耗數據的異步任務時,您可以使用 Memory
async Task<int> ProcessDataAsync(int [] data)
// Asynchronous processing of data
await Task.Delay(1000);
// Returning the length of the processed data
return data.Length;
async Task Main()
int [] inputData = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000).ToArray();
// Process the data asynchronously without copying
int processedLength = await ProcessDataAsync(inputData.AsMemory());
Console.WriteLine($"Processed data length: {processedLength}");
async Task<int> ProcessDataAsync(int [] data)
// Asynchronous processing of data
await Task.Delay(1000);
// Returning the length of the processed data
return data.Length;
async Task Main()
int [] inputData = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000).ToArray();
// Process the data asynchronously without copying
int processedLength = await ProcessDataAsync(inputData.AsMemory());
Console.WriteLine($"Processed data length: {processedLength}");
Async Function ProcessDataAsync(ByVal data() As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
' Asynchronous processing of data
Await Task.Delay(1000)
' Returning the length of the processed data
Return data.Length
End Function
Async Function Main() As Task
Dim inputData() As Integer = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000).ToArray()
' Process the data asynchronously without copying
Dim processedLength As Integer = Await ProcessDataAsync(inputData.AsMemory())
Console.WriteLine($"Processed data length: {processedLength}")
End Function
在此範例中,ProcessDataAsync 方法會異步處理數據,並且在不需要額外複製的情況下返回處理後數據的長度。
IronPDF 是最新的C# PDF庫來自 Iron Software 可以使用 C# 代碼動態生成美觀的 PDF 文件。IronPDF 提供了多種功能,例如從 HTML 生成 PDF、將 HTML 內容轉換為 PDF、合併或拆分 PDF 文件等。
IronPDF 的主要功能是其 HTML 轉 PDF 功能,保留佈局和樣式。它可以從網頁內容生成 PDF,非常適合報告、發票和文檔。該工具支持將 HTML 文件、URL 和 HTML 字符串轉換為 PDF 文件。
using IronPdf;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
// 1. Convert HTML String to PDF
var htmlContent = "<h1>Hello, IronPDF!</h1><p>This is a PDF from an HTML string.</p>";
var pdfFromHtmlString = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(htmlContent);
// 2. Convert HTML File to PDF
var htmlFilePath = "path_to_your_html_file.html"; // Specify the path to your HTML file
var pdfFromHtmlFile = renderer.RenderHtmlFileAsPdf(htmlFilePath);
// 3. Convert URL to PDF
var url = "http://ironpdf.com"; // Specify the URL
var pdfFromUrl = renderer.RenderUrlAsPdf(url);
using IronPdf;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
// 1. Convert HTML String to PDF
var htmlContent = "<h1>Hello, IronPDF!</h1><p>This is a PDF from an HTML string.</p>";
var pdfFromHtmlString = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(htmlContent);
// 2. Convert HTML File to PDF
var htmlFilePath = "path_to_your_html_file.html"; // Specify the path to your HTML file
var pdfFromHtmlFile = renderer.RenderHtmlFileAsPdf(htmlFilePath);
// 3. Convert URL to PDF
var url = "http://ironpdf.com"; // Specify the URL
var pdfFromUrl = renderer.RenderUrlAsPdf(url);
Imports IronPdf
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
' 1. Convert HTML String to PDF
Dim htmlContent = "<h1>Hello, IronPDF!</h1><p>This is a PDF from an HTML string.</p>"
Dim pdfFromHtmlString = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf(htmlContent)
' 2. Convert HTML File to PDF
Dim htmlFilePath = "path_to_your_html_file.html" ' Specify the path to your HTML file
Dim pdfFromHtmlFile = renderer.RenderHtmlFileAsPdf(htmlFilePath)
' 3. Convert URL to PDF
Dim url = "http://ironpdf.com" ' Specify the URL
Dim pdfFromUrl = renderer.RenderUrlAsPdf(url)
End Sub
End Class
IronPDF 可以使用 NuGet 使用封裝管理器主控台或Visual Studio封裝管理器。
dotnet add package IronPdf
// Or
Install-Package IronPdf
dotnet add package IronPdf
// Or
Install-Package IronPdf
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
'dotnet add package IronPdf Install-Package IronPdf
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Generating PDF using IronPDF.");
var displayFirstName = "<p>First Name is Joe</p>".AsSpan();
var displayLastName = "<p>First Name is Doe</p>".AsSpan();
var displayAddress = "<p>12th Main, 7Th Cross, New York</p>".AsSpan();
var start = @"<!DOCTYPE html>
var end = @"<!DOCTYPE html>
var content = string.Concat(start, displayFirstName, displayLastName, string.Concat(displayAddress, end));
var pdfDocument = new ChromePdfRenderer();
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Generating PDF using IronPDF.");
var displayFirstName = "<p>First Name is Joe</p>".AsSpan();
var displayLastName = "<p>First Name is Doe</p>".AsSpan();
var displayAddress = "<p>12th Main, 7Th Cross, New York</p>".AsSpan();
var start = @"<!DOCTYPE html>
var end = @"<!DOCTYPE html>
var content = string.Concat(start, displayFirstName, displayLastName, string.Concat(displayAddress, end));
var pdfDocument = new ChromePdfRenderer();
Imports System
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Generating PDF using IronPDF.")
Dim displayFirstName = "<p>First Name is Joe</p>".AsSpan()
Dim displayLastName = "<p>First Name is Doe</p>".AsSpan()
Dim displayAddress = "<p>12th Main, 7Th Cross, New York</p>".AsSpan()
Dim start = "<!DOCTYPE html>
Dim [end] = "<!DOCTYPE html>
Dim content = String.Concat(start, displayFirstName, displayLastName, String.Concat(displayAddress, [end]))
Dim pdfDocument = New ChromePdfRenderer()
End Sub
End Class
在這個例子中,我們使用 Span 以及 IronPDF 來生成一個 PDF 文件。
生成的 PDF:
IronPDF這個密鑰需要放置在 appsettings.json。
"IronPdf.LicenseKey": "your license key"
"IronPdf.LicenseKey": "your license key"
'INSTANT VB TODO TASK: The following line uses invalid syntax:
'"IronPdf.LicenseKey": "your license key"