Rendering Charts in PDFs

Some documents, such as mathematical or statistical analysis documents, require graphs to be displayed. These sorts of documents can be rendered with IronPDF. IronPDF has full support for JavaScript in HTML to PDF rendering - including support for canvas and chart rendering.

IronPdf.ChromePdfRenderer feature takes canvas and chart rendering to another level by including support for 3D charts and polygons.

This example shows you how to render charts, canvases, and 3D objects in PDF.

Some supported charts include:

  • C3.js
  • D3.js
  • Highcharts

In addition to the aforementioned types, IronPDF Pixel-Perfect Chrome rendering with full JavaScript compatibility combines to make this a powerful feature for rendering charts and graph-intensive documents.

HTML to PDF output options for ChromePdfRenderer specifies options such as Paper-Size, DPI, Headers and Footers, and other Chromium-specific browser setup options.

Added support for WebGL makes this feature even more powerful as it allows for swift and easy rendering of 3D charts and 3D polygon documents.