如何在 C&num 中编辑 PDF;

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在 IronPDF 库中,Iron Software 已将许多不同的 PDF 编辑功能简化为易于阅读和理解的方法。无论是添加签名、添加 HTML 页脚、加盖水印还是添加注释。IronPDF 是一款适合您的工具,它能让您拥有可读代码、编程式 PDF 生成、轻松调试以及轻松部署到任何支持的环境或平台。

在编辑 PDF 方面,IronPDF 拥有数不胜数的功能。在本教程文章中,我们将通过代码示例和一些解释来介绍其中的一些主要功能。

通过本文,您将对如何使用 IronPDF 用 C# 编辑 PDF 有一个很好的了解。





使用 IronPDF,在特定索引中添加 PDF、将页面作为一个范围或逐个复制出来,以及从任何 PDF 中删除页面都轻而易举。


var pdf = new PdfDocument("report.pdf");
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
var coverPagePdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf("<h1>Cover Page</h1><hr>");
Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("report.pdf")
Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
Dim coverPagePdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf("<h1>Cover Page</h1><hr>")
VB   C#


var pdf = new PdfDocument("report.pdf");
// Copy pages 5 to 7 and save them as a new document.
pdf.CopyPages(4, 6).SaveAs("report_highlight.pdf");
Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("report.pdf")
' Copy pages 5 to 7 and save them as a new document.
pdf.CopyPages(4, 6).SaveAs("report_highlight.pdf")
VB   C#


var pdf = new PdfDocument("report.pdf");

// Remove the last page from the PDF and save again
pdf.RemovePage(pdf.PageCount - 1);
Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("report.pdf")

' Remove the last page from the PDF and save again
pdf.RemovePage(pdf.PageCount - 1)
VB   C#

合并和拆分 PDF 文件

使用 IronPDF 直观的 API,可轻松实现将 PDF 合并为一个 PDF 或分割现有 PDF。

将多个现有 PDF 文件合并为一个 PDF 文档

var pdfs = new List<PdfDocument>

PdfDocument mergedPdf = PdfDocument.Merge(pdfs);

foreach (var pdf in pdfs)
Dim pdfs = New List(Of PdfDocument) From {PdfDocument.FromFile("A.pdf"), PdfDocument.FromFile("B.pdf"), PdfDocument.FromFile("C.pdf")}

Dim mergedPdf As PdfDocument = PdfDocument.Merge(pdfs)

For Each pdf In pdfs
Next pdf
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要查看代码示例页面上的两个或更多 PDF,请访问 这里.

分割 PDF 文件并提取页面

var pdf = new PdfDocument("sample.pdf");

// Take the first page
var pdf_page1 = pdf.CopyPage(0);

// Take the pages 2 & 3
var pdf_page2_3 = pdf.CopyPages(1, 2);
Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("sample.pdf")

' Take the first page
Dim pdf_page1 = pdf.CopyPage(0)

' Take the pages 2 & 3
Dim pdf_page2_3 = pdf.CopyPages(1, 2)
VB   C#

要查看代码示例页面中的拆分和提取页面,请访问 这里.


添加和使用 PDF 元数据

您可以轻松使用 IronPDF 浏览和编辑 PDF 元数据:

// Open an Encrypted File, alternatively create a new PDF from Html
var pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("encrypted.pdf", "password");

// Edit file metadata
pdf.MetaData.Author = "Satoshi Nakamoto";
pdf.MetaData.Keywords = "SEO, Friendly";
pdf.MetaData.ModifiedDate = System.DateTime.Now;

// Edit file security settings
// The following code makes a PDF read only and will disallow copy & paste and printing
pdf.SecuritySettings.AllowUserAnnotations = false;
pdf.SecuritySettings.AllowUserCopyPasteContent = false;
pdf.SecuritySettings.AllowUserFormData = false;
pdf.SecuritySettings.AllowUserPrinting = IronPdf.Security.PdfPrintSecurity.FullPrintRights;

// Change or set the document encryption password
pdf.SecuritySettings.OwnerPassword = "top-secret"; // password to edit the pdf
pdf.SecuritySettings.UserPassword = "shareable";  // password to open the pdf
Imports System

' Open an Encrypted File, alternatively create a new PDF from Html
Dim pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("encrypted.pdf", "password")

' Edit file metadata
pdf.MetaData.Author = "Satoshi Nakamoto"
pdf.MetaData.Keywords = "SEO, Friendly"
pdf.MetaData.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now

' Edit file security settings
' The following code makes a PDF read only and will disallow copy & paste and printing
pdf.SecuritySettings.AllowUserAnnotations = False
pdf.SecuritySettings.AllowUserCopyPasteContent = False
pdf.SecuritySettings.AllowUserFormData = False
pdf.SecuritySettings.AllowUserPrinting = IronPdf.Security.PdfPrintSecurity.FullPrintRights

' Change or set the document encryption password
pdf.SecuritySettings.OwnerPassword = "top-secret" ' password to edit the pdf
pdf.SecuritySettings.UserPassword = "shareable" ' password to open the pdf
VB   C#


IronPDF 具有使用 .pfx 和 .p12 X509Certificate2 数字证书对新的或现有 PDF 文件进行数字签名的选项。

一旦对 PDF 文件进行了签名,在未验证证书的情况下就不能对其进行修改。这就确保了真实性。

要使用 Adobe Reader 免费生成签名证书,请阅读 https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/digital-ids.html

除加密签名外,手写签名图像或公司印章图像也可用于使用 IronPDF 签名。

只需一行代码即可对现有 PDF 进行加密签名!

using IronPdf;
using IronPdf.Signing;

new IronPdf.Signing.PdfSignature("Iron.p12", "123456").SignPdfFile("any.pdf");
Imports IronPdf
Imports IronPdf.Signing

Call (New IronPdf.Signing.PdfSignature("Iron.p12", "123456")).SignPdfFile("any.pdf")
VB   C#


using IronPdf;

// Step 1. Create a PDF
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
var doc = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf("<h1>Testing 2048 bit digital security</h1>");

// Step 2. Create a Signature.
// You may create a .pfx or .p12 PDF signing certificate using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
// Read: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/digital-ids.html
var signature = new IronPdf.Signing.PdfSignature("Iron.pfx", "123456")
    // Step 3. Optional signing options and a handwritten signature graphic
    SigningContact = "support@ironsoftware.com",
    SigningLocation = "Chicago, USA",
    SigningReason = "To show how to sign a PDF"

//Step 4. Sign the PDF with the PdfSignature. Multiple signing certificates may be used

//Step 5. The PDF is not signed until saved to file, steam or byte array.
Imports IronPdf

' Step 1. Create a PDF
Private renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
Private doc = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf("<h1>Testing 2048 bit digital security</h1>")

' Step 2. Create a Signature.
' You may create a .pfx or .p12 PDF signing certificate using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
' Read: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/digital-ids.html
Private signature = New IronPdf.Signing.PdfSignature("Iron.pfx", "123456") With {
	.SigningContact = "support@ironsoftware.com",
	.SigningLocation = "Chicago, USA",
	.SigningReason = "To show how to sign a PDF"

'Step 4. Sign the PDF with the PdfSignature. Multiple signing certificates may be used

'Step 5. The PDF is not signed until saved to file, steam or byte array.
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PDF 附件

IronPDF 完全支持在 PDF 文档中添加和删除附件。

var Renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
var myPdf = Renderer.RenderHtmlFileAsPdf("my-content.html");

// Here we can add an attachment with a name and byte[]
var attachment1 = myPdf.Attachments.AddAttachment("attachment_1", example_attachment);

// And here is an example of removing an attachment

Dim Renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
Dim myPdf = Renderer.RenderHtmlFileAsPdf("my-content.html")

' Here we can add an attachment with a name and byte[]
Dim attachment1 = myPdf.Attachments.AddAttachment("attachment_1", example_attachment)

' And here is an example of removing an attachment

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压缩 PDF

IronPDF 支持压缩 PDF。减少PDF文件大小的方法之一是减少PdfDocument中嵌入图像的大小。在 IronPDF 中,我们可以调用 CompressImages 方法。

按照调整 JPEG 大小的工作原理,100% 的质量几乎没有损失,而 1% 的质量则是非常低的输出图像。一般来说,90% 及以上为高质量,80%-90% 为中等质量,70%-80% 为低质量。降低到70%以下会产生低质量的图像,但这样做可能会大大减小PdfDocument的总文件大小。


var pdf = new PdfDocument("document.pdf");

// Quality parameter can be 1-100, where 100 is 100% of original quality
Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("document.pdf")

' Quality parameter can be 1-100, where 100 is 100% of original quality
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第二个可选参数可以根据 PDF 文档中的可见尺寸缩减图像分辨率。请注意,这可能会导致某些图像配置失真:

var pdf = new PdfDocument("document.pdf");

pdf.CompressImages(90, true);
Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("document.pdf")

pdf.CompressImages(90, True)
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编辑 PDF 内容


您可以轻松地为 PDF 添加页眉和页脚。IronPDF 有两种不同的 "页眉页脚",即 "TextHeaderFooter "和 "HtmlHeaderFooter"。TextHeaderFooter 更适用于只有文本的页眉和页脚,而且可能需要使用合并字段,如""{页码} 的 {总页数}"`.HtmlHeaderFooter 是一款先进的页眉和页脚工具,可在其中使用任何 HTML 并格式化整齐。

HTML 页眉和页脚

HTML 页眉和页脚将使用您的 HTML 渲染版本作为 PDF 文档的页眉或页脚,实现完美的像素布局。

var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();

// Build a footer using html to style the text
// mergeable fields are:
// {page} {total-pages} {url} {date} {time} {html-title} & {pdf-title}
renderer.RenderingOptions.HtmlFooter = new HtmlHeaderFooter()
    MaxHeight = 15, //millimeters
    HtmlFragment = "<center><i>{page} of {total-pages}<i></center>",
    DrawDividerLine = true

// Build a header using an image asset
// Note the use of BaseUrl to set a relative path to the assets
renderer.RenderingOptions.HtmlHeader = new HtmlHeaderFooter()
    MaxHeight = 20, //millimeters
    HtmlFragment = "<img src='logo.png'>",
    BaseUrl = new System.Uri(@"C:\assets\images").AbsoluteUri
Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()

' Build a footer using html to style the text
' mergeable fields are:
' {page} {total-pages} {url} {date} {time} {html-title} & {pdf-title}
renderer.RenderingOptions.HtmlFooter = New HtmlHeaderFooter() With {
	.MaxHeight = 15,
	.HtmlFragment = "<center><i>{page} of {total-pages}<i></center>",
	.DrawDividerLine = True

' Build a header using an image asset
' Note the use of BaseUrl to set a relative path to the assets
renderer.RenderingOptions.HtmlHeader = New HtmlHeaderFooter() With {
	.MaxHeight = 20,
	.HtmlFragment = "<img src='logo.png'>",
	.BaseUrl = (New System.Uri("C:\assets\images")).AbsoluteUri
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有关包含多个使用案例的完整深入示例,请参阅以下教程: 这里.


基本的页眉和页脚是 TextHeaderFooter,请参见下面的示例。

var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer
    RenderingOptions =
        FirstPageNumber = 1, // use 2 if a cover-page  will be appended

        // Add a header to every page easily:
        TextHeader =
            DrawDividerLine = true,
            CenterText = "{url}",
            Font = IronSoftware.Drawing.FontTypes.Helvetica,
            FontSize = 12

        // Add a footer too:
        TextFooter =
            DrawDividerLine = true,
            Font = IronSoftware.Drawing.FontTypes.Arial,
            FontSize = 10,
            LeftText = "{date} {time}",
            RightText = "{page} of {total-pages}"
Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer With {
	.RenderingOptions = {
		FirstPageNumber = 1, TextHeader = {
			DrawDividerLine = True,
			CenterText = "{url}",
			Font = IronSoftware.Drawing.FontTypes.Helvetica,
			FontSize = 12
		TextFooter = {
			DrawDividerLine = True,
			Font = IronSoftware.Drawing.FontTypes.Arial,
			FontSize = 10,
			LeftText = "{date} {time}",
			RightText = "{page} of {total-pages}"
VB   C#

我们还有以下合并字段,这些字段的值将在渲染时被替换: .{页码}, {总页数}, {网址}, {日期}, {时间}, {html-title}, {pdf标题}

查找并替换 PDF 中的文本

在 PDF 文件中创建占位符,并以编程方式替换它们,或者使用我们的 ReplaceTextOnPage 方法替换文本短语的所有实例。

// Using an existing PDF
var pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("sample.pdf");

// Parameters
int pageIndex = 1;
string oldText = ".NET 6"; // Old text to remove
string newText = ".NET 7"; // New text to add

// Replace Text on Page
pdf.ReplaceTextOnPage(pageIndex, oldText, newText);

// Placeholder Template Example
pdf.ReplaceTextOnPage(pageIndex, "[DATE]", "01/01/2000");

// Save your new PDF
' Using an existing PDF
Dim pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("sample.pdf")

' Parameters
Dim pageIndex As Integer = 1
Dim oldText As String = ".NET 6" ' Old text to remove
Dim newText As String = ".NET 7" ' New text to add

' Replace Text on Page
pdf.ReplaceTextOnPage(pageIndex, oldText, newText)

' Placeholder Template Example
pdf.ReplaceTextOnPage(pageIndex, "[DATE]", "01/01/2000")

' Save your new PDF
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要查看代码示例页面上的查找和替换文本示例,请访问 这里


大纲或 "书签 "为浏览 PDF 关键页面提供了一种方法。在 Adobe Acrobat Reader 中,这些书签 (可嵌套) 显示在应用程序的左侧边栏中。IronPDF 会自动从 PDF 文档中导入现有书签,并允许添加、编辑和嵌套更多书签。

// Create a new PDF or edit an existing document.
PdfDocument pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("existing.pdf");

// Add bookmark
pdf.Bookmarks.AddBookMarkAtEnd("Author's Note", 2);
pdf.Bookmarks.AddBookMarkAtEnd("Table of Contents", 3);

// Store new bookmark in a variable to add nested bookmarks to
var summaryBookmark = pdf.Bookmarks.AddBookMarkAtEnd("Summary", 17);

// Add a sub-bookmark within the summary
var conclusionBookmark = summaryBookmark.Children.AddBookMarkAtStart("Conclusion", 18);

// Add another bookmark to end of highest-level bookmark list
pdf.Bookmarks.AddBookMarkAtEnd("References", 20);

' Create a new PDF or edit an existing document.
Dim pdf As PdfDocument = PdfDocument.FromFile("existing.pdf")

' Add bookmark
pdf.Bookmarks.AddBookMarkAtEnd("Author's Note", 2)
pdf.Bookmarks.AddBookMarkAtEnd("Table of Contents", 3)

' Store new bookmark in a variable to add nested bookmarks to
Dim summaryBookmark = pdf.Bookmarks.AddBookMarkAtEnd("Summary", 17)

' Add a sub-bookmark within the summary
Dim conclusionBookmark = summaryBookmark.Children.AddBookMarkAtStart("Conclusion", 18)

' Add another bookmark to end of highest-level bookmark list
pdf.Bookmarks.AddBookMarkAtEnd("References", 20)

VB   C#

要查看代码示例页面上的大纲和书签示例,请访问 这里.


IronPDF 拥有大量自定义 PDF 注释的功能。请参阅以下示例,了解其功能:

// create a new PDF or load and edit an existing document.
var pdf = PdfDocument.FromFile("existing.pdf");

// Create a PDF annotation object
var textAnnotation = new IronPdf.Annotations.TextAnnotation(PageIndex: 0)
    Title = "This is the major title",
    Contents = "This is the long 'sticky note' comment content...",
    Subject = "This is a subtitle",
    Icon = IronPdf.Annotations.TextAnnotation.AnnotationIcon.Help,
    Opacity = 0.9,
    Printable = false,
    Hidden = false,
    OpenByDefault = true,
    ReadOnly = false,
    Rotatable = true,

// Add the annotation "sticky note" to a specific page and location within any new or existing PDF.

IRON VB CONVERTER ERROR developers@ironsoftware.com
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PDF 注释允许在 PDF 页面添加类似 "便笺 "的注释。文本注释 "类允许以编程方式添加注释。支持的高级文本注释功能包括大小、不透明度、图标和编辑。


使用 IronPDF,我们可以轻松合并 2 个 PDF 文件,将其中一个作为背景或前景:

var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
var pdf = renderer.RenderUrlAsPdf("https://www.nuget.org/packages/IronPdf");
pdf.AddForegroundOverlayPdfToPage(0, @"MyForeground.pdf", 0);
Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
Dim pdf = renderer.RenderUrlAsPdf("https://www.nuget.org/packages/IronPdf")
pdf.AddForegroundOverlayPdfToPage(0, "MyForeground.pdf", 0)
VB   C#


制作图章和水印是任何 PDF 编辑器的基本功能。IronPDF 拥有令人惊叹的 API,可用于创建各种图章,如图像图章和 HTML 图章。所有这些都可以使用对齐和偏移进行高度自定义定位,点击此处即可查看:


Stamper 抽象类

Stamper "抽象类用作所有 IronPDF 冲压方法的参数。


  • 为文本盖章的TextStamper文本示例
  • 为图像盖章的 "ImageStamper 图片示例
  • HtmlStamper "可对 HTML 进行标记 HTML 示例
  • 用于在条形码上加盖戳记的 "BarcodeStamper"(条形码戳记器)。 条形码示例
  • 用于在 QR 代码上加盖戳记的 "BarcodeStamper"(条形码戳记器)。 QR 码示例
  • 有关水印,请参阅 这里.

要应用其中任何一个,请使用我们的 `ApplyStamp()方法。参见: 本教程的 "应用印章 "部分.

Stamper 类属性

abstract class Stamper

└─── int : Opacity
└─── int : Rotation

└─── double : Scale

└─── Length : HorizontalOffset
└─── Length : VerticalOffset

└─── Length : MinWidth
└─── Length : MaxWidth

└─── Length : MinHeight
└─── Length : MaxHeight

└─── string : Hyperlink

└─── bool : IsStampBehindContent (default : false)

└─── HorizontalAlignment : HorizontalAlignment
│   │   Left
│   │   Center (default)
│   │   Right
└─── VerticalAlignment : VerticalAlignment
    │   Top
    │   Middle (default)
    │   Bottom


下面我们通过代码示例展示 Stamper 的每个子类。

在 PDF 上加盖文本印记


var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
var pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf("<h1>Example HTML Document!</h1>");

TextStamper stamper1 = new TextStamper
    Text = "Hello World! Stamp One Here!",
    FontFamily = "Bungee Spice",
    UseGoogleFont = true,
    FontSize = 100,
    IsBold = true,
    IsItalic = true,
    VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top

TextStamper stamper2 = new TextStamper()
    Text = "Hello World! Stamp Two Here!",
    FontFamily = "Bungee Spice",
    UseGoogleFont = true,
    FontSize = 30,
    VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom

Stamper[] stampersToApply = { stamper1, stamper2 };
Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
Dim pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf("<h1>Example HTML Document!</h1>")

Dim stamper1 As New TextStamper With {
	.Text = "Hello World! Stamp One Here!",
	.FontFamily = "Bungee Spice",
	.UseGoogleFont = True,
	.FontSize = 100,
	.IsBold = True,
	.IsItalic = True,
	.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top

Dim stamper2 As New TextStamper() With {
	.Text = "Hello World! Stamp Two Here!",
	.FontFamily = "Bungee Spice",
	.UseGoogleFont = True,
	.FontSize = 30,
	.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom

Dim stampersToApply() As Stamper = { stamper1, stamper2 }
VB   C#

将图像印到 PDF 上

在现有 PDF 文档的不同页面组合上应用图像印记:

var pdf = new PdfDocument("/attachments/2022_Q1_sales.pdf");

ImageStamper logoImageStamper = new ImageStamper("/assets/logo.png");

// Apply to every page, one page, or some pages
pdf.ApplyStamp(logoImageStamper, 0);
pdf.ApplyStamp(logoImageStamper, new[] { 0, 3, 11 });
Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("/attachments/2022_Q1_sales.pdf")

Dim logoImageStamper As New ImageStamper("/assets/logo.png")

' Apply to every page, one page, or some pages
pdf.ApplyStamp(logoImageStamper, 0)
pdf.ApplyStamp(logoImageStamper, { 0, 3, 11 })
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在 PDF 上加印 HTML

编写自己的 HTML 作为图章:

var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
var pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf("<p>Hello World, example HTML body.</p>");

HtmlStamper stamper = new HtmlStamper($"<p>Example HTML Stamped</p><div style='width:250pt;height:250pt;background-color:red;'></div>")
    HorizontalOffset = new Length(-3, MeasurementUnit.Inch),
    VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom

Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
Dim pdf = renderer.RenderHtmlAsPdf("<p>Hello World, example HTML body.</p>")

Dim stamper As New HtmlStamper($"<p>Example HTML Stamped</p><div style='width:250pt;height:250pt;background-color:red;'></div>")
If True Then
'INSTANT VB WARNING: An assignment within expression was extracted from the following statement:
'ORIGINAL LINE: HorizontalOffset = new Length(-3, MeasurementUnit.Inch), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom
	New Length(-3, MeasurementUnit.Inch), VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom
	HorizontalOffset = New Length(-3, MeasurementUnit.Inch), VerticalAlignment
End If

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在 PDF 上加印条形码


BarcodeStamper bcStamp = new BarcodeStamper("IronPDF", BarcodeEncoding.Code39);

bcStamp.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
bcStamp.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;

var pdf = new PdfDocument("example.pdf");
Dim bcStamp As New BarcodeStamper("IronPDF", BarcodeEncoding.Code39)

bcStamp.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
bcStamp.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom

Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("example.pdf")
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在 PDF 上加印 QR 码

创建并加印 QR 码的示例:

BarcodeStamper qrStamp = new BarcodeStamper("IronPDF", BarcodeEncoding.QRCode);

qrStamp.Height = 50; // pixels
qrStamp.Width = 50; // pixels

qrStamp.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
qrStamp.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;

var pdf = new PdfDocument("example.pdf");
Dim qrStamp As New BarcodeStamper("IronPDF", BarcodeEncoding.QRCode)

qrStamp.Height = 50 ' pixels
qrStamp.Width = 50 ' pixels

qrStamp.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left
qrStamp.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom

Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("example.pdf")
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为 PDF 添加水印

水印是每一页的一种印记,可使用 "ApplyWatermark "方法轻松应用:

var pdf = new PdfDocument("/attachments/design.pdf");
string html = "<h1> Example Title <h1/>";
int rotation = 0;
int watermarkOpacity = 30;

pdf.ApplyWatermark(html, rotation, watermarkOpacity);
Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("/attachments/design.pdf")
Dim html As String = "<h1> Example Title <h1/>"
Dim rotation As Integer = 0
Dim watermarkOpacity As Integer = 30

pdf.ApplyWatermark(html, rotation, watermarkOpacity)
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要查看代码示例页面上的水印示例,请访问 这里.

在 PDF 上应用印章

ApplyStamp 方法有几种重载,可用于在 PDF 上应用印章。

var pdf = new PdfDocument("/assets/example.pdf");

// Apply one stamp to all pages

// Apply one stamp to a specific page
pdf.ApplyStamp(myStamper, 0);

// Apply one stamp to specific pages
pdf.ApplyStamp(myStamper, new[] { 0, 3, 5 });

// Apply a stamp array to all pages

// Apply a stamp array to a specific page
pdf.ApplyMultipleStamps(stampArray, 0);

// Apply a stamp array to specific pages
pdf.ApplyMultipleStamps(stampArray, new[] { 0, 3, 5 });

// And some Async versions of the above
await pdf.ApplyStampAsync(myStamper, 4);
await pdf.ApplyMultipleStampsAsync(stampArray);

// Additional Watermark apply method
string html = "<h1> Example Title <h1/>";
int rotation = 0;
int watermarkOpacity = 30;
pdf.ApplyWatermark(html, rotation, watermarkOpacity);
Dim pdf = New PdfDocument("/assets/example.pdf")

' Apply one stamp to all pages

' Apply one stamp to a specific page
pdf.ApplyStamp(myStamper, 0)

' Apply one stamp to specific pages
pdf.ApplyStamp(myStamper, { 0, 3, 5 })

' Apply a stamp array to all pages

' Apply a stamp array to a specific page
pdf.ApplyMultipleStamps(stampArray, 0)

' Apply a stamp array to specific pages
pdf.ApplyMultipleStamps(stampArray, { 0, 3, 5 })

' And some Async versions of the above
Await pdf.ApplyStampAsync(myStamper, 4)
Await pdf.ApplyMultipleStampsAsync(stampArray)

' Additional Watermark apply method
Dim html As String = "<h1> Example Title <h1/>"
Dim rotation As Integer = 0
Dim watermarkOpacity As Integer = 30
pdf.ApplyWatermark(html, rotation, watermarkOpacity)
VB   C#


Length 类有两个属性:单位 "和 "值"。从 MeasurementUnit 枚举中决定使用哪个单位后 (默认为页面的 `百分比)然后选择 "值",以决定使用基本单位倍数的长度量。


class Length

└─── double : Value (default : 0)

└─── MeasurementUnit : Unit




   Percentage (default)





new Length(value: 5, unit: MeasurementUnit.Inch); // 5 inches

new Length(value: 25, unit: MeasurementUnit.Pixel);// 25px

new Length(); // 0% of the page dimension because value is defaulted to zero and unit is defaulted to percentage

new Length(value: 20); // 20% of the page dimension
Dim tempVar As New Length(value:= 5, unit:= MeasurementUnit.Inch) ' 5 inches

Dim tempVar2 As New Length(value:= 25, unit:= MeasurementUnit.Pixel) ' 25px

Dim tempVar3 As New Length() ' 0% of the page dimension because value is defaulted to zero and unit is defaulted to percentage

Dim tempVar4 As New Length(value:= 20) ' 20% of the page dimension
VB   C#


HtmlStamper logoStamper = new HtmlStamper
    VerticalOffset = new Length(15, MeasurementUnit.Percentage),
    HorizontalOffset = new Length(1, MeasurementUnit.Inch)
    // set other properties...
Dim logoStamper As New HtmlStamper With {
	.VerticalOffset = New Length(15, MeasurementUnit.Percentage),
	.HorizontalOffset = New Length(1, MeasurementUnit.Inch)
VB   C#

在 PDF 文件中使用表单


使用 IronPDF 创建内嵌表单字段的 PDF:

// Step 1.  Creating a PDF with editable forms from HTML using form and input tags
const string formHtml = @"
            <h2>Editable PDF  Form</h2>
              First name: <br> <input type='text' name='firstname' value=''> <br>
              Last name: <br> <input type='text' name='lastname' value=''>

// Instantiate Renderer
var renderer = new ChromePdfRenderer();
renderer.RenderingOptions.CreatePdfFormsFromHtml = true;

// Step 2. Reading and Writing PDF form values.
var formDocument = PdfDocument.FromFile("BasicForm.pdf");

// Read the value of the "firstname" field
var firstNameField = formDocument.Form.FindFormField("firstname");

// Read the value of the "lastname" field
var lastNameField = formDocument.Form.FindFormField("lastname");
' Step 1.  Creating a PDF with editable forms from HTML using form and input tags
Const formHtml As String = "
            <h2>Editable PDF  Form</h2>
              First name: <br> <input type='text' name='firstname' value=''> <br>
              Last name: <br> <input type='text' name='lastname' value=''>

' Instantiate Renderer
Dim renderer = New ChromePdfRenderer()
renderer.RenderingOptions.CreatePdfFormsFromHtml = True

' Step 2. Reading and Writing PDF form values.
Dim formDocument = PdfDocument.FromFile("BasicForm.pdf")

' Read the value of the "firstname" field
Dim firstNameField = formDocument.Form.FindFormField("firstname")

' Read the value of the "lastname" field
Dim lastNameField = formDocument.Form.FindFormField("lastname")
VB   C#

要查看代码示例页面上的 PDF 表单示例,请访问 这里.


使用 IronPDF,您可以轻松访问 PDF 中的所有现有表单字段,并在重新保存时填写它们:

var formDocument = PdfDocument.FromFile("BasicForm.pdf");

// Set and Read the value of the "firstname" field
var firstNameField = formDocument.Form.FindFormField("firstname");
firstNameField.Value = "Minnie";
Console.WriteLine("FirstNameField value: {0}", firstNameField.Value);

// Set and Read the value of the "lastname" field
var lastNameField = formDocument.Form.FindFormField("lastname");
lastNameField.Value = "Mouse";
Console.WriteLine("LastNameField value: {0}", lastNameField.Value);

Dim formDocument = PdfDocument.FromFile("BasicForm.pdf")

' Set and Read the value of the "firstname" field
Dim firstNameField = formDocument.Form.FindFormField("firstname")
firstNameField.Value = "Minnie"
Console.WriteLine("FirstNameField value: {0}", firstNameField.Value)

' Set and Read the value of the "lastname" field
Dim lastNameField = formDocument.Form.FindFormField("lastname")
lastNameField.Value = "Mouse"
Console.WriteLine("LastNameField value: {0}", lastNameField.Value)

VB   C#

要查看代码示例页面上的 PDF 表单示例,请访问 这里.


上述例子表明,IronPDF 在编辑 PDF 时具有开箱即用的关键功能。

如果您想提出功能请求,或有任何关于 IronPDF 或许可的一般问题,请 联系我们的支持团队.我们将非常乐意为您提供帮助。