Updated February 18, 2025

Using IronPDF for .NET on Windows

IronPDF supports Windows 10, 11 and Windows Server for .NET 8, 7, 6, Core, .NET Standard, and .NET Framework.

Important Notes about Windows Server

We support Windows Server 2022 and 2016 both in Desktop Experience and Core variants, while only supporting 2019 and 2012 in the Desktop Experience version.

Windows Server 2022 & 2016

  • Windows Server 2022 & 2016 with a UI ("Desktop experience")
  • Windows Server 2022 & 2016 command-line only ("Core").

Windows Server 2019 & 2012

  • Windows Server 2019 & 2012 with a UI ("Desktop experience")
  • Windows Server 2019 & 2012 command-line only ("Core").

IronPDF version 2023.3.2 - 2024.2.2 are not compatible with Window Server 2012.

We are making an effort to support the Core and Nano versions of Windows Server. There isn't an issue with the operating system architecture that is blocking our support. It is likely due to the media/graphics DLLs that Chromium (Chrome Renderer) requires to render HTML to PDF, which are present in the "Desktop" version of Windows Server but missing from the stripped-down version.

Furthermore, since Windows Nano Server is a stripped-down version of Windows Server Core, once we fully support Windows Server Core, we will look into supporting Windows Nano Server.

Windows Nano Server / Servercore in .Net6 do not support System.Drawing https://ironpdf.com/troubleshooting/libcef-dll-203/

If your version of Windows is not supported, consider using IronPDF in Engine Mode

Please note
What's the difference between Native & Engine?
IronPDF has some performance-intensive functions that you may choose to run remotely. While IronPDF does not require IronPdfEngine to run, setting up IronPdfEngine as a remote service is an optional way to avoid platform-specific Chrome compatibility issues on older operating systems and mobile environments.

How does using Engine change the way I code with IronPDF?
This will allow you to use old version of Windows such as Windows Server 2012.

When using the Engine configuration, we recommend installing IronPdf.Slim instead of the full IronPdf package from NuGet, as the Engine manages all the extra bulk included in the Native package.

PM> Install-Package IronPdf.Slim

After installing IronPdf.Slim, configure the connection settings by pointing IronPDF to your IronPdfEngine instance. Add the following code at the startup of your application (or before calling any IronPDF method):

// Assuming that IronPdfEngine runs
// remotely at 123.456.7.8:33350.
Installation.ConnectToIronPdfHost( IronPdf.GrpcLayer.IronPdfConnectionConfiguration.RemoteServer("123.456.7.8:33350"));
// Assuming that IronPdfEngine runs
// remotely at 123.456.7.8:33350.
Installation.ConnectToIronPdfHost( IronPdf.GrpcLayer.IronPdfConnectionConfiguration.RemoteServer("123.456.7.8:33350"));

Windows Server Standard & DataCenter

Based on the differences highlighted in Microsoft documentation "Comparison of Standard and Datacenter editions of Windows Server 2016", Windows Server DataCenter contains all the components of Windows Server Standard, along with additional storage enhancement components. IronPdf would also work on Windows Server DataCenter Desktop Experience.

Windows Specific Install


The main IronPdf NuGet package depend on IronPdf.Native.Chrome.Windows, which contains the Chrome binary for both x86 and x64 architectures.

  • The IronPdf package support x86 and x46 Windows architectures.

If targeting a specific target runtime, you can delete the /runtimes folder not in use (either x86 or x64).

DLL Download

For offline usage, you can download the DLL and add a reference to your project.


We also provide an installer for Windows. In Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click on Dependencies and select Add Project Reference. Then, click Browse and include all the DLL files extracted from the installer.

Hardware Specification

IronPDF uses Chromium to render HTML to PDF. The Chromium engine renders PDFs with pixel-perfect to Chrome's print feature. The hardware specifications are primarily for running the Chromium engine, which takes most of the computing power.

  • Minimum : 1 Cores & 1.75 GB of RAM
  • Recommended : 2 Cores & 8 GB of RAM or above