IronPDF Software Credits
Beyond our own C# development team, there are many to thank for the success of this .NET package.
Our first tribute is to NuGet for providing a package manager for C# / .NET developers, which was sorely needed. We salute you.
We also wish to give great thanks to everyone involved in the .NET Core project. Crossing the platform barrier makes our lives as developers and sysadmins easier as we can finally code once and deploy anywhere.
Another warm hand to the Visual Studio IDE development team (possibly the best IDE ever created since Borland Delphi 7). We appreciate Microsoft's free community licenses which have made C# a new standard in academic software engineering, and the renewed support for Linux, BSD, and macOS shown with .NET Core and Microsoft's continued support of Xamarin.
Community Projects
This software project is a cohesive solution to the functional issues users face when using PDF files in .Net.
To achieve the best end result at a reasonable cost to developers, our team ethically joins and makes use of community code projects wherever they give the best and most stable results. Each library is licensed fairly, as described in the linked project hubs below. Each and every community project is consistent with commercial use.
There is no need to install any additional software; everything you need to run this library is included in our download & nuget packages. All code is generally compiled into our software in such a way to avoid 'DLL Hell' and make installation easy for those teams who prefer not to use NuGet package manager.
Most often, we use community software projects 'as is'. Occasionally, we might find significant improvements to any of these community projects. We are glad to share our findings, specifically when those improvements may benefit other users.
Community C++ Projects
We love C++ here at Iron Software. We are always amazed how much a little C++ code can add so much power to a .NET project.
We use and contribute as best we can to the following amazing software projects in a way which is completely compatible with commercial software distributions. Parts of these codebases are compiled into IronPDF to give the best HtmlToPDF and PDF editing API we can possibly offer.
We stand on the shoulders of Giants.
In particular, we are grateful to Google / Alphabet Group for the millions of dollars and tens of thousands of engineer hours spent standardizing HTML & CSS interpretation and PDF document object models.
- Chromium Embedded Framework
- Google Blink! HTML DOM & Renderer
- PDFium for PDF Processing
- CEF Documentation
- Protobuf Serialization Protocol
Community .NET Projects and NuGet Packages
Although it may have become commonplace for software publishers to overlook the use of liberally licensed source code in commercial software, we take the stance that transparency is the best policy: We have used the following software libraries in the development of this project, either as source, binary, proof of concept, or inspiration.
- IronSoftware System.Drawing
- System.Xml.XPath Package
- System.Xml.ReaderWriter Package
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions Package
- System.Threading Package
- System.Text.RegularExpressions Package
- System.Security.Principal.Windows Package
- System.Security.Permissions Package
- System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData Package
- System.Security.AccessControl Package
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe Package
- System.Numerics.Vectors Package
- System.Memory Package
- System.Linq Package
- System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives Package
- System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager Package
- System.Buffers Package
- Newtonsoft.Json Package
- NativeLibraryLoader Project
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives Package
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing Package
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical Package
- Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions Package
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json Package
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions Package
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder Package
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions Package
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration Package
- LibPdfium Project
- HtmlAgilityPack Package
- DotNetZip Package
- BouncyCastle.Crypto Package
- PdfToSvg.NET Project
- BitMiracle.LibTiff Package