Updated October 20, 2024

Resolving PDFium Dependency Errors

The Google PDFIUM is an essential component of IronPDF's core code, utilized for various functions related to PDF editing and the conversion of PDF documents to images. If the PDFIUM binary is missing from the project folder, the following error will be thrown during runtime.

Unhandled exception. IronSoftware.Exceptions.IronSoftwareDeploymentException: Error while deploying Pdfium for IronPdf: 'Unable to locate 'IronPdfInterop'

Installing IronPdf.Native.PdfModel package into the project will usually remedy the issue.

On Windows, it is also a good idea to ensure the target operating system has Visual C++ Runtimes installed.

What to do if that does not solve it?

If that does not fix the issue, we are here to assist. Compatibility is a high priority to our engineering team. Please send an email bug report to support@ironsoftware.com. All compatibility issues will be seriously reviewed by a senior engineer.

Be sure to let us know about the operating system / platform being deployed to, especially if it is a cloud platform like AWS or Azure.

How to Enable Native Logging in IronPDF

Attaching Log Files to a bug report more than doubles the probability that we can isolate the issue and solve it rapidly.

Place this at the top of your code, prior to running any IronPDF methods (all versions after 2021.3.1).

IronPdf.Logging.Logger.EnableDebugging = true;

IronPdf.Logging.Logger.LogFilePath = "Default.log"; //May be set to a directory name or full file

IronPdf.Logging.Logger.LoggingMode = IronPdf.Logging.Logger.LoggingModes.All;

Log files created by IronPDF are found in the /bin directory of your project where your DLLs are deployed:

  • default.log (Deployment process)
  • cef.log (Rendering)
  • IronSoftwareCefSubprocess.log. (Rendering & Threading)
  • IronSoftwareEngine.log (Useful for debugging exceptions beginning with "Error generating PDF from..." )

Cloud Servers often have specific locations for log files. We have guides for generating log files in Azure and AWS.