Updated October 20, 2024

Managing Metadata Visibility in PDFs

What is visible in the MetaData categories?

MetaData is visible to anyone able to open a PDF.

These include the following items:

Pdf.MetaData.Author = "John Doe";
Pdf.MetaData.Keywords = "Key, Word";
Pdf.MetaData.CreationDate = DateTime.Today;
Pdf.MetaData.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
Pdf.MetaData.CustomProperties.Add("Test", "val");
Pdf.MetaData.Producer = "test";
Pdf.MetaData.Subject = "test metadata";
Pdf.MetaData.Title = "test";
Pdf.MetaData.Creator = "test";

Pdf.SecuritySettings.UserPassword = "ironuser";
Pdf.SecuritySettings.OwnerPassword = "ironowner";
Pdf.MetaData.Author = "John Doe";
Pdf.MetaData.Keywords = "Key, Word";
Pdf.MetaData.CreationDate = DateTime.Today;
Pdf.MetaData.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
Pdf.MetaData.CustomProperties.Add("Test", "val");
Pdf.MetaData.Producer = "test";
Pdf.MetaData.Subject = "test metadata";
Pdf.MetaData.Title = "test";
Pdf.MetaData.Creator = "test";

Pdf.SecuritySettings.UserPassword = "ironuser";
Pdf.SecuritySettings.OwnerPassword = "ironowner";
  • When only an Owner Password is set, users have full access to the PDF metadata, including the ability to view and modify all document properties.
  • When only a User Password is set, the PDF can be opened only by those with the password. Users can view the metadata properties, but modifying the metadata is restricted.

Please note
Adobe Acrobat Pro permits users to edit PDF metadata by providing the UserPassword, if it is set. In contrast, other PDF viewers like Foxit require users to provide the OwnerPassword to edit the PDF metadata, in addition to the UserPassword for opening and viewing the PDF.